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Don'T Call Yourself Khun


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So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it.

I do not care if thais call themselves something stupid in English either, but that does not mean that what they are saying is correct. :crazy:

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When it is appropriat for a person who identifies as female to address a male as Khun, when by his business title and when by his first and/or last name?

When is it appropriate for a female to address herself as chan? When it is appropriate for her to address herself by her first name, real? Nickname? Last name? Married title?

Is "Khun Thai" a male or female or a ladyboy?

In general is it appropriate to address a lady boy not wearing a dress as Khun if you don't know her first name?

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I do not care if thais call themselves something stupid in English either, but that does not mean that what they are saying is correct. :crazy:

"Not usual" does not equal stupid or incorrect. According to my wife, who is also Thai, it may not be common but in some circumstances there is nothing wrong, strange, incorrect, or whatever about referring to yourself as Khun. (I can hear the response now: "Yeah, like those circumstances where the speaker is a tosser!") I specifically asked her if she could give me examples of when she's heard Thais using Khun this way and she didn't have trouble coming up with a couple.

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better to be safe and refer to yourself as "Nong"...brownie points for self-deprecation

That might be a little confusing when I'm with my friend Nong. We've had lots of fun with this silly topic, though. I would never answer the phone saying "Mr Ian speaking", just as I wouldn't say Khun Ian... unless it was someone else by the same name. But when addressing someone in a formal situation I always use "Mr."

When I was taught as a child to alway address adults as Mr or Mrs... and then their LAST name. However, Thais address people by their FIRST name so I do the same IN A FORMAL SITUATION. With friends and relatives I just use their first name with no need of a "Khun" in front of it..

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The takeaway from this long thread is this --

Don'T Call Yourself Khun You sound like a tosser

Next ...

Big hand for 'Jingthing' :clap2: for summing up the best from this Thai.

All my life have not yet met any Thai referring themselves as khun..........

But if I happen to meet someone ( most likely, a farang who picks up a bit of Thai language and Thai culture etc.) who referring himself as khun........... I would extend my hand to congrate him for giving me a big laugh of the day.:lol:

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"Not usual" does not equal stupid or incorrect. According to my wife, who is also Thai, it may not be common but in some circumstances there is nothing wrong, strange, incorrect, or whatever about referring to yourself as Khun.

Have you ever noticed that many Thais will answer a question by telling you exactly whatever it is that they think that you want to hear? :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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But if I happen to meet someone ( most likely, a farang who picks up a bit of Thai language and Thai culture etc.) who referring himself as khun........... I would extend my hand to congrate him for giving me a big laugh of the day.:lol:

You're easily amused :D

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"Not usual" does not equal stupid or incorrect. According to my wife, who is also Thai, it may not be common but in some circumstances there is nothing wrong, strange, incorrect, or whatever about referring to yourself as Khun.

Have you ever noticed that many Thais will answer a question by telling you exactly whatever it is that they think that you want to hear? :D

Yes, I've noticed that. And I've also noticed that many foreigners, when they can't prevail using clear reason, will resort to false equivalences & ad hominem statements to bolster their arguments. ;)

Anyway, illuminating though it's been, I'll say goodbye to this topic now and gladly yield the last word.

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I asked wife who is Thai about this whole issue. She says it is no big deal if you call yourself khun but is not the usual way but if you do it Thai people think nothing of it. However some farangs on this forum are upset by this. So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it. Someone I think John le Carre but not sure said the key to getting along in Asia is to understand that you will never understand. Whether you say khun or Pi or Your Highness you will never be Thai so get over yourself. There are not many Thais on this forum, but lots of khuns.

Its not an issue. Its not a big deal. Its a simple case of sounding like a complete knobhead refering to yourself as khun. ;)

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I asked wife who is Thai about this whole issue. She says it is no big deal if you call yourself khun but is not the usual way but if you do it Thai people think nothing of it. However some farangs on this forum are upset by this. So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it. Someone I think John le Carre but not sure said the key to getting along in Asia is to understand that you will never understand. Whether you say khun or Pi or Your Highness you will never be Thai so get over yourself. There are not many Thais on this forum, but lots of khuns.

