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Dogs Owners On Housing Estates In Bangkok.


Should Dogs Run Free in Private Villages?  

45 members have voted

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"Am I on my own here, imean why should next doors dogs piss outside my house where my 6 year old daughter plays?"

Or from the dog owners point of view, "why can't he take his daughter to a playground ..... or keep her on his property"

I just hate it when other people's kids play out in the road making a racket and vandalising everything.

Maybe someone should start a "I hate kids thread" seems theres more people hate kids.

Again this is a housing estate where families live.

Why do U live in place that has kids, if u don't like kids.laugh.gif U cant blame anyone but.......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by KeiranBrown
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I was afraid I would be looked at as the crazy dog hating farang when I complained about a few to many dogs in my private village, but they actually agreed and removed them all ....... so if it's really annoying and a problem at least in my case something might get done. If the dogs are pissing off to many people the dogs will go.

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wait until you see one of these dog owners outside their house, then walk up, drop your pants and take a big shit on their step.

Actually my old village was very good, I have two dogs and always walked them and picked up their shit in a plastic bag, some other neighbours didn't, but the dogs were never roaming free on the estate although some did walk them without leads.

I know telling you take a shit on their step is a joke however if you see a dog and know the owner, then shovel up its shit and put it on the owners step.

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wait until you see one of these dog owners outside their house, then walk up, drop your pants and take a big shit on their step.

Actually my old village was very good, I have two dogs and always walked them and picked up their shit in a plastic bag, some other neighbours didn't, but the dogs were never roaming free on the estate although some did walk them without leads.

I know telling you take a shit on their step is a joke however if you see a dog and know the owner, then shovel up its shit and put it on the owners step.

Classic, i think my wife would divorce me though. But yep, next time i see a turd i will relocate it to the owners front step.

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definately get an ultra sonic devise. dogs hate these because they don't undrstand them. They are used in all sorts of training by association. We don't have much of a problem where I live apart, from the dogs occasionaly having a barking contest. Though if I catch the little bugger getting through my gate and crapping by the house i will definately be hanging a bag of crap on his gate, until he asks me what I'm doing. I believe he will get the message, and is not as harsh as chucking the mess on his property. I might even make a collection of bags and mysteriously hang them up overnight

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I had a similar problem in my village. A neighbor's dog (a shepherd of about 25 kilograms) frequently challenged my dog at the locked gate. My dog is a Thai Ridgeback at about 22 kilograms and everyone in the village is terrified of him though he really isn't aggressive. He has an image somewhat like a pitbull does back in the states.

I tried to ignore the insane barking and snarling matches and lasted through one year of daily visits. But my dog was going crazy so I warned the owner. If it happened again I would open the gate and let the dogs sort it out. Well it happened again and my dog chased the other one back to the Thai's house and right there in the front yard they had it on.

I admit to a rather perverse pride in seeing my Ridgeback pin the shepherd on the ground by its neck in a few seconds and not try to kill it.

It was foolish and it could have turned very ugly. I was lucky I didn't have to fight off any Thais as a result. And I have ruined it for every farang nearby as I'm surely a jai rawn, nut case in everyone's eyes. But it's awfully quiet around my yard nowadays and I love it.

I have a few pics of the dog here:


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I have created my own dog and cat no go area in my village, I have four ultrasonic units installed around my house and it is good for up to 75 metres. People nearby can't figured out why their dogs will not come to their house and have just given up on them. :rolleyes:

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Why has your daughter more rights then my dogs ? Anyway if all the Thais would change i would too. But that aint going to happen so better get used to it.

so - can my daughter come and pee on ur gate?wink.gif

Let her come.. if a dog pees at my gate i clean it or let the rain clean it. I bought a new car and accept that dogs will pee against its wheels. This is Thailand i just go with the flow. There are no designated places for dogs to pee and so on. Like i said everyone does it so i do too. Me changing my ways ( i did walk them always at first) does not change a thing.

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I had a similar problem in my village. A neighbor's dog (a shepherd of about 25 kilograms) frequently challenged my dog at the locked gate. My dog is a Thai Ridgeback at about 22 kilograms and everyone in the village is terrified of him though he really isn't aggressive. He has an image somewhat like a pitbull does back in the states.

