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I've been reading through various posts on this forum... quite informative actually :o.

That being said, can anyone here confirm just what the status of conscription and military service is in Thailand at the moment?

From my understading of prior posts, conscription is still very much active and:

1. If you are over 18, you have to register for service. When you turn 21, you report for a lottery draw - draw red, you serve for 2 years, draw black, you don't have to serve.

2. If you're studying at university, you can option to serve for 6 months when you're finished, hence avoiding any lottery.

3. If you're over 30, you report for a lottery draw, and if you draw red you get placed into the reserve.

Does anyone know other options (apart from $$$ under the table) as to how to get out of military service? I hold dual citizenship (aust/thai), live in Australia and recently turned 20. I'm not prepared to give up on the Thai one yet, as my family has substantial interests in both Thailand/Australia.

Also, does anyone know if the Royal Thai Army would still require me to serve if I was part of the Reserve here in Australia?



I think this subject has been discussed quite a few times in this forum before. Just search under keyword "dual citizenships". I think samran has answered your questions already in the other thread.


Go to the Royal Thai consulate website in LA. The rules are outlined there. There is a clause (as I recall) which states that if you can prove an equivalent level of military training elsewhere, you can gain an exemption. How they heck you do that, I do not know, and I am guessing you'll need to have a chat to the relevant officals and/or get a lawyer.


Given that you live in OZ, I wouldn't stress. Have you been called up yet or not? Have you even reported for eligibility? If not, sit tight and I think you'll be fine.


Thanks for the link samran.

A friend in Bangkok has told me that the law is up for debate in parliament again there, so I guess I'll sit tight for now.

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