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Yellow Book House Registration


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Today l went to Amphur in Mae Jo as my wife wanted me to have a Yellow house registration book to the house she has owned before we met and married.Worth about 2/3 M baht It has no mortgage but we do not live there as her father and sister are in residence. I did not want a yellow book for my wifes property but have it now anyway so my question is of what benefit it will be to me both now and in the future. Nice property and we may move there in the future as we are renting a house nearby at the moment but l do not want to share with relations as l like my own space. What a good wife to do the yellow book anyway

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Requirement for a Yellow House book will change from amphur to apmhur. San Sai is different than Doi Saket and its different than Chiang Mai or Hang Dong, you will need to go to your amphur office to find out what they require. I too have a yellow house book so what i can say is if your residence in the book is based on a house that your are not living in then the house book is in valid.. The yellow house book eliminates the need of the foreigner to obtain a letter of residency from immigration or their embassy/consulate. It is an official documents that verifies your address.

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Requirement for a Yellow House book will change from amphur to apmhur. San Sai is different than Doi Saket and its different than Chiang Mai or Hang Dong, you will need to go to your amphur office to find out what they require. I too have a yellow house book so what i can say is if your residence in the book is based on a house that your are not living in then the house book is in valid.. The yellow house book eliminates the need of the foreigner to obtain a letter of residency from immigration or their embassy/consulate. It is an official documents that verifies your address.

Could get confusing at immigration.

Edited by uptheos
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Requirement for a Yellow House book will change from amphur to apmhur. San Sai is different than Doi Saket and its different than Chiang Mai or Hang Dong, you will need to go to your amphur office to find out what they require. I too have a yellow house book so what i can say is if your residence in the book is based on a house that your are not living in then the house book is in valid.. The yellow house book eliminates the need of the foreigner to obtain a letter of residency from immigration or their embassy/consulate. It is an official documents that verifies your address.

Could get confusing at immigration.

Very. I use mine for verification of address at immigration.

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What is this Yellow book, simply a book to say you reside at the premise or that you own the house on the land? Of course not the land.

I guess you cannot get a yellow book on a rental property?

The owner must approve your own it to gain the book, or are both your names on it?

The gift of a house- not bad... never heard a Thai spouse give a gesture like this before. Amazing Thailand. Lucky man. :lol:

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Requirement for a Yellow House book will change from amphur to apmhur. San Sai is different than Doi Saket and its different than Chiang Mai or Hang Dong, you will need to go to your amphur office to find out what they require. I too have a yellow house book so what i can say is if your residence in the book is based on a house that your are not living in then the house book is in valid.. The yellow house book eliminates the need of the foreigner to obtain a letter of residency from immigration or their embassy/consulate. It is an official documents that verifies your address.

Could get confusing at immigration.

Very. I use mine for verification of address at immigration.

What is the purpose of the yellow book.

I just renewed my Retirement Visa yesterday and there was nothing said about proving where I live. As a side note I went in at about 8:15 got a number and was told to come back at 1:00 I did and at 2:15 I had my retirement visa and a multiple entry. Kind and helpful at all times.

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Me and the misses just handed in ALL the paper work to get one for Chiang Mai, and then they lit a bunch of hoops on fire and asked me to jump. Just some the documents they wanted:

-Copy of wifes ID card and house registration

-Letter from immigration stating residence

-Chanote of condo

-Letter from condo management saying I live there

-Copy of condo buying contract

-Proof of income

-Copy of passport


There is more, but I forget and will have to did out the envelope.

We also have to return with a Thai person of good character to vouch for me, and they need copies of their id and house reg.

I was about ready to cut open my finger and pull down my pants to give them a blood and semen sample as well. blink.gif

The nice lady also informed us that it will take "a long time" for it to go into the system. Sigh.....TIT

Thats pretty much what I had to do in Doi Saket. The final was wait 6 weeks and they did not call so the wife went by to ask and they told her , oh we never call when it is ready we want to see if you really want it so tell your husband to come in and it is ready.:blink: I went in signed a couple more papers paid 100 baht and had a new yellow house book. OH YEA was asked if I would like to donate to a new amphur sign., sure there went 1000 baht.. My Thai people of good characters were the village head man (requested) a farang that had a yellow book, my friend (requested) and two more Thais that new me and the wife. You DO NOT have to own the house or land you can rent or own a condo to receive a yellow book. The book as far as I'm concerned is no more than a status symbol for farangs sitting around the bar. It does service as a certificate of residency so it helps there for the purchase of a bike, car licenses, anything requiring a CR. It is your official proof of residency and is accepted as such. BUT there is always some Thai agency that will not accept it, only a CR.