I tried to ignore the insane barking and snarling matches and lasted through one year of daily visits. But my dog was going crazy so I warned the owner. If it happened again I would open the gate and let the dogs sort it out. Well it happened again and my dog chased the other one back to the Thai's house and right there in the front yard they had it on.

I admit to a rather perverse pride in seeing my Ridgeback pin the shepherd on the ground by its neck in a few seconds and not try to kill it.

It was foolish and it could have turned very ugly. I was lucky I didn't have to fight off any Thais as a result. And I have ruined it for every farang nearby as I'm surely a jai rawn, nut case in everyone's eyes. But it's awfully quiet around my yard nowadays and I love it.

I have a few pics of the dog here:


My dog loves chasing other dogs and barking at them. But he never gets into real fights. He just wants to be chased or chase other dogs its a big game to him. Although many times its misunderstood and some growling and barking occurs. But never real fights where they really bite. It always looks worse then it is.

I try to keep my dog in most of the time but give him and the other i have 3 times a day the freedom they like. This is just the Thai way. I do try to make sure he does not bother anyone.

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wait until you see one of these dog owners outside their house, then walk up, drop your pants and take a big shit on their step.

Actually my old village was very good, I have two dogs and always walked them and picked up their shit in a plastic bag, some other neighbours didn't, but the dogs were never roaming free on the estate although some did walk them without leads.

I know telling you take a shit on their step is a joke however if you see a dog and know the owner, then shovel up its shit and put it on the owners step.

Classic, i think my wife would divorce me though. But yep, next time i see a turd i will relocate it to the owners front step.

You could do that .. i might give you a small push so you land in your own shit for good measure. But its understandable for you to if my dog did it in front of your house. With just one difference you do it on purpose and know what your doing he does not. But i can understand i would not get mad.. just push you.

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Maybe someone should start a "I hate kids thread" seems theres more people hate kids.

You could start an "I hate e coli" thread on ThaiVisa and you'd be subject to the same intellectual level of responses.

Reason : as in life in general there are an awful lot of tw@ts around and a depressing number infest TV.

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I personally killed 2 dogs as of now that roamed free. They were dangerous in pact , they would chase anyone walking down the street even while the owners were with them. The owners seem very mad but they can't do anything about it. They're not gangsters and when you find 2 beheaded heads on your porch, it kind of scares the shit out of you. (im no psycho, i had never even hurt an animal before and it wasn't fun , but biting dogs are no better than rapists and pedophiles)

I couldnt careless about the nice dogs, i actually enjoy the few that come to me and are playful,cleaned and groomed

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The only solution would be to move into a low rise condo.

I think all stray dogs should be culled. Any dog without a collar and roaming unattended is a stray in my book and therefore fair game for doggy oblivion. Poisoned meat strewn around the estate surreptitiously at the dead of night is a start. Failing that, get a decent airgun and shoot the curs - a reasonable sport and one guaranteed to give pleasure.

Whilst Thailand's inability to organise itself maybe one thing, and a facet of their culture which is often quite beguiling, their tolerance of dogs everywhere is really quite disgraceful.

What we need desperately is a doggy version of Belsen or Auschwitz.

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I personally killed 2 dogs as of now that roamed free. They were dangerous in pact , they would chase anyone walking down the street even while the owners were with them. The owners seem very mad but they can't do anything about it. They're not gangsters and when you find 2 beheaded heads on your porch, it kind of scares the shit out of you. (im no psycho, i had never even hurt an animal before and it wasn't fun , but biting dogs are no better than rapists and pedophiles)

I couldnt careless about the nice dogs, i actually enjoy the few that come to me and are playful,cleaned and groomed

.....................are you mental or something .......i got a big problem with a <deleted> next door to me who keeps her 2 dogs in the house with her and lets them shit in the terrace next to mine but to cut there heads off ,,,you are really got to be joking or as mad as a BRUSH Edited by blackdug
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I personally killed 2 dogs as of now that roamed free. They were dangerous in pact , they would chase anyone walking down the street even while the owners were with them. The owners seem very mad but they can't do anything about it. They're not gangsters and when you find 2 beheaded heads on your porch, it kind of scares the shit out of you. (im no psycho, i had never even hurt an animal before and it wasn't fun , but biting dogs are no better than rapists and pedophiles)

I couldnt careless about the nice dogs, i actually enjoy the few that come to me and are playful,cleaned and groomed

.....................are you mental or something .......i got a big problem with a <deleted> next door to me who keeps her 2 dogs in the house with her and lets them shit in the terrace next to mine but to cut there heads off ,,,you are really got to be joking or as mad as a BRUSH

i have never lived in a neighborhood where smelling poop in the air is the norm. We're not from the same world.

