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Getting Even With A Horrible Driver


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This has to be the most ridiclous post of the day - everyone I know thinks Thai driving is rubbish.... why?

1/ the test is poor

2/ the police have not got a clue

3/ Thai's are essentially a selfish lot and park/drive where they want

4/ the road signals/signs are poor

5/ the vehicles are in poor condition

and 6 they drink drive

And 7. Farangs choose to live in Thailand, drive in Thailand and do nothing but moan about driving inThailand.

Don't DRIVE here if you can't handle it !!!!!!!!

I've been driving here for 20 years, and I think it's fine, cos I'm used to it and I never came here when I was too old to adapt to a new style.


There is a big difference when there are NO CONSEQUENCES for drinking and driving - people tend to do it a lot more

and for not knowing one person that doesnt drink and drive? what? You dont know one person that doesnt drink? This is the holy land for missionaries - go eat at Dukes once

Everyone drives crazy and everyone says everyone else is the worst driver but to say that Thailand doesnt pose any greater road risk then anywhere else suggests that you turn a blind eye when someone does 120+ in the rain and families of 4 sit on a motorbike

Oh and dont forget the 12 year old kid taking their 6 yr old sister to class

If you cant handle it??? The point of local subforums is usually for expats in the area to discuss observations and share experiences - just because something is negative doesnt mean the poster is insulting the entire country - there are plenty of observations that are made here that are very positive, especially when compared to back home

I absolutely stand by my observation that crossing a road is very dangerous on foot - You can sprint across it and still have close calls and hopefully someone isnt going the wrong way or driving on the sidewalk

Edited by PlanetX
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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

if she's that stupid and selfish time for a replacement!

He sounds like a ex of mine in Canada. She couldn't drive worth a crap so she compensated for it by slowing for pedestrians a mile ahead of her. No clear idea of where she was in relationship to other vehicles people or things near her. Hence the over reaction to a good driver who knows these things.

If I am understanding your post right, my reaction to her driving was overcompensation for my lack of driving skills? Is this right?

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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

if she's that stupid and selfish time for a replacement!

He sounds like a ex of mine in Canada. She couldn't drive worth a crap so she compensated for it by slowing for pedestrians a mile ahead of her. No clear idea of where she was in relationship to other vehicles people or things near her. Hence the over reaction to a good driver who knows these things.

If I am understanding your post right, my reaction to her driving was overcompensation for my lack of driving skills? Is this right?

You got it right on

Here is a exert from your last post

"I absolutely stand by my observation that crossing a road is very dangerous on foot - You can sprint across it and still have close calls and hopefully someone isnt going the wrong way or driving on the sidewalk "

Crossing the road is only dangerous if you have bad eye sight or do stupid things. Just walking out there because there is a crossing is not a good idea.

Don't get me wrong I will take some chances that I should not. If a problem results it is my fault and I will not accuse all Thai drivers of being out to get me.B)

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This has to be the most ridiclous post of the day - everyone I know thinks Thai driving is rubbish.... why?

1/ the test is poor

2/ the police have not got a clue

3/ Thai's are essentially a selfish lot and park/drive where they want

4/ the road signals/signs are poor

5/ the vehicles are in poor condition

and 6 they drink drive

And 7. Farangs choose to live in Thailand, drive in Thailand and do nothing but moan about driving inThailand.

Don't DRIVE here if you can't handle it !!!!!!!!

I've been driving here for 20 years, and I think it's fine, cos I'm used to it and I never came here when I was too old to adapt to a new style.


The point is they do it (and me too sometimes) because we CAN it doesn't make it right - and there are 6 points not just this one! driving is selfish and poor here for the reasons I outlined - and I hate that 'if you don't like it go home' stuff - we can comment right?

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I spend a fair bit of time with potentially dangerous animals and reptiles. I don't get angry or upset, but I am aware of my surroundings and what I am dealing with.

Are you talking about the Zebra crossing? Didn't know they were dangerous?!?!

It ain't the zebras you have to watch out for. It's the lion sneeking up behind them. :lol:

Same at the painted cross walks. Most vehicles will slow down if you are in a designated cross walk, but a few drivers will have their attention diverted elsewhere and NOT see someone in a crosswalk. It's those guys you have to pay attention to. It is VERY easy to lose concentration while driving or riding. All it takes is someone to start moving into your lane and your eyes are diverted for a moment. Then, if someone suddenly stops in front of you, or starts walking across the street, it's easy enough to not see them in time to stop.

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It's so brutal in the CM forum lately ! Can't you just take the guy for what he said, that somebody drove like an ass and nearly hit him ? It's not really that difficult to imagine. I'm not sure what effect the reporting to the manager will have, but it's a good thing he did, and why not anyway ? It might just have an effect of the driver taking to heart a warning, o0r driving more conscientiously (wishful thinking). Was the street-crosser at fault ? I dunno. Wasn't there. But he could've been spacing out, plodding along and then snapped back into reality. But no reason to get on his case. He lives here n knows the deal.

That's all.

Let it ride, mate. Just roll with the punches. I'll see you soon and we'll have a beer together.

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Out of interest, what is a 'crosswalk'?

In the Loi Kroh road where this guest house is situated, a lot of ladyboys or sometimes called cross dressers hang about there at night.

When they cross the road that area becomes known as a cross walk.

And you would know this... how? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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When you're in Thailand crossing the road PAY ATTENTION

Otherwise you might get killed. So look at it this way, this was a scary yet harmless warning to you to do better next time. You're not going to change the local traffic rules by complaining.