Its not an issue. Its not a big deal. Its a simple case of sounding like a complete knobhead refering to yourself as khun. ;)


I too agree that its a non issue..however, there is one thing almost every poster on this thread has forgotten. It does not matter what you; foreign tourists or resident aliens think, all that matters is how it comes across to THAIS. Do you really think Thais think if they hear a foreigner refer to themselves as "khun" that he is a "tosser"? I highly doubt it; they most likely think the person maybe doesn't have a good grasp on Thai language, maybe they would even applaud them for trying, maybe they would think all foreigners are fools no matter what they speak.

So stop trying to force your perceptions and cultural values (what constitutes a "tosser") on others living in the Thai's country; its not your right.

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I asked wife who is Thai about this whole issue. She says it is no big deal if you call yourself khun but is not the usual way but if you do it Thai people think nothing of it. However some farangs on this forum are upset by this. So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it. Someone I think John le Carre but not sure said the key to getting along in Asia is to understand that you will never understand. Whether you say khun or Pi or Your Highness you will never be Thai so get over yourself. There are not many Thais on this forum, but lots of khuns.

Sounds like you call yourself 'khun'?

Do you ask your wife to order your food for you too?

As a matter of interest - does your wife come from Central Thailand? Does she have a degree?

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I asked wife who is Thai about this whole issue. She says it is no big deal if you call yourself khun but is not the usual way but if you do it Thai people think nothing of it. However some farangs on this forum are upset by this. So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it. Someone I think John le Carre but not sure said the key to getting along in Asia is to understand that you will never understand. Whether you say khun or Pi or Your Highness you will never be Thai so get over yourself. There are not many Thais on this forum, but lots of khuns.

Its not an issue. Its not a big deal. Its a simple case of sounding like a complete knobhead refering to yourself as khun. ;)


I too agree that its a non issue..however, there is one thing almost every poster on this thread has forgotten. It does not matter what you; foreign tourists or resident aliens think, all that matters is how it comes across to THAIS. Do you really think Thais think if they hear a foreigner refer to themselves as "khun" that he is a "tosser"? I highly doubt it; they most likely think the person maybe doesn't have a good grasp on Thai language, maybe they would even applaud them for trying, maybe they would think all foreigners are fools no matter what they speak.

So stop trying to force your perceptions and cultural values (what constitutes a "tosser") on others living in the Thai's country; its not your right.

One of the purposes of this forum is to advise foreigners how to behave here.

I think it is my right to tell people that they sound like a tosser - after being married to a Thai for 13 years and lived here longer I'd have thought some would want to hear my experience and knowledge.

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I asked wife who is Thai about this whole issue. She says it is no big deal if you call yourself khun but is not the usual way but if you do it Thai people think nothing of it. However some farangs on this forum are upset by this. So who knows more about Thai culture. The farang or the Thai. If Thais do not care then I for sure am not worrying about it. Someone I think John le Carre but not sure said the key to getting along in Asia is to understand that you will never understand. Whether you say khun or Pi or Your Highness you will never be Thai so get over yourself. There are not many Thais on this forum, but lots of khuns.

Its not an issue. Its not a big deal. Its a simple case of sounding like a complete knobhead refering to yourself as khun. ;)


I too agree that its a non issue..however, there is one thing almost every poster on this thread has forgotten. It does not matter what you; foreign tourists or resident aliens think, all that matters is how it comes across to THAIS. Do you really think Thais think if they hear a foreigner refer to themselves as "khun" that he is a "tosser"? I highly doubt it; they most likely think the person maybe doesn't have a good grasp on Thai language, maybe they would even applaud them for trying, maybe they would think all foreigners are fools no matter what they speak.

So stop trying to force your perceptions and cultural values (what constitutes a "tosser") on others living in the Thai's country; its not your right.

One of the purposes of this forum is to advise foreigners how to behave here.

I think it is my right to tell people that they sound like a tosser - after being married to a Thai for 13 years and lived here longer I'd have thought some would want to hear my experience and knowledge.