I had a dirty neighbor in my country, he wouldn't close the top of his garbage cans(racoon trouble, smelly diapers, wind would throw a bunch of stuff around the street), for 2months even after he started to close it, i took his garbage, added water to it and poured it on his porch/windows/car and lawn. Whole neighborhood was pretty happy that he learned some goddamn manners. But i wouldnt expecct as much from an English teacher

moral of story: idiots only learn when you rub their nose in their own crap

Edited by ilyelol
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Why has your daughter more rights then my dogs ? Anyway if all the Thais would change i would too. But that aint going to happen so better get used to it.

so - can my daughter come and pee on ur gate?wink.gif

Let her come.. if a dog pees at my gate i clean it or let the rain clean it. I bought a new car and accept that dogs will pee against its wheels. This is Thailand i just go with the flow. There are no designated places for dogs to pee and so on. Like i said everyone does it so i do too. Me changing my ways ( i did walk them always at first) does not change a thing.

didnt ur mum ever say to u "if johnny jumped off a bridge, would u jump too?"

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Sorry to say, but you are on your own with this one.

Free roaming dogs are all part and parcel of living in Thailand. I have no problem with that.

You are trying to install how you see western correctness with the way of life in Thailand, it doesn`t work. Get used to it or your only other option besides leaving Thailand is to move away from the housing estate and buy a secluded piece of real estate somewhere where you can enjoy peace and quite.

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didnt ur mum ever say to u "if johnny jumped off a bridge, would u jump too?"

Do you know to say the saying "When in Rome do as Romans do"

Seems that those two sayings are conflicting and i don't know what one is appropriate for this situation. Maybe you can ask your mom instead of thinking for yourself.

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Sorry to say, but you are on your own with this one.

Free roaming dogs are all part and parcel of living in Thailand. I have no problem with that.

You are trying to install how you see western correctness with the way of life in Thailand, it doesn`t work. Get used to it or your only other option besides leaving Thailand is to move away from the housing estate and buy a secluded piece of real estate somewhere where you can enjoy peace and quite.

That is my opinion too. You can do things yourself but you cant change the Thais.

In this village there is no poop smell because we got a good cleaning crew (we pay for that). My dogs usually do their business somewhere in the bushes or on grass. If they do it on a road and i see I will take it away. But if I don't see it then the cleaning crew will. I am one of the more considerate people about my dogs. Yes i do let them roam free, but only a few times a day + i listen carefully that they don't bark at people. Also i let my dogs sleep in my home so they don't bark at night to keep the neighbors awake. My neighbor has a dog that barks at night and i just accept it as a fact of life. You cant install your values on the Thais.

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"Am I on my own here, imean why should next doors dogs piss outside my house where my 6 year old daughter plays?"

Or from the dog owners point of view, "why can't he take his daughter to a playground ..... or keep her on his property"

I just hate it when other people's kids play out in the road making a racket and vandalising everything.

Yeah especially when they P!ss and sh!t on your gateway........

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Odd, we don't have stray dogs in out estate, must be the food I give em.whistling.gif

These here mutts aint Stray. I know which house every single dog belongs to within the Estate. Selfish Behavior. Theres hundreds of soi dogs out on the main road. our security guards keep them all out of here, the problem dogs here are actually owned and fed dogs with homes that run free.

Theres one Poodle for example(One of the several dogs that patrol our estate), i love dogs, but i dont see the point of poodles, must say. they just arrive out side your house and bark none stop, then take a pee on ur bin and trot off to the next house.

Why do people buy Poodles anyway? I mean, a cat would be more effective as a security measure.

For the record, we have a Pug Dog, shes ace. A very Big personality trapped inside a small dog. At least she looks scary...lol...or like a gremlin maybe.


