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Chiang Rai Border Run (Mai Sai ?)

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I am going to Chiang Rai for a couple of days and was considering doing a border run whilst I am there. I believe the border place is called Mai Sai ? has anyone been recently and can give a quick run down on what I need to do/have etc

I gather from other thread that a $10 bill is preferential or its 500 baht ?


(Info: have Multi, O, 1 yr visa)

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Yes its Mai Sai

A crisp $10.00 US note is required but have heard they now want the 500baht but I would take both and offer the $10 first.

Simple easy visa run can be over in less than 15 minutes just check out of Thailand walk over the bridge check in with Mayanmar they take your passport off you and give you a entry permit if you want to go into Tachilek if you are going to go right back just tell them and they will stamp your passport and you can walk right back to Thailand.


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A couple of weeks ago it was only 500 baht excepted, they will not accept 10 US dollars, it is a scheme they have because they buy the dollars to send to there highers and keep the difference, (my girl has seen them Baht for Dollars in Mae Sai).

If you go on your own its not a lot of hassle (excluding above) but if you have your girl with you, the little sh*ts on the Burma side have started to have a guy on a seat just before you clear the immigration building asking for 200 baht, he is out of uniform but next to the window with the Burma guards watching on, i got just sick of them and refused to pay asking for the commanding officer, next thing i was apologised to and told to go through, just screw the nut and you will be OK.


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The last time I was in Mae Sai was in May, 10 USD was refused, but I kept on smiling and saying "yes, please, yes, please". They asked if I was going to shop and I said 'yes'.

I think the fact I was a woman -and- Asian looking -and- going to shop (and not only to get a stamp) that he took the USD-note.

Of course 500 baht is more interesting nowadays than 10 USD...

I never feel at ease there, so I won't push too hard. I am not sure but I think they can refuse you to enter MyanMar.

Please post your experience, Charlie!

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I have found Mae Sai/Tachilek to be the easiest and friendliest border crossing in Thailand. No photos needed, no photocopy of passports, no "extra" fees.

Pay your 500 baht, in and out in minutes. Answer "no" to the the question "shopping?" and they will stamp you in and out same time and you can walk straight back to Thailand.

About the $10.....in my personal opinion, some things in life are worth standing your ground on and making a fuss over and others are not. The difference between 500 baht and $10 is for me one of those things, so I just pay 500 and have a pleasant experience.

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I make visa run in Mae Sai for five years now (non immigrant "O" multiple) and they always accepted my 500 bahts banknote. Head straight to the burmese immigration, give them 500 bahts , get stamps and return to the thai immigration.

As simple as to buy a Chang at the 7eleven.

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