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Expression For "Bad Luck" ?


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Actually, it is my experience, that the most often spoken colloquial phrase meaning the opposite of โชคดี; cho:hkF deeM (good luck) is; โชคไม่ดี; cho:hkF maiF deeM (bad luck), and then after that I'd use the example "sarahsbloke" mentions; โชคร้าย; cho:hkF raaiH (which at least to me means; frickin' really bad luck) :o .

With more than a few thai words it would appear that the direct opposite word in thai is not used, and to denote the opposite meaning you couple the word ไม่ maiF (not) with the postitive meaning to get a negative. Example(s); ดี; deeM (good), ไม่ดี; maiF deeM (bad, not good), สบาย; saL baaiM (well, happy, good, fine, ok, etc), ไม่สบาย; maiF saL baaiM (usually; sick or unwell, but also can be unhappy).

(Phonetic pronunciation ripped shamelessly from Glenn Slayden's thai-language dot com website :whistling: )

Edited by tod-daniels
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