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Tv Discount


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do you want discount Thai style or westerner style ..

Thai style you get 10% less when you order any food - seriously 10% less food on the dishes .

if you want it the wild west way .. you get 10% less service since paying customer who do not ask for discount get first choice


do we really need a discount when thing is already consider cheap ,

shop that offer discount seldom really give real discount is just mark up and playing with portion and number , so you feel you getting a better deal . but in fact you just getting less or having downgraded service .

i once went to a sale for some IT product there show a huge sign Thailand com MART

SUPER SALE -- 30% off SPR price . ireclal something like 5000++b and you get to discount like 1500b . and just 1 min after i make the turn i see another shop selling it for 2900b , when i ask doe detail . their also giving discount . instead of a 1 years warranty there only give you 3 month warranty

the following days i went to pantip and got the same thing . 2800b 1 years warranty .

- there is little or no real discount .

good luck .

10% for you if you treat me to a good meal :) i make it 30% if we met first time :)

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do you want discount Thai style or westerner style ..

Thai style you get 10% less when you order any food - seriously 10% less food on the dishes .

if you want it the wild west way .. you get 10% less service since paying customer who do not ask for discount get first choice


do we really need a discount when thing is already consider cheap ,

shop that offer discount seldom really give real discount is just mark up and playing with portion and number , so you feel you getting a better deal . but in fact you just getting less or having downgraded service .

i once went to a sale for some IT product there show a huge sign Thailand com MART

SUPER SALE -- 30% off SPR price . ireclal something like 5000++b and you get to discount like 1500b . and just 1 min after i make the turn i see another shop selling it for 2900b , when i ask doe detail . their also giving discount . instead of a 1 years warranty there only give you 3 month warranty

the following days i went to pantip and got the same thing . 2800b 1 years warranty .

- there is little or no real discount .

good luck .

10% for you if you treat me to a good meal :) i make it 30% if we met first time :)

Well said

To the original poster do you mind telling us what you are talking about is it 10% off Thai air flights or 10% of Big Macs a McD.:jap:

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You know , sometimes I think that people are not only cautious, but maybe overly cautious.

All too often thinking the old...."look a gift horse in mouth "

You know guys there are some good people out there in business.

If you've been a TV follower for some time, you know what I think of the Duke's. Not only do I think that The Duke's in the finest all round restaurant in CM, but David , the owner, is a true gentleman and a fine businessman.

Why some would think that if you give a price discount of 10% on the bill, you must have taken 10% off the hamburger or meal itself. Maybe you of that ilk have just been going to the wrong places.

To be a fairly run place of business, the table must be balanced. It cannot be tipped to the owners side, NOR can it be tipped to the customers side. It must be balanced and a fair deal to all concerned or there will be no success.

I say that about David and The Dukes knowing him as a friend and a competitor. for those of you who may not know, this is Gonzo from The Pun Pun.

Circumstances came about last November that opened a very big door for The Pun Pun with Thai Vias Members. So much so positively that I felt guilty in not paying for advertising on TV, So as of this past May, The Pun Pun became a small sponsor. It has been and continues to be a very good decision.

....and i don't think that I have ever mentioned it in any post, but since becomming a sponsor, we have had maybe a too silent policy of giving ALL TV Members who come in and identify themselves with their TV Screen name, a 10% discount. Now rest assured that I do not take the time to go into the kitchen and remove several or 10% of the French Fries out of each order discounted. Nor remove 10% of a chicken leg or hamburger. And I am 100% sure that neither does David at the Duke's.

If you are good enough to come to The Pun Pun and favor us with an order, give your TV Screen name and you will receive a 10% discount on your bill and no shrinkage on your ordered food....

Believe it or not there are some who will not own up to their TV name with a multitude of excuses,,,,,, guess who those might be.

I did not want to start a thread to 'blow our own horn' so thank you Getgoin for making this OP and giving me the opportunity to say the above

I am happy to hear that The Duke's is finding it positive to have the discount program and personally look forward to eating more of his delicious RIBS


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You know , sometimes I think that people are not only cautious, but maybe overly cautious.

All too often thinking the old...."look a gift horse in mouth "

You know guys there are some good people out there in business.

If you've been a TV follower for some time, you know what I think of the Duke's. Not only do I think that The Duke's in the finest all round restaurant in CM, but David , the owner, is a true gentleman and a fine businessman.

Why some would think that if you give a price discount of 10% on the bill, you must have taken 10% off the hamburger or meal itself. Maybe you of that ilk have just been going to the wrong places.

To be a fairly run place of business, the table must be balanced. It cannot be tipped to the owners side, NOR can it be tipped to the customers side. It must be balanced and a fair deal to all concerned or there will be no success.

I say that about David and The Dukes knowing him as a friend and a competitor. for those of you who may not know, this is Gonzo from The Pun Pun.