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What is this Yellow book, simply a book to say you reside at the premise or that you own the house on the land? Of course not the land.

I guess you cannot get a yellow book on a rental property?

The owner must approve your own it to gain the book, or are both your names on it?

The gift of a house- not bad... never heard a Thai spouse give a gesture like this before. Amazing Thailand. Lucky man. :lol:

You seem to have misunderstood the purpose of the house book/tabien bahn. The yellow (for foreigners) and blue (for Thai) house book only confirms who is living in the house, it says nothing about who owns it. So yes, you could get a yellow house book on a rental property as long as the owner of the property agrees, and it would not mean that he "approves that you own the property" - only that you live there.


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Me and the misses just handed in ALL the paper work to get one for Chiang Mai, and then they lit a bunch of hoops on fire and asked me to jump. Just some the documents they wanted:

-Copy of wifes ID card and house registration

-Letter from immigration stating residence

-Chanote of condo

-Letter from condo management saying I live there

-Copy of condo buying contract

-Proof of income

-Copy of passport


There is more, but I forget and will have to did out the envelope.

We also have to return with a Thai person of good character to vouch for me, and they need copies of their id and house reg.

I was about ready to cut open my finger and pull down my pants to give them a blood and semen sample as well. blink.gif

The nice lady also informed us that it will take "a long time" for it to go into the system. Sigh.....TIT

Thats pretty much what I had to do in Doi Saket. The final was wait 6 weeks and they did not call so the wife went by to ask and they told her , oh we never call when it is ready we want to see if you really want it so tell your husband to come in and it is ready.:blink: I went in signed a couple more papers paid 100 baht and had a new yellow house book. OH YEA was asked if I would like to donate to a new amphur sign., sure there went 1000 baht.. My Thai people of good characters were the village head man (requested) a farang that had a yellow book, my friend (requested) and two more Thais that new me and the wife. You DO NOT have to own the house or land you can rent or own a condo to receive a yellow book. The book as far as I'm concerned is no more than a status symbol for farangs sitting around the bar. It does service as a certificate of residency so it helps there for the purchase of a bike, car licenses, anything requiring a CR. It is your official proof of residency and is accepted as such. BUT there is always some Thai agency that will not accept it, only a CR.

..as previously mentioned the yellow tabian ban book can be produced by a private property owner to prove to the Immigration Police that the farang is entitled to be there, thus absolving the property owner from reporting his/her arrival within 24 hours and of any penalty ie 1,000 baht for 1st offence..so there is quite list of advantages for this document.

Edited by rodcourt49
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I used the yellow book to buy the car. I keep a copy with the registration and showed it when I got stopped for expired registration. Still got the fine, but was dealt with politely and quickly was on my way again without having to leave any paperwork/license behind. Would it have turned out differently if I had not had one? Who knows?

I have used it to get Thai admission rate at a park.

I was helping a friend at the courthouse and the clerk asked where was he "registered" as all Thais are on someone's registration. He is not registered anywhere and it was not a problem, but the question was asked.

My opinion is that it helps to have it, never hurts to have it. And is something all Thais have so having one is part of establishing a real personal presence as a resident.

As posters pointed out, the requirements may vary but once you have it, it gives you a certain legitimacy from having an official Thai govt piece of paper saying you live here.

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Nice gesture indeed - what documents did you have to provide and how much was the Amphur's fee?

Just took my passport along. Gave them a copy with my visa. The wife took her house registration documents. There was no charge

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Me and the misses just handed in ALL the paper work to get one for Chiang Mai, and then they lit a bunch of hoops on fire and asked me to jump. Just some the documents they wanted:

-Copy of wifes ID card and house registration

-Letter from immigration stating residence

-Chanote of condo

-Letter from condo management saying I live there

-Copy of condo buying contract

-Proof of income

-Copy of passport


There is more, but I forget and will have to did out the envelope.

We also have to return with a Thai person of good character to vouch for me, and they need copies of their id and house reg.

