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Thai Woman Trashes Husband's Member


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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

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She needs to be doing hard jail time, end of story!

Agree - can't allow this, but it is hard not to see some cause and effect in it. When one makes a women go on her knees in public and be treated like a piece of meat, one should start cooking for themselves, he is maybe lucky it was sleeping pills and not something else.

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Chantorn, you usually bring a refreshing perspective to these discussions and have thereby earned my respect. This time, however, you seem to be condoning acts of permanent mutilation in retaliation for having been embarassed. More than that, you even seem to be making a threat yourself. How much blood do you think this man lost before he woke up and discovered that some fairly large veins and arteries were severed? How sure was his wife that she did not give him a fatal dose of the sleeping pills? Did she mix the sleep drug with alcohol? Do you know how many people die each year from that combination of drugs?

Let's face it. If the wife cut off his nose the story would not seem so much like fun, would it? It would be easier to see that she acted like a coward and a criminal. What if it was the man's neighbor that cut off part of this man's body because this man had made his neighbor lose face? Would you still think the crime was appropriate and fun?

Talk about a man's penis is just so titilating that many people just can't see this crime for what it is. Some women have been treated badly by some man and they feel that anything that hurts any man is payback and therefore justified. It isn't. If a woman is not happy in her marriage, the correct response is a divorce, not a cowardly and possibly fatal assault. Shame on you for seeming to condone such a terrible crime.

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Motto of story - If you drink and womanize, learn to sleep prone.

Learn to sleep with a metal jock strap I think you meant to say... :unsure:

^You're correct it is not to be taken lightly, it is very serious just as the perceived humor in a knee to the groin for a simple offensive comment for example you often see being made light of in films and on TV, it's far more serious then that and the response far exceeds the initial offense..Punishment should be doled out on a proportionate level in this case.. accordingly...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Chantorn, you usually bring a refreshing perspective to these discussions and have thereby earned my respect. This time, however, you seem to be condoning acts of permanent mutilation in retaliation for having been embarassed. More than that, you even seem to be making a threat yourself. How much blood do you think this man lost before he woke up and discovered that some fairly large veins and arteries were severed? How sure was his wife that she did not give him a fatal dose of the sleeping pills? Did she mix the sleep drug with alcohol? Do you know how many people die each year from that combination of drugs?

Let's face it. If the wife cut off his nose the story would not seem so much like fun, would it? It would be easier to see that she acted like a coward and a criminal. What if it was the man's neighbor that cut off part of this man's body because this man had made his neighbor lose face? Would you still think the crime was appropriate and fun?

Talk about a man's penis is just so titilating that many people just can't see this crime for what it is. Some women have been treated badly by some man and they feel that anything that hurts any man is payback and therefore justified. It isn't. If a woman is not happy in her marriage, the correct response is a divorce, not a cowardly and possibly fatal assault. Shame on you for seeming to condone such a terrible crime.

Quite so.

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Motto of story - If you drink and womanize, learn to sleep prone.

Learn to sleep with a metal jock strap I think you meant to say... :unsure:

^You're correct it is not to be taken lightly, it is very serious just as the perceived humor or supposedly justified retribution in a knee to the groin for a simple offensive comment for example you often see being made light of in films and on TV, it's far more serious then that and the response far exceeds the initial offense..Punishment should be doled out on a proportionate level in this case.. accordingly...

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

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"Sorry darling.'

"What for?"

"Anything you want."

Meanwhile empty gas bottle and make sure we have no balloons

"My love, could you pop down market n get some candles & BALLOONS...........we are having a party:whistling: ........" Darlin where ru going?

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Chantorn, you usually bring a refreshing perspective to these discussions and have thereby earned my respect. This time, however, you seem to be condoning acts of permanent mutilation in retaliation for having been embarassed. More than that, you even seem to be making a threat yourself. How much blood do you think this man lost before he woke up and discovered that some fairly large veins and arteries were severed? How sure was his wife that she did not give him a fatal dose of the sleeping pills? Did she mix the sleep drug with alcohol? Do you know how many people die each year from that combination of drugs?

Let's face it. If the wife cut off his nose the story would not seem so much like fun, would it? It would be easier to see that she acted like a coward and a criminal. What if it was the man's neighbor that cut off part of this man's body because this man had made his neighbor lose face? Would you still think the crime was appropriate and fun?

Talk about a man's penis is just so titilating that many people just can't see this crime for what it is. Some women have been treated badly by some man and they feel that anything that hurts any man is payback and therefore justified. It isn't. If a woman is not happy in her marriage, the correct response is a divorce, not a cowardly and possibly fatal assault. Shame on you for seeming to condone such a terrible crime.

I can easily recount stories of my soon to be ex Thai wife that would make this woman's seem like a school yard taunting. That said, I did not take a knife to my wife after she effectively stole 100K USD from me. (purchase of property while she has a boy friend)

Then again, I did pay for her boob job, again while she has her boy friend. (she was trying to get all she could while she could)

The result of her boob job was hilarous.... Huge orbs....

A touch of SomNaNa

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

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A straight case of attempted Murder,

resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

"hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

Edited by MAJIC
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A straight case of attempted Murder,

resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

"hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

I believe he was John Wayne Bobbit. Later on he shot a porn movie too. Women are much more violent than men. Have you evere seen 2 women fighting? It's scary.

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Haha, this is the first of these in a while, seemed quite common a few years ago. Or is there a moritorium on reporting of dis-member-ings?

RIP to the wee fella

I wonder what is the appropriate response really. Based on him being Thai and likely to be small of stature, that would make him a "wee fella", however, since the life expectancy of a severed limb (or anything else one guesses), is 4 hours, if kept properly cooled, is 4 hours, then the dis-attached article is officially dead ergo, "RIP weeing fella"?

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

And if a woman cheats on a man, is it similarly justifiable to cut off her clitoris and mutilate her body?

Perhaps you were only joking, but maybe that's part of the problem.

The natural reaction to this story ought to be outrage and disgust.

The fact that most Thais I know (and foreigners who live here) view these incidents as if they are some kind of a practical joke is probably why so many people in this society suddenly decide it is an acceptable way to punish a cheating spouse.

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attached to hot air balloons in the past.

The ghastly thought of one of those coming back down on you, once the hot air cools.....:ermm:

the police searched for the balloon and bonus, but never found it.....the story made the press world wide...a soldier who was having a sex change offered his no longer needed member to the victim....he under went surgery which was successful....there was a lot of interest in Thailand and around the world....does it work? the Thai government was embarrasses and banned further news reports...a true Thai story

Edited by dekbahnnok
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