Circumstances came about last November that opened a very big door for The Pun Pun with Thai Vias Members. So much so positively that I felt guilty in not paying for advertising on TV, So as of this past May, The Pun Pun became a small sponsor. It has been and continues to be a very good decision.

....and i don't think that I have ever mentioned it in any post, but since becomming a sponsor, we have had maybe a too silent policy of giving ALL TV Members who come in and identify themselves with their TV Screen name, a 10% discount. Now rest assured that I do not take the time to go into the kitchen and remove several or 10% of the French Fries out of each order discounted. Nor remove 10% of a chicken leg or hamburger. And I am 100% sure that neither does David at the Duke's.

If you are good enough to come to The Pun Pun and favor us with an order, give your TV Screen name and you will receive a 10% discount on your bill and no shrinkage on your ordered food....

Believe it or not there are some who will not own up to their TV name with a multitude of excuses,,,,,, guess who those might be.

I did not want to start a thread to 'blow our own horn' so thank you Getgoin for making this OP and giving me the opportunity to say the above

I am happy to hear that The Duke's is finding it positive to have the discount program and personally look forward to eating more of his delicious RIBS


:thumbsup: For making us all aware of the 10% discount.

Don't you have ways of making them own up......thumb screws, ducking them in the Ping etc? ;)

Cheap Charlies are not always negative for businesses. :)

Edited by uptheos
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You know , sometimes I think that people are not only cautious, but maybe overly cautious.

All too often thinking the old...."look a gift horse in mouth "

You know guys there are some good people out there in business.

If you've been a TV follower for some time, you know what I think of the Duke's. Not only do I think that The Duke's in the finest all round restaurant in CM, but David , the owner, is a true gentleman and a fine businessman.

Why some would think that if you give a price discount of 10% on the bill, you must have taken 10% off the hamburger or meal itself. Maybe you of that ilk have just been going to the wrong places.

To be a fairly run place of business, the table must be balanced. It cannot be tipped to the owners side, NOR can it be tipped to the customers side. It must be balanced and a fair deal to all concerned or there will be no success.

I say that about David and The Dukes knowing him as a friend and a competitor. for those of you who may not know, this is Gonzo from The Pun Pun.

Circumstances came about last November that opened a very big door for The Pun Pun with Thai Vias Members. So much so positively that I felt guilty in not paying for advertising on TV, So as of this past May, The Pun Pun became a small sponsor. It has been and continues to be a very good decision.

....and i don't think that I have ever mentioned it in any post, but since becomming a sponsor, we have had maybe a too silent policy of giving ALL TV Members who come in and identify themselves with their TV Screen name, a 10% discount. Now rest assured that I do not take the time to go into the kitchen and remove several or 10% of the French Fries out of each order discounted. Nor remove 10% of a chicken leg or hamburger. And I am 100% sure that neither does David at the Duke's.

If you are good enough to come to The Pun Pun and favor us with an order, give your TV Screen name and you will receive a 10% discount on your bill and no shrinkage on your ordered food....

Believe it or not there are some who will not own up to their TV name with a multitude of excuses,,,,,, guess who those might be.

I did not want to start a thread to 'blow our own horn' so thank you Getgoin for making this OP and giving me the opportunity to say the above

I am happy to hear that The Duke's is finding it positive to have the discount program and personally look forward to eating more of his delicious RIBS


:thumbsup: For making us all aware of the 10% discount.

Don't you have ways of making them own up......thumb screws, ducking them in the Ping etc? ;)

......you shrewd devil..... of course we do.... we like to make them an offer they cannot refuse...... we offer them the antidote for the discounted poison the have just consumed.,,,,, and its further discounted.... its free....... but its their decision to make ...... good business' run by good practice, not cocercion, the table must be balanced :)


When are you coming in and id yourself.????????

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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You know , sometimes I think that people are not only cautious, but maybe overly cautious.

All too often thinking the old...."look a gift horse in mouth "

You know guys there are some good people out there in business.

If you've been a TV follower for some time, you know what I think of the Duke's. Not only do I think that The Duke's in the finest all round restaurant in CM, but David , the owner, is a true gentleman and a fine businessman.

Why some would think that if you give a price discount of 10% on the bill, you must have taken 10% off the hamburger or meal itself. Maybe you of that ilk have just been going to the wrong places.

To be a fairly run place of business, the table must be balanced. It cannot be tipped to the owners side, NOR can it be tipped to the customers side. It must be balanced and a fair deal to all concerned or there will be no success.

I say that about David and The Dukes knowing him as a friend and a competitor. for those of you who may not know, this is Gonzo from The Pun Pun.

Circumstances came about last November that opened a very big door for The Pun Pun with Thai Vias Members. So much so positively that I felt guilty in not paying for advertising on TV, So as of this past May, The Pun Pun became a small sponsor. It has been and continues to be a very good decision.

