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Safety Security On Thai Ferry Boats?And Insurance Of Passangers?


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today i see in the news,on german telvision,that a tourist board exploded,because the stuff try to bond something,then fire comes over,and motor fuel power engine exploded

the nabour boughts save the people,but 7 of them,was injured!

now during my kournes,it happens 2 time,that i come,like in a thunderstorm,one time,with the seetrain disvoery company,very high and heavey wave to ko tao,the boat was complete overloaded with to many laguage on the left side!

same happens in krabi to hong island 2 year ago,for nearly 2 hours!

on the way to koh tao,the sea sickness beginn on many people,i dont eat muich before boat starts nothing happens,but seetan desivoery crew,has not enough bags for everyone..

a tourist in phangan told me fom canada, 13 year ago he miss one boat

and if he would not missed,he would go down with all passangers...

since i saw this,i go always go with the lompha boat,looks more seafty and not so rusty then the other companys,taxi mostly then also inclided!

burt one questions.when i go with lomphaya,the ask every passanger,whats your name,then the write on the list,then i ask,for what the need the names,woman on counter says for the insurance!

but how the can identify a person,when the have only the name,and no pasboard number nothing recoreded?

when something whould happen,i try to find out details,about how high insurance for each passanger would be ans so on,but only a smile comes back,and the dondt answer my quesitons!

maybe here,someone knows more !

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As someone who used to travel on the ferry to Koh Tao most days I have to say the post is a crock of. Out of the two companies the Seatran boat is far better in as storm than the Lomprayah due to its design. As with most sea crossings around the world sometimes it is bumpy due to the big waves. If you are not a good sailor I would suggest you research your trip to islands when the weather is a little better. I have never been stuck on the Seatran ferry either yet have been on the other several times due to both engines failing. Neither of the big ferry companies has had any major incidents that I can remember in my time here. They both also take safety very highly and I can assure you that the boats are never overloaded as I have seen many a passenger turned away when their capacity has been reached and as for all the luggage being stacked to one side <deleted>. It isn't a canoe for crying out loud! :o

I suggest the OP stays safe at home in Germany where everything is safe :thumbsup:

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