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What Language School In Thailand/Phuket Have German Teachers?


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i stilll to try to find a way,to extend my non imigrant visa to one year ED

but,on all language schools i contact the have only english teachers,and not german where i can learn the language!

i read on the net,it is nesarsary to go to emigration office,also with one year ed stamp to extend the visa!

now,i want know,when i got ed visa,and i go to other language school on samui,that cannot give me one year,is it nesarsary then,to kepp one year ed alive,to extend visa ed for more then 3 month,only on the place where i study?

or can i go to every imigration office in thailand where i want?to extend!?

my plan,i got to a school that can give me ed vis,study there maybe one month,extend again,and after i have it,would it be then also posible to change language school,that provide german teachers but no ed visa,or must i study always during my stay,on the school very the ed one year visa coming from,no one can aswer me this questiosn,also from the school it self,i got mails back,withouth knowing more about this?

Edited by Sandman77
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