....and i don't think that I have ever mentioned it in any post, but since becomming a sponsor, we have had maybe a too silent policy of giving ALL TV Members who come in and identify themselves with their TV Screen name, a 10% discount. Now rest assured that I do not take the time to go into the kitchen and remove several or 10% of the French Fries out of each order discounted. Nor remove 10% of a chicken leg or hamburger. And I am 100% sure that neither does David at the Duke's.

If you are good enough to come to The Pun Pun and favor us with an order, give your TV Screen name and you will receive a 10% discount on your bill and no shrinkage on your ordered food....

Believe it or not there are some who will not own up to their TV name with a multitude of excuses,,,,,, guess who those might be.

I did not want to start a thread to 'blow our own horn' so thank you Getgoin for making this OP and giving me the opportunity to say the above

I am happy to hear that The Duke's is finding it positive to have the discount program and personally look forward to eating more of his delicious RIBS


:thumbsup: For making us all aware of the 10% discount.

Don't you have ways of making them own up......thumb screws, ducking them in the Ping etc? ;)

......you shrewd devil..... of course we do.... we like to make them an offer they cannot refuse...... we offer them the antidote for the discounted poison the have just consumed.,,,,, and its further discounted.... its free....... but its their decision to make ...... good business' run by good practice, not cocercion, the table must be balanced :)


When are you coming in and id yourself.????????


My id is in conflict with my superego right now........but I'll be there...... counting the chips on the plates of others. ;)

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for that i would one day drop by with my wife to try your chicken , pardon me ,

i said so in a simple fashion that pricing is an art . but also it all depend on what market you target , while i myself go to japanese restaurant to have dinner for 8 and my bill can ring up to almost 5000 - 6000b at the end of the days there give me a free membership . and tell me if i come back again i get 15% discount .

i still go back but i hardly bring out my card . in fact i do not know where i keep the suppose lifetime membership card there give me .

but i also din at cheaper japanese food which me and my wife go offen , dinner for 2 only cost us about 250 for the same amount of food . i do feel it taste really nice also .

is all in the Price .

if the price is already higher then market and good market plan had been set up for discount . i would agree that giving a 10-15% is easy , and it does not eat into the portion of serving ,

if you were to compare a bottle of beer at large bottle 38baht from 7-11 and a bottle of small beer for 70baht at a bar ( i do not follow beer price is just a rough example i follow some 5 years ago when i do drink alot of beer ) there is really alot of room for discount in it .

if i open a place i would not wan tot be selling on the cheap end also . cos price of food and drink go hand in hand with location and service . you can get nice food off the street for like 20-30b

fried chicken for 45b and very nice roast chicken from 5 star roast chicken for like 100+ baht but then again i still go to place that sell a dish for 150b - 200b for the simple reason i like the place ,

is really far more complex . but if you understand , eating more expensive do improve your life , you would ask for discount less. for one thing , i see more smile when i stop asking for discount and i do get better service .

if i eat alone my average bill if i din at a outlet is about 100+ a 15% would mean 15-20% if for that you can make someone more happy . and get better service . is seriously a a good deal .

what set the value of the food is really hard to say - example you can set it at 250b and then say you sell it at 195b giving a 20% discount . or you can sell it at 150b giving no discount . price on food i feel is really more about the location .

one golden rule i follow is if that place have nice toilet i would pay more whhahahahah a while we almost never never eat in the toilet , i find that any place with a nice clean toilet is worth paying more eating there . :)

if i want it cheap i will cook it myself , i can work up a whole chicken friend meal for less then 150b and the whole family can eat it

i also like hard working people . cos there remind me that i got to work harder.

there is like 5 price -

for the almost same food you may get a vary of price .

street price - 50b

mini food outlet price - 100b

mid high - 150b

high price - 250b

tourist price - 350b

price depend on location . access , music , comfort of chair . taste of food , size of location , if it got aircon , if the sauces is good , do there have peper and salt on the table , do there have toothpick ,

gosh i think i can start reviewing food and location .

at the end of the day ( did i said it again or is it just another end of the day )

if you like the food and like the price . 10% -15% or no discount make no different . if it expensive i go once a month or bluemoon , if it cheap i go every week or few days .

and it crazy price sometime i still go just to meet all the fool alike :)

so for that gonzo i would drop by someday and try your chicken . i am sure it would be a good one already imagining me biting into one now .

Edited by Ta22
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for that i would one day drop by with my wife to try your chicken , pardon me ,

i said so in a simple fashion that pricing is an art . but also it all depend on what market you target , while i myself go to japanese restaurant to have dinner for 8 and my bill can ring up to almost 5000 - 6000b at the end of the days there give me a free membership . and tell me if i come back again i get 15% discount .

i still go back but i hardly bring out my card . in fact i do not know where i keep the suppose lifetime membership card there give me .

but i also din at cheaper japanese food which me and my wife go offen , dinner for 2 only cost us about 250 for the same amount of food . i do feel it taste really nice also .

is all in the Price .

