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Cost Of Living


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I can't give you any statistical information but I can tell you that the cost of living has increased a hel_l of a lot just in the three years I've lived here. Thailand is no longer cheap. I remember when I first came on vacation 20 years ago...those were the days...

If you're thinking of coming, bring loads of cash. You'll need it.

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I can't remember ever having seen a index.

I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

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I can't remember ever having seen a index.

I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

And the exchange rate if your money comes from outside Thailand?

My U.S. dollars are worth about 2/3 of what it was when I moved here to live.


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I can't remember ever having seen a index.

I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

And the exchange rate if your money comes from outside Thailand?

My U.S. dollars are worth about 2/3 of what it was when I moved here to live.


My money is mostly from Canada and the difference is not that great. I understand what you mean about the US as I receive a very small amount from them. I might add that your dollar will buy a heck of a lot less back home than it would when you moved here..

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My budget is 150,000 baht per month :(

Could have fun with that monthly budget.

Black and White; how do you like to live, luxury or simple'n dirty? This would give the experienced, oh so knowledgeable, ones on board more information to reply.

Two recent friends arrived for their 6-7 month stays> One rents a villa for 48,000 baht a month and hires a husband and wife as; driver, cook, maid, fixer :lol: . The other manages on 100 baht guest houses (even in downtown CM,, saw it yesterday and was surprised that it was decent) and eats local food and rarely drinks beer; his biggest cost is gas in his 100 mpg motorbike.


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My budget is 150,000 baht per month :(

Could have fun with that monthly budget.

Black and White; how do you like to live, luxury or simple'n dirty? This would give the experienced, oh so knowledgeable, ones on board more information to reply.

Two recent friends arrived for their 6-7 month stays> One rents a villa for 48,000 baht a month and hires a husband and wife as; driver, cook, maid, fixer :lol: . The other manages on 100 baht guest houses (even in downtown CM,, saw it yesterday and was surprised that it was decent) and eats local food and rarely drinks beer; his biggest cost is gas in his 100 mpg motorbike.


Fishenough, I think your second friend has the right idea. I have found that the closer you live to the local economy of any country you are in, the less expensive it will be. Even in Tokyo, one of the more expensive cities in the world, I save $100 to $200 a night by staying in a Japanese businessman's hotel in Asakusa rather than one of the better known brand hotels. Right around the corner is a great local ramen shop with a bowl of ramen that would feed a small family for about $6.00 US equivalent. Cheaper than the Golden Arches and much tastier.

While I wouldn't complain about a budget of 150,000 baht/month either, I would be saving well over half of it and still having a great time.


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You could live off the cost of operating a car, which would be about 25,000 per month including everything. Living in a central area is the way to go. I pay 230 per night for a real hotel, with cable TV, CCTV, front desk, etc....I near Chinatown, but can walk almost anywhere, or use red taxis for 20 thb.

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I can't remember ever having seen a index.

I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

And the exchange rate if your money comes from outside Thailand?

My U.S. dollars are worth about 2/3 of what it was when I moved here to live.


And my US dollars are worth about a third MORE than what it was when I moved here to live. Relevance? (Other than that it provides some insight in our respective arrival dates, and the nature of currencies and exchange rates? ) :)

Edited by CheGuava
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Not sure what index you talk of. I used to see regular posts about the cost of living in Thailand. Not many any more. That is why I ask is there any up to date information ?

Thank you to those that have answered. If there is a link to a previous thread please let me know

We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

I expect to pay for school for my daughter

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Any help would be great

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My budget is 150,000 baht per month :(

Could have fun with that monthly budget.

Black and White; how do you like to live, luxury or simple'n dirty? This would give the experienced, oh so knowledgeable, ones on board more information to reply.

Two recent friends arrived for their 6-7 month stays> One rents a villa for 48,000 baht a month and hires a husband and wife as; driver, cook, maid, fixer :lol: . The other manages on 100 baht guest houses (even in downtown CM,, saw it yesterday and was surprised that it was decent) and eats local food and rarely drinks beer; his biggest cost is gas in his 100 mpg motorbike.