Well... actually I saw the same thing once in Samui, i was in an airport van and the driver very nearly crushed a farang at slow speed, squeezing by another car even though said farang was standing inbetween our van and the car, making himself as thin as he could. So if you have the presence of mind, do what this farang did and give the van a good hard slap on the side.

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You are in a country in which a crosswalk means absoilutely nothing.

Higher classes own cars. Lower classes are expected to get out of their way.

The hierarchy works like this:

Posh cars (Mercs etc) first

Then any vehicle bigger than yours

Then cars

Then big motorbikes

Then scooters

Then Bicycles

Then pedestrians

Then dogs

...........I'm not sure where elephants fit on this list ......

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When you're in Thailand crossing the road PAY ATTENTION

Otherwise you might get killed. So look at it this way, this was a scary yet harmless warning to you to do better next time. You're not going to change the local traffic rules by complaining.

Well... actually I saw the same thing once in Samui, i was in an airport van and the driver very nearly crushed a farang at slow speed, squeezing by another car even though said farang was standing inbetween our van and the car, making himself as thin as he could. So if you have the presence of mind, do what this farang did and give the van a good hard slap on the side.

Yes, remember the Green Cross road and don`t be naughty by walking in front of speeding vans. Otherwise some man wearing a big green teeshirt and merrymen tights will come and get you.

post-110219-098366200 1287106173_thumb.j

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

if she's that stupid and selfish time for a replacement!

Unlikely she probably owns the car

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Some Thai driving habits are odd and unsafe;  but this was a farang over-reaction as has been suggested.

TV seems to be getting very anti-Thai and farangs getting very upset with everyone ( Thai and farang )

I have a friend who has emigrated to France and they find it unbelievable the way expats in Thailand bitch amongst themselves and are subliminally anti-Thai. There seems to be more integration in France and a better meeting of diffeent cultures.

Their forums are forums

Why don't you there and look for yourself?

I am European, speak French like a French, no accent thank you, went "there" some 20 years ago.  And left as quickly as I could.  No, there is no such thing as "more integration in France and a better meeting of different cultures" in that country.  Even tough my very best and closest friends are... French, I am sorry to have to say that people in France only really "integrate" but with other French.  To very rare exceptions.  Period. 

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I'm becoming one of those "It is what it is" types. Drivers here simply do not follow rules or habits of drivers from any western country where I've been a pedestrian or driven. They have their own ways - I say ways, because while I've figured out the one about being cut off by a car that then immediately brakes heavily just in front of me in order to make a turn, and while I have no faith at all in pedestrian crossing paint, I have much more to learn. Without broadly understood and strongly enforced rules of the road, drivers make up the rules as they go. I try to recall that western nations developed driving rules slowly as their needs appeared, as vehicles became more numerous and faster. Here, they sort of popped up, so to speak.

I figure, as IForbes mentioned, that it's a video game or commercial popcorn machine - and I'm in it. No anger should apply (if I can learn that traffic rule of survival) as my accustomed rules do not apply here. It is anticipated that I should be quick to get out of the way of a car sometimes.

I intensely dislike the "If you don't like it, leave it" suggestion. It means that the speaker is somehow in charge. But it is true that I'm better off learning as I go, if I can do that instead of being angry (I may be a bit more than half way now). Tricky to learn, but worthwhile if I want to stay and be happy. I won't say Buddhism, but it may be that a degree of fatalism can help me to stay alive; it is what it is and I want to enjoy more of it.

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Posted Yesterday, 11:58

If you have spent any time here at all; you are probably aware of the fact that the Thai drivers slow down for pigeons and speed up for farangs in the crosswalks.

BTW, maybe you should adopt a pigeon and keep him on your head.

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I'm a pretty good judge of speed and the ability of a driver to stop, or cover a certain distance. I use that judgement to remain reasonably safe. I've had my share of accidents.

One is too many for most. I'm in my mid 40s and am still a fast runner. I guess I don't need to mention that I frequently make more while I'm sleeping than a thai van driver makes in a month. But, it ain't an I'm better than them kind of thing. Also, as far as the truck owners being a higher class...Perhaps in their own little backwards Worlds. The Founder of Facebook walks to work and I don't even know if he owns a car. Also, it appears that maybe the Thais should study the African American communities in America. During the era of segregation, the Blacks would buy Cadillacs to show that they could have what the white man had, while they still lived in tar paper shacks. ie; car costs twice as much as their home. And since the laws on foreign land ownership have made the thai neighborhoods second rate, it's really something they should consider. Thailand has been good to me, and you wouldn't catch me dead at Dukes, etc....But, common sense is common sense, so let's not play this culture thing. Or then we will have to discuss things like stoning, female circumcision, and the large percentage of Latinos whose first sexual experience is with their uncle.

You know what they say in America "Big Truck, small ____" The only thing an expensive vehicle says about someone is that they have a large amount of high interest consumer credit.

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I spend a fair bit of time with potentially dangerous animals and reptiles. I don't get angry or upset, but I am aware of my surroundings and what I am dealing with.

You are a laywer or polititian then?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Great reply... :jap:

Neither, but I do get up front and personal with bears, cougars and snakes. :D




this King cobra had amazing power in his body, and a head bigger than my open hand..


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  • 2 weeks later...

You are in a country in which a crosswalk means absoilutely nothing.

Higher classes own cars. Lower classes are expected to get out of their way.

The hierarchy works like this:

Posh cars (Mercs etc) first

Then any vehicle bigger than yours

Then cars

Then big motorbikes

Then scooters

Then Bicycles

Then pedestrians

Then dogs

...........I'm not sure where elephants fit on this list ......

Wherever they want mate, wherever they want!

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