if the price is already higher then market and good market plan had been set up for discount . i would agree that giving a 10-15% is easy , and it does not eat into the portion of serving ,

if you were to compare a bottle of beer at large bottle 38baht from 7-11 and a bottle of small beer for 70baht at a bar ( i do not follow beer price is just a rough example i follow some 5 years ago when i do drink alot of beer ) there is really alot of room for discount in it .

if i open a place i would not wan tot be selling on the cheap end also . cos price of food and drink go hand in hand with location and service . you can get nice food off the street for like 20-30b

fried chicken for 45b and very nice roast chicken from 5 star roast chicken for like 100+ baht but then again i still go to place that sell a dish for 150b - 200b for the simple reason i like the place ,

is really far more complex . but if you understand , eating more expensive do improve your life , you would ask for discount less. for one thing , i see more smile when i stop asking for discount and i do get better service .

if i eat alone my average bill if i din at a outlet is about 100+ a 15% would mean 15-20% if for that you can make someone more happy . and get better service . is seriously a a good deal .

i also like hard working people . cos there remind me that i got to work harder.

so for that gonzo i would drop by someday and try your chicken . i am sure it would be a good one already imagining me biting into one now .

TA22, knowing you to be a fine , upstanding, man of your word, I have instructed the staff to capture one beautiful Ta22-ish chicken.

However if you are desiring a Chicken Fried Steak, we will set the chicken free.

and a very happy waaahahaha day to you


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i do not know when i will go down , i am more of a moment impluse type of guy i might just stop and drop by anytime if i happen to come across ,

so do free the chicken , i can what what ever you have .

maybe i will do a review for your food at the same time . :)

so keep your toilet clean everyday ok :)


note aside , i always feel that if a place can keep their toilet clean and nice their kitchen would be more or less clean and nice .

that one ruler i use to measure if i want to eat at their places

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whahhaahah - this ia funny :) that is why i ask for your policy , i do not like corn , and i do not like to waste food if i am ordering something .

and if i am going to your places for the first time i would not want to leave a whole corn on the dish , which in return would force me to at least bite it a few time . and at the rate it would make the meal taste bad for me . and over all it would turn a wonderful visit into a un happy one all cos i did not ask your what the policy if i do not want corn and want fried instead .

so as a responsible person like me whahhahahhahahahaaa . is only right that i ask you :)

yeh yeh yeh soon i will be asking you what the policy of changing the chicken in chicken fried steak into pork whhahahahhahahahaahhahaha

this is funny

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for that i would one day drop by with my wife to try your chicken , pardon me ,

i said so in a simple fashion that pricing is an art . but also it all depend on what market you target , while i myself go to japanese restaurant to have dinner for 8 and my bill can ring up to almost 5000 - 6000b at the end of the days there give me a free membership . and tell me if i come back again i get 15% discount .

i still go back but i hardly bring out my card . in fact i do not know where i keep the suppose lifetime membership card there give me .

but i also din at cheaper japanese food which me and my wife go offen , dinner for 2 only cost us about 250 for the same amount of food . i do feel it taste really nice also .

is all in the Price .

if the price is already higher then market and good market plan had been set up for discount . i would agree that giving a 10-15% is easy , and it does not eat into the portion of serving ,

if you were to compare a bottle of beer at large bottle 38baht from 7-11 and a bottle of small beer for 70baht at a bar ( i do not follow beer price is just a rough example i follow some 5 years ago when i do drink alot of beer ) there is really alot of room for discount in it .

if i open a place i would not wan tot be selling on the cheap end also . cos price of food and drink go hand in hand with location and service . you can get nice food off the street for like 20-30b

fried chicken for 45b and very nice roast chicken from 5 star roast chicken for like 100+ baht but then again i still go to place that sell a dish for 150b - 200b for the simple reason i like the place ,

is really far more complex . but if you understand , eating more expensive do improve your life , you would ask for discount less. for one thing , i see more smile when i stop asking for discount and i do get better service .

if i eat alone my average bill if i din at a outlet is about 100+ a 15% would mean 15-20% if for that you can make someone more happy . and get better service . is seriously a a good deal .

what set the value of the food is really hard to say - example you can set it at 250b and then say you sell it at 195b giving a 20% discount . or you can sell it at 150b giving no discount . price on food i feel is really more about the location .

one golden rule i follow is if that place have nice toilet i would pay more whhahahahah a while we almost never never eat in the toilet , i find that any place with a nice clean toilet is worth paying more eating there . :)

if i want it cheap i will cook it myself , i can work up a whole chicken friend meal for less then 150b and the whole family can eat it

i also like hard working people . cos there remind me that i got to work harder.

there is like 5 price -

for the almost same food you may get a vary of price .

street price - 50b

mini food outlet price - 100b

mid high - 150b

high price - 250b

tourist price - 350b

price depend on location . access , music , comfort of chair . taste of food , size of location , if it got aircon , if the sauces is good , do there have peper and salt on the table , do there have toothpick ,

gosh i think i can start reviewing food and location .

at the end of the day ( did i said it again or is it just another end of the day )

if you like the food and like the price . 10% -15% or no discount make no different . if it expensive i go once a month or bluemoon , if it cheap i go every week or few days .

and it crazy price sometime i still go just to meet all the fool alike :)

so for that gonzo i would drop by someday and try your chicken . i am sure it would be a good one already imagining me biting into one now .

