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A Perfect Sunday In Chiang Mai


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Alrite Lads n Ladies, let us get a bit of discussion happening here!

What is your idea of a great Sunday in Chiang Mai? It doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary or involve spending lots of money or whatever. Sometimes it is the simplest things in life which we gain the most enjoyment from.

For me, starting the day with a great breakfast at one of the many cheap dining establishments is a must. I usually can't go past a plate of bacon and eggs with a stack of toast dripping with butter if I want to guarantee a full, happy belly. Top it off with a pot of Liptons and Bob's yer Aunty...perfect! Don't forget to stop in at Sompet Market for some snacks and fresh fruit for later in the day.

Ok, action time! Jump on the 2-wheeler and go out past Mae Rim for a ride up into the hills - this is especially nice when the cooler weather around December/January kicks in. It is such a great feeling riding through those undulating hills, smelling the clean mountain air and looking at the amazing sights at regular intervals along the journey. If it's not an elephant or water buffalo, it is a family of four on a bike heading towards you...What tha! You just don't get to see sights like this in the West. Hmmm, time to stop for a rest and a pick-me-up at the Wawee coffee stall overlooking the elephant park and a spot of reading and relaxing for an hour. Great coffee, great view, great feeling. Jump back on the bike and heck, you don't even need a map - just keep on riding and see where the road, and life takes you! It beats sitting on the couch all day or having to mow the lawn don't you think...

In the evening, after a long ride and with aching muscles asking for some relief, what could be better than an inexpensive massage for an hour, followed by an easy stroll through the alleyways of the old city to seek out a dish or two of that wonderful Chiang Mai favourite - Khao Soi. I think a spot of people watching at the Walking Street Market is in order whilst enjoying some of that delicious condensed-milk sweetened Thai coffee in a little side soi. I might even treat myself to a couple of Changs, then grab one of those amazing banana and chocolate Rotis for supper on the walk home.

I'm sure if I thought about it there would be plenty more exciting things I could have done (and it would probably be boring for many of you), but if I had to settle for this itinerary to spend a Sunday in one of the great little cities of the world, I would be a very happy chappy.

Come on folks, don't be shy....what's YOUR perfect way to spend a Sunday in CM?!

Have a great day,


Edited by bazmlb
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I would leave a message the previous day for two of my ladies to join me the following afternoon.My day would start when I got up about 9 AM and would walk down the street to my favourite Thai cafe where I would have a breakfast of Kow Padt Gai washed down with a bit of min-ow. Then, my friend, Michael and I would ride over to the base of Doi Suthep and leave my bike at the bottom of the hill. We would hike up the trail that follows the creek coming down off the mountain. When we got to the top where the creek comes from under the road, we would return down to the restaurant at the bottom of the hill and have a nice lunch of Kai hut Sai. A 15 minute ride on my bike would get me back to my hotel in time for a shower and wait for my ladies to arrive They would stay for an hour and a half and then it would be time for an afternoon nap. I would awake refreshed after an hour and eat some fruit before wandering over to friends place for a chat and a drink. About 8 in the evening I'd go to one of my favourite bars and share a drink or two and play some pool with the ladies. About 11:30 PM I would take a friend over to the Brasserie and listen to Took or one of his bands play the blues. By that time it would be 1:30 AM and time for bed... with the prospect of doing it all over the next day.

Edited by IanForbes
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