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Claiming Benefits Whilst In Thailand


Living off the Social in Thailand  

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I would willingly snitch on the politicians, for me anyone who makes a false claim deserves to be jailed and their benefits removed from them, they should also pay back as much as possible.

But like in all societies there are rules for them and rules for us.

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and you know what GH when she goes down the dole office when she loses her job they will probably tell her to bugger off.:realangry:

I absolutely would not - Nor do I expect her to put her hand out, most people do not.

There's a world of difference between loosing a job, and not looking for a job.

You should come visit my home town someday, make it a Thursday, the town centre is full of young men and women hobbling about with walking sticks, they hobble down to the Welfare office and then straight over to that other hangout of the nation's work-sheisters 'Whetherspoons'.

It's classic economics of Supply and Demand - Make more money available for a product and the market will respond with more of the product.

Pour billions into the welfare system for bad backs and gammy legs and our town centres become full of them.

Got to hand it to Whetherspoons though, spotted a large market sector - People with easy money in their pockets and all day free to spend it.

Think you'll find more in any local bookies once they have miraculously thrown away their zimmer frames after getting the giro

To be honest Id rather have a no benefit sytsem like Thailand the problem is its hard for the state to separate idle <deleted>****ers and needy people.

Pardon me whilst I sit down " I have bad back you know" and suffer from "nerves" now where's my cheque!!

Edited by travelmann
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My local MP David Laws, came clean about his misuse of Public Money, he came clean and owned up to it, others tried to fight the system, which meant more taxpayers money being lost through the use of the courts.

But for me, the miss use, as they put it, is theft. Dozens of MP's, those looking after us, were crooks and they got away with it.

NO QUESTION, they cooked the books for their own gain when they are already on a fabulous salary. Why did they get away with it, cos dozens of MP's that were running the country would have been in prison, plain and simple. But the hang em high brigade would rather weed out the cannon fodder. :annoyed:

I rather weed out both...

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I'm all for sending MPs who commit fraud to prison too.

But let's not make the mistake of arguing one person committing a crime entitles other's to do likewise.

Very true, really all those who commit fraud should be sentenced. Those who do not have the money need to

see that Theft does not pay, even if you are a Minister, all of them should be in the Nick.

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My local MP David Laws, came clean about his misuse of Public Money, he came clean and owned up to it, others tried to fight the system, which meant more taxpayers money being lost through the use of the courts.

Only "came clean" because he was CAUGHT red handed STEALING 40K GBP when the guy is a millionaire! He should be in jail as anyone else (of a lower social class) would be if cought stealing money of that amount.

What pisses me off with the likes of Laws and his thieving brotherhood is that, when caught, all they do is say "sorry I made a mistake" and they get off Scott free. I don't know about every case but when I sign a form there is usually a clause at the bottom to the effect that by signing this form I solemnly declare that all the information is true and if not I will be subject to possible legal proceedings.

Not applicable to those of the right social standing.

Come the revolution we'll have them all up against the wall brothers. ;)

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Turn the tables. So you guys that voted yes would then also grass up to a guy that his lady you KNEW, who had hooked a farang purely to get into the UK for it's benefits, including a UK passport and the rewards that might bring with no underlying thought for her husband. ?

Don't think so. :rolleyes:

I know two ' ladies ', right at this time who are working on it.

let them try , the boarder agency are getting better at finding these type of people , and with the current financial climate there are enough people who would report them ,

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  • 4 months later...

Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open

your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the

government itself.

Well said! Cracks me up when people keep bleating on about thier taxes paying for dole scroungers. I reckon some politician said this first and now people just repeat it. I

I don't condone it but the amount of money that these "dole scroungers" steal is a very small percentage compared to what our goverment wastes everyday.

As for helping them find these fraudsters, why should we? I leave that to the sun and the news of the world. And when they get caught the punishment is usually severe! Well not if your a politician. Just means you have to find a different way to pay for that second home!

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open

your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the

government itself.

Well said! Cracks me up when people keep bleating on about thier taxes paying for dole scroungers. I reckon some politician said this first and now people just repeat it. I

I don't condone it but the amount of money that these "dole scroungers" steal is a very small percentage compared to what our goverment wastes everyday.

As for helping them find these fraudsters, why should we? I leave that to the sun and the news of the world. And when they get caught the punishment is usually severe! Well not if your a politician. Just means you have to find a different way to pay for that second home!

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

As someone is quoting me i have to respond.

Its quite simple because a politician steals from me i have to let the people stealing benefits steal from me too. Quite good logic.. NOT. Justify yourself all you can but i think both should be stopped from stealing. Did nobody ever teach you guys two wrongs don't make a right.

I would rat on them in a heartbeat as they are stealing from me. I am also for punishing politicians harder. They are not mutually exclusive.

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open

your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the

government itself.

Well said! Cracks me up when people keep bleating on about thier taxes paying for dole scroungers. I reckon some politician said this first and now people just repeat it. I

I don't condone it but the amount of money that these "dole scroungers" steal is a very small percentage compared to what our goverment wastes everyday.

