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My Motorcycle Is Now An Embassy Vehicle!


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Just a quick funny story. I was on Sukhumvit in BKK heading towards On Nut, just where the motorway entrance and exit is between Witthayu and Nana. You know, the bus lane only, right? Well, I figure I would zip through on my bike, but I got caught behind a big bus that I couldn't get around, and I was about 2 meters from the friendly BIB. He eyed me for 2 minutes before he came over and told me I was in the bus lane, in English. So I told him I was just following the other cars in front of me, in English. He asks me for my license, to which I held up my hand in his face and asked him why he didn't stop the cars. He says "they are embassy vehicles." I laughed so hard. So I switched to Thai and asked him how 2 taxis and a Fortuner and a Mazda could be Embassy vehicles, with no Embassy plates or flags or markings. He looked horrified that I was speaking to him in Thai, and asked for my license again, this time in very proper Thai. So I told him no again, in proper Thai, and that I was part of the Embassy delegation. All this sitting on a loud ass chopper with jeans and a t-shirt on. He laughed and waived me through. So I go 3 meters until the next cop stops me. I just smiled and told him that I was with the other Embassy cars and just drove around him. The look on his face was priceless! Just thought you might get a laugh. You too can be part of an Embassy entourage on your motorcycle too! Safe riding!

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