I think by your standards, I would be living a luxury lifestyle, but by my own standards, a middle class lifestyle. I have a car, an airconditioned house, 5,000 a month rent, a swimming pool :)

And I eat out at Meals on Wheels for You. Since I can't walk well, I have staff to help me with that... Oh, I like photography and I spend around 20, 000 baht per month to enjoy that.

I just think it is expensive to live here now. And I am not a drinker :)

Edited by LJW
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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

Edited by CheGuava
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For one:

Food - 4K

Room - 2.5K

Electricity - 0.5K

Beer - 4K

Women - 8K

Motorbike - 2K (I crash or get it nicked once a year on average, so this is replacement cost)

Fuel - 0.5K

Underwear, flip-flops and other clothing - 0.5K

Calling my mum when I end up in hospital - 0.05K

Total: 21,550 baht.

This assumes free government condoms and wearing T shirts that you pick up at promotional events and political rallies.

Any remaining money I just squander.

EDIT: This is for one of course. So for a family of three you can add 8,450 baht extra for food and for their underwear and flip flops. Nice round 30K.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Well, Che... my post was in reference to the quote that was included which indicated some costs in Thailand were the same as they were "5 years ago", and if the money coming from outside was worth less than 5 years before, then it seems that would be relevant.


I can't remember ever having seen a index.

I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

And the exchange rate if your money comes from outside Thailand?

My U.S. dollars are worth about 2/3 of what it was when I moved here to live.


And my US dollars are worth about a third MORE than what it was when I moved here to live. Relevance? (Other than that it provides some insight in our respective arrival dates, and the nature of currencies and exchange rates? ) :)

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How long is a piece of string?

There are few "fixed" costs for living in Thailand, most are subjective costs.

In concrete terms a bowl of noodle soup costs about the same as it did 10 years ago in Baht. Many foreign currencies have decreased in value against the Baht.

Other than that you will see plenty of claims for people HAVING to spend more than 150k Baht a month ... and Many claims from people only spending 20k.

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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.


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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

This sounds about right to me for a very good life in CM, though you could probably cut it by 20,000 or so if you forgot the maid and the trips abroad. Glad I don't own/run a car it takes a big chunk out of the budget as well.

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If Che had lived to get married, have children, get a dog, a car and a house in the burbs, and got into a career where getting insurance was feasible: hel_l Yes. ;)

Can't argue with that - I bet if he would be full of regrets after the mundane life he led. wink.gif

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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

Yeah thats bout what I spend in total per month, I dont have car payments or employ a maid nor have a child who needs schooling and dancing lesson.

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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

Yeah thats bout what I spend in total per month, I dont have car payments or employ a maid nor have a child who needs schooling and dancing lesson.

Any advance on 120?.....going.....going,,,,.

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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

Yeah thats bout what I spend in total per month, I dont have car payments or employ a maid nor have a child who needs schooling and dancing lesson.

Any advance on 120?.....going.....going,,,,.

Wakey Wakey; we've already had 150!

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We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

We all eat Thai food,

We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

Food & Groceries - 20K

House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

Electricity - 2K

Car payments - 12 K

Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

Maid - 6K

Clothing - 3 K

Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

Other shopping - 6 K

Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

Hobbies & things - 6 K

Truevisions TV - 1K5

Other small expenses - 4K

Total: 120K baht.

Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

It looks good to me. It is out of my range but I did not move here with a family. Any one moving here with a family should be able to spend that amount of money or in my opinion it would not be fair to the family. The OP sounds like a level headed fellow not moving here because he is socially unexceptionable where he comes from or he can't get laid . So all in all a reasonable budget one that you could trim down or trim up. I can't imagine what 150,000 Baht would do for me. Well yes I can but that is not my life style.

Edited by jayjay0
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