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Now we can relax and watch the BambiNa thread.

Can't make the effort to vada what the daft palone is saying.

Shouldn't she now be shaving her chest and lallies in time for Pissup?

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There has been many threads on this subject,it always ends with people slagging each other off.

In my mind you have inconsiderate dog loves,who don't mind the barking,or people that just want a quiet life,who can take dogs or leave them.

I lived next door to a barking dog and moved,thats the joy of renting.I did get my revenge(not on the dog).

Dogs need training not to yap at every vendor that passes-by,thats down to the owner.

Sorry for the OP,it must drive you crazy.I think disturbing the owners in their quiet time is a start.Try waking the dogs when the owners have gone to bed,its worth waking up at 4 am just to do this

It not the dogs fault.


Sorry about previous post,bit like first day at school,new to this game.

Anyway,the dog barking problem seems to be rife in LOS,you never know who is going to move in next door.Best rent and you can move on.Otherwise slowly go insane or 100Baht for poison?

Estates with predominantly Thai's are the worst offenders.


When they are not in throw some meat laced with poison.

My mate had two dogs on Samui and because they kept barking at passers by they got poisoned by the local Thais, it seems to be an accepted method.

ohh come on... dont tell me its imply that , the way for fixed dog bark is poison them ....hellooooooo


Unfortunatelly it is true. We have lost two of our dogs, our neighbor three, and other neighbors also by someone poisoning them. Our pedigree golden retriever stays in the house compound always and sleeps indoors at night. Yes, he does bark but ONLY when a stranger approaches our gate, not like some little obnoxious poodles just up the street where they seem to bark whenever the wind blows a leaf :o


Don't they have bark collars in thailand??? It's a collar that delivers a tiny shock if the dog barks more then 3 times in a row. It is used to train dogs to bark in order to alert its owners to a stranger or danger but not bark every time it smells a fart from a mile away. If they don't have them, they should. Very cheap, and run off a 9 volt battery. If that doesnt work you could always rig some sort of small explosive to the collar...BARK BARK BOOOM! :o

Don't they have bark collars in thailand??? It's a collar that delivers a tiny shock if the dog barks more then 3 times in a row. It is used to train dogs to bark in order to alert its owners to a stranger or danger but not bark every time it smells a fart from a mile away. If they don't have them, they should. Very cheap, and run off a 9 volt battery. If that doesnt work you could always rig some sort of small explosive to the collar...BARK BARK BOOOM! :o

Ye, but how do you persuade the neighbour to buy 9 of these collars and put them on his dogs?


You can also buy a static type of ultrasonic device which you position on a wall or pole or something aimed in the direction of the nuisance Price is about US$30 with a range of up to 10 metres. There are also hand held types as well.

Don't they have bark collars in thailand??? It's a collar that delivers a tiny shock if the dog barks more then 3 times in a row. It is used to train dogs to bark in order to alert its owners to a stranger or danger but not bark every time it smells a fart from a mile away. If they don't have them, they should. Very cheap, and run off a 9 volt battery. If that doesnt work you could always rig some sort of small explosive to the collar...BARK BARK BOOOM! :o

Ye, but how do you persuade the neighbour to buy 9 of these collars and put them on his dogs?

Good point. what the ###### is someone doing with 9 dog's anywhoo?


The OP, Englisx has a neighbour with 9 dogs.

Why? Who knows :o ?

I know 1 fella, has 14 Rottweilers. But unusually for Thailand, he does take proper care of them.

Another family I know started with about 10 dogs, now down to 7 scraggy mutts as they are just left free to wander and tend to try to argue with the odd pick-up. After a lot of shouting and stick waving, they stay away from my place now. These, altho a nuisance don't concern me too much, I don't suffer from near neighbours' dogs barking.

What does concern me is we now have a new pack of about 8 dogs in our road, I don't know where they have come from. But these are well fed and don't run away when you shout "Boo" A pack of well nourished dogs, strong and with no fear, Thai toddlers that like to whack dogs with sticks, has got to lead to tragedy.

I'm not sure what the law is in Thailand re dogs.


When I first moved to the village,the main noise was the cockrels.Chicken flu seems to have reduced the problem to reasonably acceptable levels at the moment.

The dog problem however, has got a lot worse though a few have been dealt with by the passing traffic,but they soon seem to breed back up again.I deal with them using a catapult and I'm getting quiet good now.The main difficulty was getting standard ammunition.I solved that by making a suitable sized clay balls, and leaving them to dry in the sun.Lots of the dogs dont come into my place anymore and the night time fights tend to be further up the road.Don't think I'll solve it untill I have a one and a half meter wall right round the property.The main difficulty is that most of the thais would sleep through the end of the world and never notice.So no problem for them.

When I first moved to the village,the main noise was the cockrels.Chicken flu seems to have reduced the problem to reasonably acceptable levels at the moment.

The dog problem however, has got a lot worse though a few have been dealt with by the passing traffic,but they soon seem to breed back up again.I deal with them using a catapult and I'm getting quiet good now.The main difficulty was getting  standard ammunition.I solved that by making a suitable sized clay balls, and leaving them to dry in the sun.Lots of the dogs dont come into my place anymore and the night time fights tend to be further up the road.Don't think I'll solve it untill I  have a one and a half meter wall right round the property.The main difficulty is that most of the thais would sleep through the end of the world and never notice.So no problem for them.

Is a "catapult" also called a "slingshot"? If not then what is it?

Eat them. OR move to Muslim neighborhood. They don't generally keep dogs.

The Muslim moo baan I stayed at in Satun, as were neighboring villages, seemed to have plenty of dogs. :o

I also wouldn't recommend eating them if they are the typical mangy mutts so commonly roaming about, same as wouldn't knowingly consume a dirty, scabby, diseased chicken or pig or cow. If they are reasonably clean and appear disease-free, then I wouldn't hesitate.

Eat them. OR move to Muslim neighborhood. They don't generally keep dogs.

The Muslim moo baan I stayed at in Satun, as were neighboring villages, seemed to have plenty of dogs. :o

Surely the point is that not everyone in Thailand does keep dogs... thet just always seem to be hanging around.. :D

totster :D

Sick <deleted> that want to kill dogs for barking. Talk to your neigbors or or ANYTHING else but it's not the dogs fault, it most likely just wants to have someone care for it and show some kind of attention. GAG order recommended. (for the twits that would kill for something the dog doesn't understand)

Sick to kill dogs is it, but I bet you are happy to have animals killed for you to eat every day, so what makes dogs different? Dogs are vermin IMO and a bloody pest worldwide, the koreans have the right attitude, why not eat them? I don't eat animals but am not sentimental about them and would not hesitate to poison annoying dogs, the noise they create can drive people mad and damage health. It's not the dogs fault but then you can hardly poison the owners can you-peter

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