Great post. always nice to hear from some one who can enjoy life without having to worry about the price. You obviously enjoy life without having to put a price tag on it. Sad to see people living here in Thailand who have to worry about money. Wonder what they would do if they were back where they came from. It can't be cheaper than here.

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for that i would one day drop by with my wife to try your chicken , pardon me ,

i said so in a simple fashion that pricing is an art . but also it all depend on what market you target , while i myself go to japanese restaurant to have dinner for 8 and my bill can ring up to almost 5000 - 6000b at the end of the days there give me a free membership . and tell me if i come back again i get 15% discount .

i still go back but i hardly bring out my card . in fact i do not know where i keep the suppose lifetime membership card there give me .

but i also din at cheaper japanese food which me and my wife go offen , dinner for 2 only cost us about 250 for the same amount of food . i do feel it taste really nice also .

is all in the Price .

if the price is already higher then market and good market plan had been set up for discount . i would agree that giving a 10-15% is easy , and it does not eat into the portion of serving ,

if you were to compare a bottle of beer at large bottle 38baht from 7-11 and a bottle of small beer for 70baht at a bar ( i do not follow beer price is just a rough example i follow some 5 years ago when i do drink alot of beer ) there is really alot of room for discount in it .

if i open a place i would not wan tot be selling on the cheap end also . cos price of food and drink go hand in hand with location and service . you can get nice food off the street for like 20-30b

fried chicken for 45b and very nice roast chicken from 5 star roast chicken for like 100+ baht but then again i still go to place that sell a dish for 150b - 200b for the simple reason i like the place ,

is really far more complex . but if you understand , eating more expensive do improve your life , you would ask for discount less. for one thing , i see more smile when i stop asking for discount and i do get better service .

if i eat alone my average bill if i din at a outlet is about 100+ a 15% would mean 15-20% if for that you can make someone more happy . and get better service . is seriously a a good deal .

what set the value of the food is really hard to say - example you can set it at 250b and then say you sell it at 195b giving a 20% discount . or you can sell it at 150b giving no discount . price on food i feel is really more about the location .

one golden rule i follow is if that place have nice toilet i would pay more whhahahahah a while we almost never never eat in the toilet , i find that any place with a nice clean toilet is worth paying more eating there . :)

if i want it cheap i will cook it myself , i can work up a whole chicken friend meal for less then 150b and the whole family can eat it

i also like hard working people . cos there remind me that i got to work harder.

there is like 5 price -

for the almost same food you may get a vary of price .

street price - 50b

mini food outlet price - 100b

mid high - 150b

high price - 250b

tourist price - 350b

price depend on location . access , music , comfort of chair . taste of food , size of location , if it got aircon , if the sauces is good , do there have peper and salt on the table , do there have toothpick ,

gosh i think i can start reviewing food and location .

at the end of the day ( did i said it again or is it just another end of the day )

if you like the food and like the price . 10% -15% or no discount make no different . if it expensive i go once a month or bluemoon , if it cheap i go every week or few days .

and it crazy price sometime i still go just to meet all the fool alike :)

so for that gonzo i would drop by someday and try your chicken . i am sure it would be a good one already imagining me biting into one now .

Great post. always nice to hear from some one who can enjoy life without having to worry about the price. You obviously enjoy life without having to put a price tag on it. Sad to see people living here in Thailand who have to worry about money. Wonder what they would do if they were back where they came from. It can't be cheaper than here.

Good post indeed.

However, the truth is, you have absolutely no idea who does or does not have to worry about money.

For all we know you might be the cheapest charlie in town. wink.gif

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the idea that i do not worry about money is totally wrong .

in fact i do not any how spend unless i choose to or want to,

i hardly buy any new cloths or even a watches stuff i get usually last me for years and years ,

is just that i got a thinking that is ok to pay slightly more for what you like .

if it expensive i just buy less or visit less .

i just got a computer mouse for about 1500b . to me is consider relaly expensive cos is a huge jump from 199b mouse i been using for years , but i been surfing alot more recently and so far china goods lack of QC is kinda failing it 199 and lasting aspect which by far in 1 years or so i changed 3 mouse , so i spend more on a better mouse hoping it last me longer since is gaming grade .

when it come to food , kind alike i usually just eat simple and notthing fancy at time i just chew on a 6 baht MAMA noodle dry with water used to be 4.75b

still fill me p if i take 2 pack that is more or less about 12b

but i still go to fancy places and din for like 300- 1000

just today i went to have some jap food cost me about 450b for 4 person .

having stay in japan for a while . 450 on sashimi , katsu-don , sake maki , katsu udon , steam fish and a cold udon . all this for only 450b .

hm.. i think is the cheap in my view . but if you were to compare to 4 noodle of 25b which is only 1000b then is 4 time more , and if you were to consider it aginst a rib or a steak it maybe 5-10 time more .

is reeally hard to put a price tag on what you pay to bring asmile to someone or the feeling you get eating or doing what you like

the way we spend money had been resticted by our mindset too much .

for example if you come across something you really like . let say is 3000b

kinda high . so you go hunt around for cheaper version of it .