I was about ready to cut open my finger and pull down my pants to give them a blood and semen sample as well. blink.gif

The nice lady also informed us that it will take "a long time" for it to go into the system. Sigh.....TIT

I did not need any of the documents you had to provide here in Mae Jo. All done free of charge in 10 minutes. Free coffee also

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Me and the misses just handed in ALL the paper work to get one for Chiang Mai, and then they lit a bunch of hoops on fire and asked me to jump. Just some the documents they wanted:

-Copy of wifes ID card and house registration

-Letter from immigration stating residence

-Chanote of condo

-Letter from condo management saying I live there

-Copy of condo buying contract

-Proof of income

-Copy of passport


There is more, but I forget and will have to did out the envelope.

We also have to return with a Thai person of good character to vouch for me, and they need copies of their id and house reg.

I was about ready to cut open my finger and pull down my pants to give them a blood and semen sample as well. blink.gif

The nice lady also informed us that it will take "a long time" for it to go into the system. Sigh.....TIT

I did not need any of the documents you had to provide here in Mae Jo. All done free of charge in 10 minutes. Free coffee also

As I have said the requirements are different at all amphurs. There is not a standard national requirement for this subject. When you say Maejo you are referring to San Sai Amphur?

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Me and the misses just handed in ALL the paper work to get one for Chiang Mai, and then they lit a bunch of hoops on fire and asked me to jump. Just some the documents they wanted:

-Copy of wifes ID card and house registration

-Letter from immigration stating residence

-Chanote of condo

-Letter from condo management saying I live there

-Copy of condo buying contract

-Proof of income

-Copy of passport


There is more, but I forget and will have to did out the envelope.

We also have to return with a Thai person of good character to vouch for me, and they need copies of their id and house reg.

I was about ready to cut open my finger and pull down my pants to give them a blood and semen sample as well. blink.gif

The nice lady also informed us that it will take "a long time" for it to go into the system. Sigh.....TIT

I did not need any of the documents you had to provide here in Mae Jo. All done free of charge in 10 minutes. Free coffee also

wow thats good john and the yellow book means you have the right to live at the address and nobody can make you leave. nice lady. sk

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Requirement for a Yellow House book will change from amphur to apmhur. San Sai is different than Doi Saket and its different than Chiang Mai or Hang Dong, you will need to go to your amphur office to find out what they require. I too have a yellow house book so what i can say is if your residence in the book is based on a house that your are not living in then the house book is in valid.. The yellow house book eliminates the need of the foreigner to obtain a letter of residency from immigration or their embassy/consulate. It is an official documents that verifies your address.

Could get confusing at immigration.

Very. I use mine for verification of address at immigration.

What is the purpose of the yellow book.

I just renewed my Retirement Visa yesterday and there was nothing said about proving where I live. As a side note I went in at about 8:15 got a number and was told to come back at 1:00 I did and at 2:15 I had my retirement visa and a multiple entry. Kind and helpful at all times.

For a retirement visa no-one asks you to prove where you live, just report every 90 days.

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I got bitten by a dog in the village. The owner brought me to the nearest Hospital to get the necessary injection. This belongs to another Muang. I showed my Thai Driving License for identification. The License has an ID No on it. This number is the one i got by obtaining the 'Yellow House Book'.

After checking on the computer, i was told, that an owner of 'Yellow House Book' can get treatment for free. But i need to go to the Government Hospital in the Muang where the house is.

I love Isaan. :jap:

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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

U mean on your Condo?

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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Blue Book is for a Thai not Farang are you a Thai? If not you very well gave your registration to your car/truck away.

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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Blue Book is for a Thai not Farang are you a Thai? If not you very well gave your registration to your car/truck away.


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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Blue Book is for a Thai not Farang are you a Thai? If not you very well gave your registration to your car/truck away.


I got a blue book on a Condo in Pattaya /Jomtien .They just did not register my name on it .Later on( 2 to 3 years ),when my TGF came to live with me ,she used the same book to register her name on it .

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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

U mean on your Condo?

