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Penang Vs. Kl

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I've got to plan a trip to do my ED visa, and I'm wondering why Penang is such a popular choice for people living in Phuket. It seems that Air Asia doesn't fly there anymore, and that Firefly costs almost 7K just for the flight. Is it hard to get an ED in KL? Anyone have any suggestions or good ideas on where to purchase tickets/packages. I'm trying to avoid the 14 hour bus ride. Thanks.

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With the proper documentation provided by your school (letter of tuition paid, document from the Ministry of Education allowing you to secure a visa for study, etc) you're unlikely to have ANY problem at either location securing a 90 day Single Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa.

Although you don't mention what it is you're exactly intending to study; for arguments sake, lets pick that it's the study of the thai language at a private language school located somewhere in thailand.

Now you could just as easily be studying; diving, buddhism, muay-thai, cooking thai food, or any of the plethora of educational undertakings here in thailand which are used by foreigners to secure an ED visa. In fact, you might even be enrolled in a 'real university' undertaking higher education. However it is my experience that MOST inquiries (7 out of 10) concerning a Type-ED visa are related to studying the thai language.

As to the cost, the travel time, or why people from one location go somewhere over somewhere else, I couldn't speculate as I'm in Bangkok, and most people go to Lao PDR for their ED visa. Other more learned posters than I must weigh in on the pro's and/or con's of any particular thai consulate or embassy in neighboring countries and the various modes of transport used to go there.

Like I said earlier, with the correct documentation, you're highly unlikely to have a problem with either place you mentioned. I know of many currently enrolled students who secured their initial visa at both of those locations without incident.

Edited by tod-daniels
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One reason that I have often chosen Penang over KL is the availability of trustworthy agents in Penang. I get lazy and would rather pay someone 200 Baht (approx.) to go to the Consulate for me. I get to sleep late if I want and have always been able to pick up my visa the next afternoon in time to leave for Thailand. In KL I would have to go the Embassy myself as I have not heard of TRUSTworthy agents there.

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  • 1 year later...

One reason that I have often chosen Penang over KL is the availability of trustworthy agents in Penang. I get lazy and would rather pay someone 200 Baht (approx.) to go to the Consulate for me. I get to sleep late if I want and have always been able to pick up my visa the next afternoon in time to leave for Thailand. In KL I would have to go the Embassy myself as I have not heard of TRUSTworthy agents there.

Same for me, I will be seeing Jim's Place (Malibu Cafe) Jan2 for an ed visa.

Difference for me is KL has a long coach ride to the city. Penang closer to city and once you get to Chulia street there

are hotels galore plus you can walk everywhere eg. Komtar only 10min walk.

Stay at different hotels each trip, but Tune Hotel is pretty cool so have to have at least one night there.

Hostelworld is a cool web for Penang Hotels/Hostels/Backpackers.

Plus love those Dim Sum restaurants that have been there forever and if you go 6am very fresh.

3rd trip to Penang but 1st time for Ed Visa.

The only negative in Penang for me is the stupid buses "exact change" policy. How does one get correct change when arriving into Penang with only big bills? :(

Been to KL many times ,but once you go Penang you forget about KL .sorry.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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  • 1 month later...

Just to report that I have returned from Penang with Ed Visa.

Apart from a little confusion whether or not the embassy would be open on an extra Thailand holiday (Tuesday, 3 January 2012 – An extra holiday to promote tourism)

Penang was open 3 Jan so I used Jim's Place (agent) Chulia street then going to Embassy with all the paperwork.

Unfortunately the Thai guy there didn't/couldn't find my MOE Letter and as I didn't read Thai well thought that my Thai School had forgotten to give it to me. So I sent an email to my school ,which was closed for extra Holiday, but luckily the owner replied to say they have copy on record but not sure if the Embassy will accept copies. Well knowing I had that document already replied to say Thank you & sorry for the trouble I will try process next day. Next day (4Jan) see the same guy who passes to Malay guy who 's first words are "it's a copy". Now I know I have an original and I was not going to keep my cool this time, I can't read well but I can speak well so In loud,clear Thai words I said NO, not correct, don't say that to me, I came here yesterday and you didn't find it, are you blind?, look at it closer. Just to get started.

The Malaysian guy backs away then hands the MOE document to the Thai guy who sits at the desk and looks at it more closely. A Turkish guy behind me was also applying for an ED visa so he had an MOE Letter also, so I took it from him and held it to the window saying (in Thai) "Look sir another copy, everybody has a copy"! To cut a long story short both the Turkish guy and myself had receipts for 220RM very shortly after.

I said some other words to him kindly reminding him that if he had seen my MOE letter the day before I would not have got so upset to which he replied "you not give me" to which I replied "I don't read Thai you do sir and why would I not give you"? This is my folder! He was quite and then gave my receipt.

Collected Passport next day 5Jan 2.15pm via Jim's motorbike and he dropped me off at Komtar to collect my bag from a Locker, walked around the corner a bus 401E pulls in and 1 hr later I'm at the airport to get my 5.25pm AA.

Yes it was a good thing I extended my return to the 5Jan @ extra 1200THB

Jim's charged me 20RM (about 200thb) for 2 taxi's (first day 3 people, 2nd day 4 people) Embassy and back plus 1 bike ride to Komtar. On'Ya Jim Thanks. Will see him next year.

If you are going to Penang for Tourist Visas they only allow 3 but only if they are not extended eg. 60+60+60.

Non Imm visa Jim's says no limit.

If you speak Thai use it don't put up with any BS @ Penang.

A Few days later I returned to show Thai School my ED Visa and do final paperwork and reminded them anybody doing Visas should be shown the MOE letter so they know which one it is.

One thing I think Jim got wrong, well actually right, he said to go out and back before Visa expires to get an extra 90days like I have done with a Non "O" but with Ed Visas you need re-entry permits (1000 Baht for single; 3800 Baht for multiple) so why not just go Penang again.

Yes you could go to Poipet but does anybody know if that makes any difference to get another Ed Visa?

Jack Golf 2100 + re-entry 1000 = 3100, almost same for AA to Penang. Penang again for me anyway. In 3 yrs I turn 50.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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The type of visa has nothing to do with getting another entry - you only have a single entry visa so your stay can not be more than 90 days. If you intend to exit/return during those 90 days a re-entry will keep it alive but will not add anything. If you had obtained a multi entry visa then exit/return would get a new 90 day stay. To obtain a new ED visa would require the same paperwork again. But if you are attending school you do not exit to obtain a new 90 day stay but you visit immigration with paperwork to extend for 90 days using a normal TM.7 extension of stay form and paying 1,900 baht each time.

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