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I found it was a site for people without proper friend they go out and meet with.

Dunc, you should view the " You know you've been in Thailand too long " thread cos with writing like that, i think you have....:D

Edit : I voted no of course, i too have a young Daughter who likes to play outside & if we have Dogs about, i chase them with a Broom & have a Water Gun thing that i chase them with at times too..

Gospel truth..

I do also have a Gate on our Property which i close & they can't get in at night so i'm lucky there i suppose, or smart..;)

So let me get this right.

I think Facebook is a load of crap full of people with no real life and you say it is because I have been in Thailand too much. JEEEEZ No doubt you are one of those people who are posting here when for some reason Facebook cannot be accessed and are in sheer panic as they cannot update their status. Just what the <deleted> has not liking facebook has to do with being in Thailand I fail to see ? :o

Maybe it is you that has been here too long my friend ;)

As said if you bothered to read my post I am fully against dogs roaming free, as a responsible dog owner just not a big fan of Facebook or the people who use it.

I stand by what I said last post apart from the sorry bit!

Whoooooaaa there Cowboy, chill out for fcuks sakes !!

The clue was in me saying " with writing like that " & by quoting the part of your Post that i did, it's not Rocket Science Dunc..

I said what i did because you're English in what you wrote & what i quoted was horrific, made no sense & reminded me of " Thai/English " & the way they write, thats' all..:rolleyes:

It has NOTHING to do with you liking, not liking, or Facebook on the whole..

HUGE sense of humour loss there PLUS not seeing the meaning of what i wrote..

Don't apologies Dunc, no probs, i'm thick skinned & don't get wound up by people who make genuine mistakes..:)

Edit : I wonder if you do read this you're big enough to admit you're wrong over reaction & apologies anyway ?? I doubt it personally but would gladly be proved wrong..;)

Edited by MSingh
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I found it was a site for people without proper friend they go out and meet with.

Dunc, you should view the " You know you've been in Thailand too long " thread cos with writing like that, i think you have....:D

Edit : I voted no of course, i too have a young Daughter who likes to play outside & if we have Dogs about, i chase them with a Broom & have a Water Gun thing that i chase them with at times too..

Gospel truth..

I do also have a Gate on our Property which i close & they can't get in at night so i'm lucky there i suppose, or smart..;)

So let me get this right.

I think Facebook is a load of crap full of people with no real life and you say it is because I have been in Thailand too much. JEEEEZ No doubt you are one of those people who are posting here when for some reason Facebook cannot be accessed and are in sheer panic as they cannot update their status. Just what the <deleted> has not liking facebook has to do with being in Thailand I fail to see ? :o

Maybe it is you that has been here too long my friend ;)

As said if you bothered to read my post I am fully against dogs roaming free, as a responsible dog owner just not a big fan of Facebook or the people who use it.

I stand by what I said last post apart from the sorry bit!

Whoooooaaa there Cowboy, chill out for fcuks sakes !!

The clue was in me saying " with writing like that " & by quoting the part of your Post that i did, it's not Rocket Science Dunc..

I said what i did because you're English in what you wrote & what i quoted was horrific, made no sense & reminded me of " Thai/English " & the way they write, thats' all..:rolleyes:

It has NOTHING to do with you liking, not liking, or Facebook on the whole..

HUGE sense of humour loss there PLUS not seeing the meaning of what i wrote..

Don't apologies Dunc, no probs, i'm thick skinned & don't get wound up by people who make genuine mistakes..:)

Edit : I wonder if you do read this you're big enough to admit you're wrong over reaction & apologies anyway ?? I doubt it personally but would gladly be proved wrong..;)

Nope, had a feeling he wouldn't, even after i sent a PM explaining..:)

2 bob.

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They're not gangsters and when you find 2 beheaded heads on your porch, it kind of scares the shit out of you. (im no psycho

Yeah, decapitating live animals and leaving their skulls on the neighbor's porch as a warning, nope nothing psycho about that :cheesy:

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same happened to me. soi dogs would come over to the gate post, have a sniff then piss or crap.

got some pepper and water, mixed together and sprayed on gate post.

dog came,sniffed and then proceeded to sneeze uncontrolably. repeat on each dog until they are all aware.

that have now stopped coming.


regards :lol:

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