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Im intending to take out BUPA Health insurance for me, my wife and son.

I really don't know anything about Health Insurance, can anyone recommend BUPA in Thailand? Whats the pro's & Con's? Has anyone experienced any problems? :o

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These are the problems i see, This is somewhat old (6 months) info so someone

correct me if i am wrong.

1) When you recieve a treatment or go to hospital YOU have to pay them THEN

you ask BUPA to reimburse you. So if you get in an accident make sure your

carrying a load of cash. Again someone clarify this.

2) They use pre-exiting conditions to dis-allow many claims. Say you get disease

XXX that takes a few years to develop, they will turn around say "OH so solly

we cannot pay because this was a pre-existing condition".

3) Motorcycle accidents are only covered 50%, this is probably how most get

hurt here.

4) They have one exemption from covering anything caused by bacteria, this

could be another big weapon to kill claims.


These are the problems i see, This is somewhat old (6 months) info so someone

correct me if i am wrong.

1) When you recieve a treatment or go to hospital YOU have to pay them THEN

you ask BUPA to reimburse you.  So if you get in an accident make sure your

carrying a load of cash. Again someone clarify this.

2) They use pre-exiting conditions to dis-allow many claims. Say you get disease

XXX that takes a few years to develop, they will turn around say "OH so solly

we cannot pay because this was a pre-existing condition".

3) Motorcycle accidents are only covered 50%, this is probably how most get

hurt here.

4) They have one exemption from covering anything caused by bacteria, this

could be another big weapon to kill claims.


Thanks Nam

Would you have to show proof of whatever your trying to claim back?


I had Bupa cover for myself and family, wife got pregnant and they wont pay for this until you have been member for 11 months. Used them for some treatment where i paid first and claimed back, quite straight forward.

I cancelled it recently as i felt it was money wasted, better to save yourself and pay for treatment when needed, unless you are really concerned and/or are likely to fall ill??

DIfficult one!

I had Bupa cover for myself and family, wife got pregnant and they wont pay for this until you have been member for 11 months. Used them for some treatment where i paid first and claimed back, quite straight forward.

I cancelled it recently as i felt it was money wasted, better to save yourself and pay for treatment when needed, unless you are really concerned and/or are likely to fall ill??

DIfficult one!

Shop around. Check out www.royalsun.co.th or others. There are alternatives to BUPA, especially if you live in Thailand.


I have been looking into BUPA too - depending upon the 'options' the quotes that they have given me range from B3X,XXX to B13X,XXX. This is for my family - wife, our three children and me.

I wonder if anyone here has any connections with some hospital administration - it would be interesting to know which insurance company is most popular with hospitals - ie pays up fastest!

The idea of any of my family being in an accident is unpleasant but the idea that they may be worrying about finding the money to pay the bills if I am not around is much more of a concern. I hadn't picked up on the fact that BUPA reimburse the policyholder and don't actually pay direct to the hospital. Does anyone know if only BUPA do this?



Once again, though it shouldn't matter, who you are counts with BUPA. I've heard a lot of complaints from people insuring with them as individuals; however, claims that could have been handled a similar way were paid without comment when the policyholder was a member of a large group pool, for example at certain schools, where the overall value of the contract was much more substantial for BUPA.



I'm in a group pool with Bupa and have been given a membership card that I present upon arrival at the hospital. Check out their website, www. bupa.co.th or another one that looks pretty promising is www.thaihealth.co.th, none of this you pay first business. Royal Sun offer comprehensive cover if money is no object. :o

I have been looking into BUPA too - depending upon the 'options' the quotes that they have given me range from B3X,XXX to B13X,XXX.  This is for my family - wife, our three children and me.

I wonder if anyone here has any connections with some hospital administration - it would be interesting to know which insurance company is most popular with hospitals - ie pays up fastest!

The idea of any of my family being in an accident is unpleasant but the idea that they may be worrying about finding the money to pay the bills if I am not around is much more of a concern.  I hadn't picked up on the fact that BUPA reimburse the policyholder and don't actually pay direct to the hospital.  Does anyone know if only BUPA do this?


That quote seems high to me but I haven't got anything else to compare it with. I do think I wouldn't be claiming nowhere near that amount back a year, so would it be worth it?


I have just been on the Royal Sun web site but the health insurance section is under construction.

I got a quote for personal Insurance which covers 1 mill Death, 1 mill disability, 500, 000 Assult & 500, 000 motorbike accident (baht) for 2,999 baht.