2 days alter after hours and hours of research you found something cheaper let say 2300b or maybe 1500b

is a cheaper version which is not the same thing that you like .

so while you hunt high and low trying to figure out if the cheaper version work the same as the real thing .

or does it do the job .


one thing that is worth considering is . in my view Time is Money . you would had spend maybe 2-3 days and then get a cheaper product , if the needs of it is not that importance you may pass it and use it ,

but let say is a car problem and you need some part being repair .

the real parts is 3000b and the copy one is 1500b .

trying to save money you got the cheaper parts . - which might damage your cars more then just fixing it .

problem have it way and it alway like to bring his gang of problem along .

.. i am swaying off. back to food .

what ever you eat will come out more or less then same . is really in the experience in dinning the food and the people you meet and knwo along the way that i would consider the real price i am paying .. if i am alone . i jolly well fill my stomach with cookie and a cup of Milo .

i had never spend more then 100b when i eat alone . and is usually in the 43b-48b rannge



this is confusing even for me whhaha had not sleep well recently cos i just got a Video Camcorder busy playing with it .

oh --

i am a cheap Joe . charlie can;t even come close to how i handle money . when i think is not worth while .

i am a cook and a production guy , so i really know the cost of thing and i even know how much you mark it up . the only reason i am willing to pay for the food is cos i understand the basic of economic , if i want it cheap i cook it myself you are more or less buying a service and a kinda of dinning experiences when you go eat out .

there is seriously no shy in protecting your hard earn money .

so i really do not understand what the big fuss about cheap charlie or who can afford .

just cos i can afford it does not make me rich . and just cos i do not want ot pay for it doe snot make me cheap . is the freedom of choice . i just think less when it come to thing that make me happy , and if someone feel that it make him happier when he try to discount . let it been i enjoy a good bargain too . and i am good at bargain . seriously very good .

Edited by Ta22
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for that i would one day drop by with my wife to try your chicken , pardon me ,

i said so in a simple fashion that pricing is an art . but also it all depend on what market you target , while i myself go to japanese restaurant to have dinner for 8 and my bill can ring up to almost 5000 - 6000b at the end of the days there give me a free membership . and tell me if i come back again i get 15% discount .

i still go back but i hardly bring out my card . in fact i do not know where i keep the suppose lifetime membership card there give me .

but i also din at cheaper japanese food which me and my wife go offen , dinner for 2 only cost us about 250 for the same amount of food . i do feel it taste really nice also .

is all in the Price .

if the price is already higher then market and good market plan had been set up for discount . i would agree that giving a 10-15% is easy , and it does not eat into the portion of serving ,

if you were to compare a bottle of beer at large bottle 38baht from 7-11 and a bottle of small beer for 70baht at a bar ( i do not follow beer price is just a rough example i follow some 5 years ago when i do drink alot of beer ) there is really alot of room for discount in it .

if i open a place i would not wan tot be selling on the cheap end also . cos price of food and drink go hand in hand with location and service . you can get nice food off the street for like 20-30b

fried chicken for 45b and very nice roast chicken from 5 star roast chicken for like 100+ baht but then again i still go to place that sell a dish for 150b - 200b for the simple reason i like the place ,

is really far more complex . but if you understand , eating more expensive do improve your life , you would ask for discount less. for one thing , i see more smile when i stop asking for discount and i do get better service .

if i eat alone my average bill if i din at a outlet is about 100+ a 15% would mean 15-20% if for that you can make someone more happy . and get better service . is seriously a a good deal .

what set the value of the food is really hard to say - example you can set it at 250b and then say you sell it at 195b giving a 20% discount . or you can sell it at 150b giving no discount . price on food i feel is really more about the location .

one golden rule i follow is if that place have nice toilet i would pay more whhahahahah a while we almost never never eat in the toilet , i find that any place with a nice clean toilet is worth paying more eating there . :)

if i want it cheap i will cook it myself , i can work up a whole chicken friend meal for less then 150b and the whole family can eat it

i also like hard working people . cos there remind me that i got to work harder.

there is like 5 price -

for the almost same food you may get a vary of price .

street price - 50b

mini food outlet price - 100b

mid high - 150b

high price - 250b

tourist price - 350b

price depend on location . access , music , comfort of chair . taste of food , size of location , if it got aircon , if the sauces is good , do there have peper and salt on the table , do there have toothpick ,

gosh i think i can start reviewing food and location .

at the end of the day ( did i said it again or is it just another end of the day )

if you like the food and like the price . 10% -15% or no discount make no different . if it expensive i go once a month or bluemoon , if it cheap i go every week or few days .

and it crazy price sometime i still go just to meet all the fool alike :)

so for that gonzo i would drop by someday and try your chicken . i am sure it would be a good one already imagining me biting into one now .