As for helping them find these fraudsters, why should we? I leave that to the sun and the news of the world. And when they get caught the punishment is usually severe! Well not if your a politician. Just means you have to find a different way to pay for that second home!

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

As someone is quoting me i have to respond.

Its quite simple because a politician steals from me i have to let the people stealing benefits steal from me too. Quite good logic.. NOT. Justify yourself all you can but i think both should be stopped from stealing. Did nobody ever teach you guys two wrongs don't make a right.

I would rat on them in a heartbeat as they are stealing from me. I am also for punishing politicians harder. They are not mutually exclusive.

Spot on !

You are dead right.

Theft is theft and it's despicable whoever the perpetrator.

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Labour MP Jim Devine is to join his former colleagues in prison. :huh:

Today the former Labour MP for Livingston has been sentenced to 16 months imprisonment for swindling his Parliamentary expenses.

Appearing at the Old Bailey,Devine was sentenced for swindling more than £8,000 from the public purse.

The Judge Mr Justice Saunders stated that “Mr Devine set about defrauding the public purse in a calculated and deliberate way”. Devine who was once leader of the Scottish Labour Party was also found to have been “lying in significant parts of the evidence he gave” to the court.

Jim Devine will now join his former Labour colleagues Eric Illsley 12 months) and David Chaytor (18 months) behind bars.

Former Conservative Peer Lord Taylor of Warwick is still awaiting sentencing. .....new old boys club...exclussive :o

Meanwhile "Non Doms" are estimated to avoid "contributing" Tax to the tune of approx £150 Billion Pounds

(and we know who they are ...right lads ) :annoyed: ..BUT....

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Some one I got to know whilst here in Thailand mentioned, during normal conversation, how they were managing to support themselves when in Thailand, claiming benefits in the UK and making frequent trips back and forth when it was necessary for them to do whatever they needed to do to ensure they still received their benefits.

A debate ensued when I made my stance on the subject very clear and them justifying why they were doing it. No matter what they said in defence of their actions I couldn't accept what they were doing and the next day I telephoned and emailed the DWP. A few days later I met the same individual again and before we'd exchanged hellos I told them what I had done. After a few expletives, they left and I haven't seen them again.

I'd do it again without hesitation!

Edited by kinkers
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Good luck to any Englishman over 50 who can get anything out of the british government.

They have robbed us for decades..Particularly re NHS stamps.In that instance they have fooled you into believing you only paid half of what you REALLY paid in...Who really EARNED the 'Employers contribution'..????'[Think about it].

And now any retiree to Thailand will get his pension frozen at the sum it was first paid at.

Then PAYE tax..hits the hard working single male /female hardest...

But as your passport will show your time spent in Thailand it will be simple for the government to work out if you have been telling untruths about your status.

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I must admit when I was working a few years ago and paying the social insurance, which entitled me to get a monthly 300 baht for each of my kids under 6, i forgot to tell them when I left my job - they paid it for 3 children for almost a year.

Take what you can from any government - anarchy rules - and i certainly wouldn't grass anyone unless they did something to harm me.

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Would you bubble someone living in Thailand and claiming benefits he/she was not really entitled to? Never heard that before BUBBLE LOL I guess some people wanted to be cops and did not make it. I just worry about myself thats usually a full time job,I don't mess with other people stuff,and they don't mess with me.mind your own business,less stress you will live longer,why would you worry about turning people in! Unreal,next thing you will want to turn your freind in for littering on the street.Some people just can't help themself.There is a word for that but I think I am just going to have a drink

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The UK rolls out its back to work policy today. All incapacity benefit claimants are to be interviewed and most told to get back into work.

Sadly all the jobs have been taken by Poles and Romanians already.

Ahhh the irony of it....its just a scam to pay them income support and save a few quid.

On the bright side a few wetherspoons might close.....:)

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A friend of mine went to the doctor who was of Indian decent, told him a cock-and-bull story that he was hallucinating and suffering from a mental illness, the doctor agreed and signed him off work and referred him to see a psychotherapist. He conned them as well and was deemed unfit to work.

He was living in a flat and up until that point was paying his way , paying the rent etc .

After being declared unfit to work he claimed every possible allowance from the state that he could.

He only had to sign on every 6 months I believe and that gave him the idea of coming here, staying 5 and a half months and then return to sign on again . The flat that he had he was getting money per month to pay the rent which was over 400 quid per month. While he was here in Thailand, he sub-let his flat to someone else, they also paid him 400 quid a month. He paid the rent from the money the tenant paid him and came to Thailand. He was getting about 6-800 quid a month in total benefits and was living very well here for about 5 years , then someone bubbled him and he was caught on his next return back to the UK. I have no idea what happened to him as I have never seen him again but after doing that for about 5 years adds up to a lot of money but eventually you get caught.

I have another friend doing exactly the same here now , but he has to fly back every 2 months I think. The last time I chatted with him he said he cant afford to keep flying back to sign on , lol. He is currently back in the UK but I expect to see him back again.