Seems ok to me but would they ever pay if something happend?

Does anyone have health or life insurance in Thailand?

What sort of money will I be looking at? :o


I mill Death no problem.

The only catch is that you have to apply for payment in person within 6 months of your death.


can highly recommend royal sun. A bit paeng, but great service and prompt payment. I got a recurring illness one year and they never even blinked an eye lid. They also have a number of options so you can choose the cover that suits you best.

can highly recommend royal sun. A bit paeng, but great service and prompt payment. I got a recurring illness one year and they never even blinked an eye lid. They also have a number of options so you can choose the cover that suits you best.

Were they more paeng than Bupa? Do you still have to pay first and claim back?

can highly recommend royal sun. A bit paeng, but great service and prompt payment. I got a recurring illness one year and they never even blinked an eye lid. They also have a number of options so you can choose the cover that suits you best.

Were they more paeng than Bupa? Do you still have to pay first and claim back?

paeng gwaa, but phenomenally better coverage for the extra you paid, which included 90 days of travel insurance per year, which was important to me at the time :o

As for paying up front, yes for outpatient stuff, no for major stuff, if I recall correctly.

can highly recommend royal sun. A bit paeng, but great service and prompt payment. I got a recurring illness one year and they never even blinked an eye lid. They also have a number of options so you can choose the cover that suits you best.

Were they more paeng than Bupa? Do you still have to pay first and claim back?

paeng gwaa, but phenomenally better coverage for the extra you paid, which included 90 days of travel insurance per year, which was important to me at the time :o

As for paying up front, yes for outpatient stuff, no for major stuff, if I recall correctly.

What sort of money are we talking about? Do you find you claim back more than you pay?

Thanks for the advice



Geez, a couple of years ago the premium was about 28K per year, including the travel insurance option.

I recall claiming about 11K by my regular visits to Bamrungrad at the time. But given that travel insurance in and of itself was expensive, and I travelled a bit, it was a good package all up. This covered my ski trip to france and the UK and a couple of trips to Vietnam and Laos.


Both Bupa and Thaihealth (previous Bupa executives started this actually) you just show the card whether in or out-patient and you will not have to pay any cash (as long as the hospital as agreement with Bupa/Thaihealth and you have the needed cover/deductable).

Sunalliance you will have to pay out-patient first and claim later. In-patient the insurance will arrange needed guarentees for hospital. Same for www.goodhealthworldwide.com having better cover (Incl. Aids and all dangerous sports) for about the same price.



Advise not to go with Bupa. There are several others around in LOS. Bupa will find anything to claim your condition was pre-existing. Good luck.

Im intending to take out BUPA Health insurance for me, my wife and son.

I really don't know anything about Health Insurance, can anyone recommend BUPA in Thailand? Whats the pro's & Con's? Has anyone experienced any problems?  :o

Advise not to go with Bupa. There are several others around in LOS. Bupa will find anything to claim your condition was pre-existing. Good luck.
Im intending to take out BUPA Health insurance for me, my wife and son.

I really don't know anything about Health Insurance, can anyone recommend BUPA in Thailand? Whats the pro's & Con's? Has anyone experienced any problems?   :o

I've been with Bupa for two years now. Never had a problem. They have different levels of coverage, and cost depends on your age. Myself, my wife and my son are all on my policy.


Great for you. Did you have to claim (serious stuff, let's say over THB 25,000) ?

I hear so many other bad stories that it makes me wonder...

I've been with Bupa for two years now. Never had a problem. They have different levels of coverage, and cost depends on your age. Myself, my wife and my son are all on my policy.


Here is a reprint of my previous post from a number of months ago. Hope it helps add a few more bricks to the wall against BUPA.

IMHO I would stay away from BUPA. My Thai wife contracted a rather rare affliction called achalasia that comes on very slowly and is hard to diagnose in the early stages.

We bought BUPA health insurance for ourselves while planning a trip to Italy, as she needed insurance coverage for the trip and my Cobra was finished anyway.

About nine months later the disease took hold and wouldn't allow her to swallow food or water. After the doctor gave her a barium swallow test, she was diagnosed with achalasia.

When the doctor recommended surgery, we contacted BUPA to let them know she was going under the knife. They kicked it out and refused to cover it because it was a "pre-existing condition"; their reason being that it takes years for achalasia to become critical and she must have had it before we bought the insurance.