Well then I would tell you that what you think and have thought is wrong (IMHO) no matter who you are married to or how long you have lived here, and as some may want to hear your "experience and knowledge" I'm sure there are plenty who don't.

And I think if you want people to respect your opinions you should maybe speak to them more diplomatically rather than calling them "tossers."

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what a tosser. how to behave?

You have to laugh, really.

Some of us have to call ourselves khun cowboy to look like tossers, while others can rely on their humour or helpful advice to do so

Actually, giving credit where credit is due, perhaps the OP has raised a very helpful point, but, having lived here so long, and presumably fallen out of polite Western society, has forgotten that saying "you look like a tosser" is likely to irritate people and cast onesself in a poor light - the mirror of abuse, you might call it...


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I do not need any tossers telling me how to behave. One thing I have learned from this forum is that many of the members here have some understanding of Thai language but little of Thai culture. If they did they would understand that Thai people judge you more on how you act and could care less about stuff like this khun argument. If you try to learn language and understand their ways they appreciate this and care less if you make a mistake. Jim Thompson that started the silk business here knew I am sure more than anyone on this forum about Thailand and never learned how to speak Thai, but I am sure if he called himself khun it would not have made any difference to Thai people. I do not call myself khun, just don't think it is a big deal if someone does and neither does anyone else except tossers, whatever they are. I think most people would be more amused by some farang coming out with stuff like tosser than they would about khun. The point really is if someone wants to call themselves khun or tosser or the duke of earl what business is it of anyone elses. There are way too many wannabe experts telling everyone else how to live. I have a business here with almost 100 per cent Thai customers and have no problem getting along without the forum tossers telling me how they think I should "behave." I am not an expert about Thailand nor do I want to be, but neither are many of the intellectual giants on this forum who claim to know more than everyone else.

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I do not need any tossers telling me how to behave. One thing I have learned from this forum is that many of the members here have some understanding of Thai language but little of Thai culture. If they did they would understand that Thai people judge you more on how you act and could care less about stuff like this khun argument. If you try to learn language and understand their ways they appreciate this and care less if you make a mistake. Jim Thompson that started the silk business here knew I am sure more than anyone on this forum about Thailand and never learned how to speak Thai, but I am sure if he called himself khun it would not have made any difference to Thai people. I do not call myself khun, just don't think it is a big deal if someone does and neither does anyone else except tossers, whatever they are. I think most people would be more amused by some farang coming out with stuff like tosser than they would about khun. The point really is if someone wants to call themselves khun or tosser or the duke of earl what business is it of anyone elses. There are way too many wannabe experts telling everyone else how to live. I have a business here with almost 100 per cent Thai customers and have no problem getting along without the forum tossers telling me how they think I should "behave." I am not an expert about Thailand nor do I want to be, but neither are many of the intellectual giants on this forum who claim to know more than everyone else.

I think its embarrassing hearing someone referring to themselves as 'Khun'. It makes them look like a tosser.

But at the end of the day its their business. If they want to look like a tosser its up to them.


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Do you really think Thais think if they hear a foreigner refer to themselves as "khun" that he is a "tosser"?

They would probably translate it as a kite flyer instead. :jerk:

i only did it once (in front of 3 Thais) and the looks/mirth that I experienced left me in no doubt that I was a tosser.

I have not done it again.

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Haven't read through the whole thread, so apologies in advance if this has already been addressed.

More interesting is when to call a Thai Khun (followed by name).

When talking to house maids I know, I only use their name (not a lack of respect, as I love them dearly). I only use 'Khun' when talking to somebody I don't know v well. Is this correct to the Thai way of thinking?

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Haven't read through the whole thread, so apologies in advance if this has already been addressed.

More interesting is when to call a Thai Khun (followed by name).

When talking to house maids I know, I only use their name (not a lack of respect, as I love them dearly). I only use 'Khun' when talking to somebody I don't know v well. Is this correct to the Thai way of thinking?

My MIL has a couple of housemaids and I call them Pi Tik and Nong Bow as we're pretty familiar.

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