How the system works mystifies me as I would love to be able to get something out of my own government rather than all the bloody immigrants who now reside in the UK and do just that , with 20 kids in tow . :realangry:

Does the Immigration Dept in the UK not liaise with the Social Security Dept? In Australia the name of every resident leaving the country is passed (computer to computer) to Centrelink ( the Aus. social security dept.) Centrelink therefore can AND DO immediately match those on benefits who have left the Country. Depending on which benefit you are receiving it is not forbidden to leave the Country, for example those on sickness can depart for a maximum of 90 days provided you tell Cantrelink the date of your departure and upon your return report in person to their office. Those on unemployment benefit can also depart once again telling Centrlink of your departure date. No way whilst abroad will you be paid any unemployment benefit. Those that try it on hoping to get away with it will find that their benefit has been cut off from their departure date, and when they return they cannot claim any benefit for 6weeks. Pretty hard if you came back from an overseas holiday broke.

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I must admit when I was working a few years ago and paying the social insurance, which entitled me to get a monthly 300 baht for each of my kids under 6, i forgot to tell them when I left my job - they paid it for 3 children for almost a year.

Take what you can from any government - anarchy rules - and i certainly wouldn't grass anyone unless they did something to harm me.

But they are harming you you. But what to expect from someone who steals from others. By claiming stuff you are not entitled to others either cant get what they are entitled too or get less. Or as a whole we have to pay more taxes. This is what makes the whole welfare state too expensive people claiming things they have no right too.

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Would you bubble someone living in Thailand and claiming benefits he/she was not really entitled to? Never heard that before BUBBLE LOL I guess some people wanted to be cops and did not make it. I just worry about myself thats usually a full time job,I don't mess with other people stuff,and they don't mess with me.mind your own business,less stress you will live longer,why would you worry about turning people in! Unreal,next thing you will want to turn your freind in for littering on the street.Some people just can't help themself.There is a word for that but I think I am just going to have a drink

Yes everyday i spy on people getting ready to turn them in for everything. It's a full time job it makes me feel great. Get real the chances that you ever come across something like this are not that big. So if you see a rape and they don't mess with you its all ok ? Just keeping on walking pretending you haven't seen it. I know the example is a bit extreme but so is your post.

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If anyone knows of benefit cheats that are living in Thailand or in fact knows of any benefit cheats please report them ASAP. As stated it costs us tax payers millions to support these idiots and why should we? If more people reported them then money would be saved.

If I know anyone claiming while in the UK or in Thai I would replrt them to HMRC or SOCA for them to forward to the necessary department in UK.

Lets all make a stand together.

get reporting.

"Teacher! Teacher! you forgot to give us our homework for tonight!"....

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Social Security is a Privilage...Not a right!

Some of you guys seem to forget this.

I know a guy here in Samui, fit as a fiddle in his mid 40's.

He was boasting that he got a "disability pension" because of a bad back!

The way he explained it I'm sure he had convinced himself it was true! this guy has absolutely nothing wrong with him,

I have a video of him renovating his bar, anyone know where I can send it? :rolleyes:

Edited by Livinginexile
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Social Security is a Privilage...Not a right!

Some of you guys seem to forget this.

I know a guy here in Samui, fit as a fiddle in his mid 40's.

He was boasting that he got a "disability pension" because of a bad back!

The way he explained it I'm sure he had convinced himself it was true! this guy has absolutely nothing wrong with him,

I have a video of him renovating his bar, anyone know where I can send it? :rolleyes:

Its my pleasure. :)


One less scrounger I hope. Cheers Livinginexile!

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Would you bubble someone living in Thailand and claiming benefits he/she was not really entitled to? Never heard that before BUBBLE LOL I guess some people wanted to be cops and did not make it. I just worry about myself thats usually a full time job,I don't mess with other people stuff,and they don't mess with me.mind your own business,less stress you will live longer,why would you worry about turning people in! Unreal,next thing you will want to turn your freind in for littering on the street.Some people just can't help themself.There is a word for that but I think I am just going to have a drink

Yes everyday i spy on people getting ready to turn them in for everything. It's a full time job it makes me feel great. Get real the chances that you ever come across something like this are not that big. So if you see a rape and they don't mess with you its all ok ? Just keeping on walking pretending you haven't seen it. I know the example is a bit extreme but so is your post.

That's not a a GOOD EXAMPLE you most have problems or just really BORED with YOUR Life.I wake up ever day and enjoy my life,you should try it. LOL

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Some one I got to know whilst here in Thailand mentioned, during normal conversation, how they were managing to support themselves when in Thailand, claiming benefits in the UK and making frequent trips back and forth when it was necessary for them to do whatever they needed to do to ensure they still received their benefits.

A debate ensued when I made my stance on the subject very clear and them justifying why they were doing it. No matter what they said in defence of their actions I couldn't accept what they were doing and the next day I telephoned and emailed the DWP. A few days later I met the same individual again and before we'd exchanged hellos I told them what I had done. After a few expletives, they left and I haven't seen them again.

I'd do it again without hesitation!

What they was doing was wrong, what you did was down right f'ing out of order.

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small potatoes.....something or someone insignificant; small fry. This contract is small potatoes, but it keeps us in business till we get into the real money. Small potatoes are better than no potatoes at all.

Edited by supaprik
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