Great post. always nice to hear from some one who can enjoy life without having to worry about the price. You obviously enjoy life without having to put a price tag on it. Sad to see people living here in Thailand who have to worry about money. Wonder what they would do if they were back where they came from. It can't be cheaper than here.

Good post indeed.

However, the truth is, you have absolutely no idea who does or does not have to worry about money.

For all we know you might be the cheapest charlie in town. wink.gif

for sake of a smother flow of words maybe that should be the " Tightest TATA in Town ", but then again there are those who might mistake those words.:D :D

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Besides all the discourse about whatever I was hoping to hear from those that have taken Uptheos on his discount. The results are not yet in but for the first 10 days of the month the results are not promising.

The first 2-3 days there were a lot of orders from Thaivisa members. There also seemed to be a lot of orders from Thais with spouses as ThaiVisa members. The traffic has now dropped off to a regular couple of people a day.

Basically therein is the problem with a study such as this and it also goes to those businesses that cater to ThaiVisa.

Many of the people on ThaiVisa do not realize that ThaiVisa in itself is not enough to make a business. Forget it. But many think it will help. Can we count the businesses that have started and the owners thought that by advertising here they would be able to make a living? There are many.

OK for the next 2 weeks I challange Thaivisas members to buy take away.

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Many of the people on ThaiVisa do not realize that ThaiVisa in itself is not enough to make a business. Forget it. But many think it will help. Can we count the businesses that have started and the owners thought that by advertising here they would be able to make a living? There are many.

in a nutshell , advertising on thaivisa is over-rated! does it cover the cost of the ad?

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well TV offer an Option for people who want to get their name out ,

no Ads work long term and seriously this forum is just kept alive with people who are addicted to seeing what other got to said about what there think . and people like me who when ever i got time come in a do some finger working which i hardly look at what i type and just said what i really feel .

if you need a marketing plan for your business i would be happen to give you some idea over a a nice meal :)

just pm me .

if you notice is relaly just the few of us who is replying with now and then some new joe joining and disappear .

anyway . TV would said their best and first and what ever here think will improve their income .

then again is up to you to consider if it worth while , if not just Stop the service.

and also getting exposure for your business also mean being about to live up to it .

so all the best .

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OK for the next 2 weeks I challange Thaivisas members to buy take away.
I much rather pay the 10% and sit in a nice, air con restaurant and talk with the charming and informative host about the latest political happenings. Fun_With_Obama_29.jpg Edited by Ulysses G.
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the next discount offer will be you get 20% off if you can help bring the trash out from the kitchen on your way out

and do not forget that if you help pick up any ciggies bud and bottle cap you get 1 % additional per pcs .

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well TV offer an Option for people who want to get their name out ,

no Ads work long term and seriously this forum is just kept alive with people who are addicted to seeing what other got to said about what there think . and people like me who when ever i got time come in a do some finger working which i hardly look at what i type and just said what i really feel .

if you need a marketing plan for your business i would be happen to give you some idea over a a nice meal :)

just pm me .

if you notice is relaly just the few of us who is replying with now and then some new joe joining and disappear .

anyway . TV would said their best and first and what ever here think will improve their income .

then again is up to you to consider if it worth while , if not just Stop the service.

and also getting exposure for your business also mean being about to live up to it .

so all the best .

Have to disagree with you about your comment saying that long term ads dont work, I spent my life in advertising and I know they do, plus there are many companies who have been advertising on Thai Visa for years.

In my experience people do not throw good money after bad ;)

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Besides all the discourse about whatever I was hoping to hear from those that have taken Uptheos on his discount. The results are not yet in but for the first 10 days of the month the results are not promising.

The first 2-3 days there were a lot of orders from Thaivisa members. There also seemed to be a lot of orders from Thais with spouses as ThaiVisa members. The traffic has now dropped off to a regular couple of people a day.

Basically therein is the problem with a study such as this and it also goes to those businesses that cater to ThaiVisa.

Many of the people on ThaiVisa do not realize that ThaiVisa in itself is not enough to make a business. Forget it. But many think it will help. Can we count the businesses that have started and the owners thought that by advertising here they would be able to make a living? There are many.

OK for the next 2 weeks I challange Thaivisas members to buy take away.

Like all experiments, they can go either way and I for one never expected to see your custom soar extremely high.

But there was an initial increase, so why do you think there was that initial surge?

What made people suddenly rush to Dukes... the thought of take out food, or take out with 10% discount?

Wouldn't it be normal for traffic to drop off? I would guess that most people don't eat at Dukes all the time and these people might return at some point, if they thought the food was good value.