I have a yellow book for the house i live,However i have a company and if i buy a house in company name i can get a blue book. As for the law on blue and yellow books, It like the weather and laws can change by the day. I know a English man who had a land paper in his own name, Beat that!! I tried to do this but no way ummm. However i did buy some property and put in my sons names who are half Thai and English, I was told at the land office i could not do this because my sons are 8 and 11 years old?? I did do this as my lawyer said it can be done and he had to show the land office an updated law book on right to own land.Now my sons own land and if i get divorced my wife cannot ask me to leave and she can never sell any property bought like this and i cannot also. My sons can do when they are of age 20. on one piece of land i put 2 of my sons names on the land papers so the land cannot be sold with both son to agree at the land office at the age of 20 at the same time. if anybody need a good lawyer then e.mail me through my website and i will be happy to give his details and he good and cheap + i know a excellent translator who is excellent and only charges 1.000 per day to help with any problem where a translator is needed.Rob http://www.sausageking1.com/


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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

U mean on your Condo?

It came with the house my Thai Lawyer bought for me.

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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

U mean on your Condo?

I have a yellow book for the house i live,However i have a company and if i buy a house in company name i can get a blue book. As for the law on blue and yellow books, It like the weather and laws can change by the day. I know a English man who had a land paper in his own name, Beat that!! I tried to do this but no way ummm. However i did buy some property and put in my sons names who are half Thai and English, I was told at the land office i could not do this because my sons are 8 and 11 years old?? I did do this as my lawyer said it can be done and he had to show the land office an updated law book on right to own land.Now my sons own land and if i get divorced my wife cannot ask me to leave and she can never sell any property bought like this and i cannot also. My sons can do when they are of age 20. on one piece of land i put 2 of my sons names on the land papers so the land cannot be sold with both son to agree at the land office at the age of 20 at the same time. if anybody need a good lawyer then e.mail me through my website and i will be happy to give his details and he good and cheap + i know a excellent translator who is excellent and only charges 1.000 per day to help with any problem where a translator is needed.Rob http://www.sausageking1.com/


Yer Rob I sent a few emails to you over the past 2 weeks on differing queries (Incl. purchases from Sausage King)- with no reply---Whats up buudy. Are u getting the emails from jayinoz............................We cannot PM you as u a sponsor for some crazy reason. Cheers Jay

Anyway the blue book seems to be allowed if purchased under Co Ltd. My lawyer told me I can put land into the name of my 1yo- who is half THAI- is this FACT.

The only drawn back I see Rob in the event of divorce- is you must leave when your wife gains custody of your Son's. So the battle over custody of you son's would be long and expensive. Whoever gets the kids- gets the assets. That is the downside of putting in your kids name- yet not an issue when they adults. Yet fall out with one of your kids then look out.... Have I made u felt uneasy yet. Nothing is bullet proof from what I have seen- except living a full and decent life with your wife. Cheers Jay :lol:

Edited by jayinoz
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I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

U mean on your Condo?

I have a yellow book for the house i live,However i have a company and if i buy a house in company name i can get a blue book. As for the law on blue and yellow books, It like the weather and laws can change by the day. I know a English man who had a land paper in his own name, Beat that!! I tried to do this but no way ummm. However i did buy some property and put in my sons names who are half Thai and English, I was told at the land office i could not do this because my sons are 8 and 11 years old?? I did do this as my lawyer said it can be done and he had to show the land office an updated law book on right to own land.Now my sons own land and if i get divorced my wife cannot ask me to leave and she can never sell any property bought like this and i cannot also. My sons can do when they are of age 20. on one piece of land i put 2 of my sons names on the land papers so the land cannot be sold with both son to agree at the land office at the age of 20 at the same time. if anybody need a good lawyer then e.mail me through my website and i will be happy to give his details and he good and cheap + i know a excellent translator who is excellent and only charges 1.000 per day to help with any problem where a translator is needed.Rob http://www.sausageking1.com/


Yer Rob I sent a few emails to you over the past 2 weeks on differing queries (Incl. purchases from Sausage King)- with no reply---Whats up buudy. Are u getting the emails from jayinoz............................We cannot PM you as u a sponsor for some crazy reason. Cheers Jay

Anyway the blue book seems to be allowed if purchased under Co Ltd. My lawyer told me I can put land into the name of my 1yo- who is half THAI- is this FACT.

The only drawn back I see Rob in the event of divorce- is you must leave when your wife gains custody of your Son's. So the battle over custody of you son's would be long and expensive. Whoever gets the kids- gets the assets. That is the downside of putting in your kids name- yet not an issue when they adults. Yet fall out with one of your kids then look out.... Have I made u felt uneasy yet. Nothing is bullet proof from what I have seen- except living a full and decent life with your wife. Cheers Jay :lol:

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