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New Species Found In Se


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piranha-682_1139026a.jpg Snappy ... piranha similar to new species found in Asia

A FISH with "vampire" fangs and a seven-metre high carnivorous plant are among 145 new species to have been found in South-East Asia.

The catalogue of unusual new creatures and plants was published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in an attempt to protect the region.

The Dracula Minnow was one of the most incredible finds with its bulging eyes and sharp fangs.

Another discovery was the tiny "lipstick gecko" which has bright red lips.

And the "sucker" fish which uses its body to stick to rocks was also discovered in the Greater Mekong area.

Other creations discovered last year included a fangless snake, a frog that chirps like a cricket and a tall insect-trapping pitcher plant that grows to more than 23ft.

Stuart Chapman, the regional conservation director of WWF, said: "The rate of discovery in the Mekong is almost without equal globally.

"That's attributed to the enormous geographical and climatic range within the region, going from high altitude to dense tropical forests through to some of the richest freshwater in the world.

"Undoubtedly this region is one of the richest in terms of its biodiversity, but it's also one of the most threatened."

The Greater Mekong region - which covers Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan - is home to some of the planet's most endangered species, from tigers and Asian elephants to the Mekong dolphin and giant cuttlefish.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3168274/New-species-found-in-SE-Asia.html#ixzz11e6tixJ1

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Lots of species from South America have been planted in Thai waters. I've caught several sub-species of pirhana.


Some get quite large and are locally known as "Pacu"...


But, Thailand has its own native Giant snakeheads that are no slouch in the dentistry department.


Snakeheads jaw power is enough to take off your finger with one bite.

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