The main question; have you lost anything by trying this, or is it at all possible that you might have gained some customers and spread a little goodwill?

Edit: Difficult to answer, but have you any idea what sort of percentage might have been people already familiar with Dukes, compared to those trying Dukes for the first time?

Edited by uptheos
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well TV offer an Option for people who want to get their name out ,

no Ads work long term and seriously this forum is just kept alive with people who are addicted to seeing what other got to said about what there think . and people like me who when ever i got time come in a do some finger working which i hardly look at what i type and just said what i really feel .

if you need a marketing plan for your business i would be happen to give you some idea over a a nice meal :)

just pm me .

if you notice is relaly just the few of us who is replying with now and then some new joe joining and disappear .

anyway . TV would said their best and first and what ever here think will improve their income .

then again is up to you to consider if it worth while , if not just Stop the service.

and also getting exposure for your business also mean being about to live up to it .

so all the best .

Have to disagree with you about your comment saying that long term ads dont work, I spent my life in advertising and I know they do, plus there are many companies who have been advertising on Thai Visa for years.

In my experience people do not throw good money after bad ;)

I agree with ThaiPauly that advertising does work in Chiang Mai. I spend a little bit on advertising from baggage claim in the airport to ThaiVisa to many of the tourist magazines. All of them bring in customers. TripAdvisor, which is not an advertising medium but a review site, also brings in customers. I'd have to say, however, that the best advertising that

I do is the discounted pizzas that I give to the schools for fund raisers and discounted catering that I do for some of the groups.

Also as far as Ta22 goes I was not saying that ThaiVisa as an advertising outlet does not work. I advertise on ThaiVisa. I was saying that as a single outlet it is just that, a single source of customers and many of the businesses that have opened and thought that by advertising on ThaiVisa that their businesses would flourish soon found out that it was not enough. Thank you, by the way, Ta22 for the offer of the marketing plan. I'd love to buy you a meal sometime. Always looking for fresh ideas. Bring BlinkyBill with you.

As far as the initial surge and the introduction of new customers I would say that that would be a yes that there were many people in the first couple of days that looked new. So this would have to be a good consequence of a discount. And, no, I haven't lost anything with the discount. The average discount cost is around 200 Baht a day. So if it creates a few new customers I could see where it would well be worth it. Is it worth it to keep the discount?

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Because of a different thread, I found myself on Saturday afternoon at Pun Pun's. I wanted to give it a try. I knew nothing of a 10% discount for TV members.

As soon as I sat down in the comfortable establishment and was handed a menu with loads of farang food options (what' I'm usually looking for) I said to myself, "why don't I come here more often?"

The prices were VERY reasonable and the food was very good.

The owner of the establishment came over to the table and introduced himself and it was then I told him I was there because I read about it on TV and was in the neighborhood. He then introduced himself as Gonzo and I admitted my TV screen name and was told about the discount. That was cool - wasn't expecting it.

Gonzo did not go back to the kitchen and take 10% of my burger. . . but for my own benefit, he should have :rolleyes: ! It was huge.

If this is his scheme to develop a loyal customer base - he's on to something, but truth be told,

I will go back regardless of the discount. Friendly people, good service, comfortable atmosphere, great food, great prices.

Now. . . let's talk about some of the more posh places that give me a cloth napkin, grind my pepper for me and have nothing on the menu less than 300 baht. . . . found myself in a restaurant like that just the night before. I will never return. Why should I when there's places like Pun Puns and Duke's who give me great service, great food and at least half the price?

Don't worry Gonzo, I will never expect you to grind my pepper for me.

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Because of a different thread, I found myself on Saturday afternoon at Pun Pun's. I wanted to give it a try. I knew nothing of a 10% discount for TV members.

As soon as I sat down in the comfortable establishment and was handed a menu with loads of farang food options (what' I'm usually looking for) I said to myself, "why don't I come here more often?"

The prices were VERY reasonable and the food was very good.

The owner of the establishment came over to the table and introduced himself and it was then I told him I was there because I read about it on TV and was in the neighborhood. He then introduced himself as Gonzo and I admitted my TV screen name and was told about the discount. That was cool - wasn't expecting it.

Gonzo did not go back to the kitchen and take 10% of my burger. . . but for my own benefit, he should have :rolleyes: ! It was huge.

If this is his scheme to develop a loyal customer base - he's on to something, but truth be told,

I will go back regardless of the discount. Friendly people, good service, comfortable atmosphere, great food, great prices.

Now. . . let's talk about some of the more posh places that give me a cloth napkin, grind my pepper for me and have nothing on the menu less than 300 baht. . . . found myself in a restaurant like that just the night before. I will never return. Why should I when there's places like Pun Puns and Duke's who give me great service, great food and at least half the price?

Don't worry Gonzo, I will never expect you to grind my pepper for me.

Ooooh Lis I just love it when youtalk dirty......

Thanks for the kind words....... I hope you come back, cuz now I know .......7 yrs ago.....


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