This gave new meaning to "pre-existing conditions", in my opinion.


argh... i just bought a policy with Bupa. but as i am really healthy in general i hope the card just sits in my wallet for a year anyway. it really bothers me that they only pay 50% of motorbike accidents, since that is how i am most likely to be hurt, but unfortunately this post wasn't around before i bought, so i didn't realize there were better options.

anyone have suggestions for insurance for thais?

argh... i just bought a policy with Bupa. but as i am really healthy in general i hope the card just sits in my wallet for a year anyway. it really bothers me that they only pay 50% of motorbike accidents, since that is how i am most likely to be hurt, but unfortunately this post wasn't around before i bought, so i didn't realize there were better options.

anyone have suggestions for insurance for thais?

I questioned the bike coverage as well and was told it only applied to the death benefit, really don't want to have that paid, but who knows if the rep told me what I wanted to hear, my experience was that they were not most professional agents I have ever seen. I have ahd them for several months and opted for major medical only platinum plan. So no hospital stays no claims.

As to denial of claims that is what a unsophositicated adjuster will always do. In the states my second career was the owner of a private investigation business, three employees, me, myself and I. Anyway a good amount of my business came from insurance adjusters investigation questionable claims. Some did need to be denied but the majority sholud have been paid. Now keep in mind this in a state whewre a bad faith situation by an insurance company could and did cost millions.

The friends that I know that have had used BUPA in major claims one guy is now up to I believe six surgerie's at first he had to fight them a bit usually just in the form of phone calls. Now they just approave the claims. Remember your in Thailand and Thia's are not used to people fighting back. The fully expect a Mia Bpen Lia attitude when they deny a claim. Under the circumstances of this many surgeries in sucj a short tiem of coverage I would probably question it a bit myself. They put a bit of a fight but folded easliy.

I think it depends on the hospitals and doctors you deal with and how far they are willing to back you up with BUPA. The treating physician and hospital can make or break you in any claim.

Does anyone know if they have bad faith laws in thailand that apply to insurance companies?

By the way BUPA will be raising thier rates this year, o I may bee on the search afain myself


-1 pt. for BUPA for me as well. It's a second rate firm with their fingers on the "pre-existing" condition cop out button. They were telling us that my father likely tolerated a hernia for 8 months before applying for health insurance (through them). Yeah right. We wouldn't even have known they would bail out on us as we usually just use our AIA cards first.... but just happened to want to see what would happen if we used BUPA instead for that case. First case, they bail out, no premium refund. No further business to them. AIA paid up without blinking.

Now if you're a BUPA investor or shareholder, that's another story. They sure know how to maximize their net profit. :o


When you first buy your po;icy with bupa they make a decision at that point based on your answers to the questionaire. If they tell you no exclusions then their are no pre existing conditions. When you go to the hospital their are no questions asked. They pay up to the limit of your policy. Level is on your card.



Yeah, we filled that out. There was no hernia at the time. He got it playing tennis about half a year into the policy. BUPA was firm in that he "really" got it 2 months before signing up.



Heng do you have a link to AIA? Is it more expensive? Do you need to pre-pay

or just show the card?


Mororcy accidents are only covered 50% by BUPA - to read all the fine

print I would sugest a scanning electron microscope or try TEM to be safe :o

Heng do you have a link to AIA? Is it more expensive? Do you need to pre-pay

or just show the card?


Mororcy accidents are only covered 50% by BUPA - to read all the fine

print I would sugest a scanning electron microscope or try TEM to be safe :o

Expensive... depends on how much coverage you want. It's AIA. If you get accidents only coverage, it's only like 2400 Baht a year with coverage of 50,000 Baht per incident (motorcycle accidents included as long as you're wearing a helmet and not participating in a motorcycle sport, I believe). My dad's is 7500 Baht a year for 75,000 per incident coverage... a higher premium because he's ancient at 65. For health insurance, mine is 23,000 a year for 600,000 Baht per incident and something like 2 million loss of limb, loss of life, etc. Not sure what my dad's policy is, but it's like 40,000 a year + higher coverage levels. If you want to up your loss of life, get the policy through AIG stateside (or get Met Life, All State, or whatever), as they don't pay out very much for loss of life here.

Myself, I think the best economical choice is to get accidents only coverage and save up the cash for any illnesses. Although IMO you'll also find that you do get better service if you're heavily insured. Hospitals make more off of you when you're insured, I think most would agree.


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