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Mornington Crescent


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I am completely bamboozled by your versions of MC.... :D

Where I come from we play by the rules penned by those esteemed gentleman Yass, Mannel and Schtuch in 1934/5.

I therefore claim my right under Section 6 Sub-Section 11.4 to nominate

Earls Court and KIngs Cross

Which I think under any version of the rules scuppers whatever you are attempting! :o !

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Not so fast hotshot....

Using the doubleback exclusion clause which is in force at Earls Court, I am able to go to Shepherds Bush.

Now Dereklev.... you are quite welcome to join the game, but any further use of the private rule of thumb is not permitted... OK ?

totster :o

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Not so fast hotshot....

Using the doubleback exclusion clause which is in force at Earls Court, I am able to go to Shepherds Bush.

Now Dereklev.... you are quite welcome to join the game, but any further use of the private  rule of thumb is not permitted... OK ?

totster  :D

Thanks for the invite Totster, my thumbs are now tied..... :D

Would that be Central line or Hammersmith and City line Shepherds Bush? :o ?

Either way I think you will find that Kensington (Olympia) scuppers that move! :D !

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bkkmadness - I am a bkk resident a few months of the year, but right now I am in the Isles of Scilly, which are a group of islands on off penzance, UK.

Well we can bring in Schtuck et al just for you, Dereklev, but I think that you'll agree that you have used your primary wildcard for at least this round. Your cunning application of Sec. 6, sub. 11-4 (but lets call it 'Maggie's Merry-go-round' as we should) has brought us perillously close to Euston, and we all know what that might mean..

What you've overlooked however is that you've hit the end of a line and what's worse is that you're within three stations of Notting Hill which allows me to invoke the 'Hugh Grant Shuffle' and move you straight to Nidd!

My Move: Notting Hill Gate

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I've only just woken up so I may be a bit rusty. I have tried to follow the moves up to now but with minimal success.

I know this isn't a clever move, even if it is legal, but:

Tottenham Court Road!

Well that foxed me for a few minutes but then I realised that if I move to Bank then that stops you in your tracks Jayenram! :D

It also gives me a free link onto Monument

I believe that move was used by Maurice Maggi at the World Championship in 1974 and is part of the Maggi's Merry Go Round mentioned by Oxford earlier...... :o

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Oh sh1t. I've just read my s*ber post.

Is it possible to change my move?

I really wanted to move to "Kilburn" but I was obviously not under the influence. Under the 5.4 rule of "<deleted> was I thinking of?", is this allowed?

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I have absoulutely no idea what you guys are talking about. :D

Don't you realize this is a Thailand Forum?

It may be hard your you all to understand, buy not everyone has had the good grace to be born in Westhamptershamperfordshirepoolfield... :o

If I wanted to read about obscure arcane English games, I would go to www.Britishvisa .com!

With that being said, I'll put down The Shire to block... :D

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I really wanted to move to "Kilburn" but I was obviously not under the influence. Under the 5.4 rule of "<deleted> was I thinking of?", is this allowed?

Ha ha ha.... I've only ever seen that rule used once before...and I've got no objections.... for those of you wondering this rule is taken from "the nightime relief manual 1984 (version1.07)

So in that case I'll go to Camden Town

totster :o

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Is this a game only played by people from Oxford? I have never heard about it before and to be truthful when it said morningside in your title I thought this was going to be a topic about cocaine. 

So did I, as in Morningside Speed, but actually it is Mornington.

Haven't heard that for years.

Still don't know what this thread is about.

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I hope my years of residence in Albion entitle me to make the following controversial move. Though widely discussed in the light of the (rather old fashioned) set of rules you set for this game, I am certain this move has been accepted before.

Goldhawk Road



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Some interesting moves there, I've certainly learnt some new ideas.

Bull - Hm, it's definitely close to the line but if we charitably allow totster's appeal to the 'night time relief' manual to stand a little longer, then your move is acceptable.

Since we've had two moves to cockfosters and now stand with Goldhawk I have the right to instigate 'Gay and Lesbian (or LGBS)' edition rules (1994) which means straddling is now acceptable as are double penetrations. Therefore, I will follow the bypass and make use of my first penetration to :


(Apologies to the younger players who may be confused as to the specifics of the LGBS edition rules, it was only ever available for purchase to the over 18 market)

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Is there some hidden meaning in this game?

Are you guys in some kinda cult?

No no, it's Mornington Crescent, the classic British game, which is of historical significance as it was the game that decided, to an extent, the outcome of the Napoleonic war.

In more modern times it has been popularised by a popular radio show called 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue' who first brought the game to the masses. All you need in order to join in, is a copy of the relevant rule book (and relevant editions in summary, often no more than a few weeks reading material) and then a pocket A-Z map of the london underground and bus stations/routes. The main idea of the game is to reach Mornington Crescent station before anyone else, but of course you can set up dastardly moves to block one another from doing so.

If you are British, you don't need to read too many rules, as most of it will come naturally to you anyway. It is, however, a very serious game - and nothing to do with cocaine.

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I am able to block your first penetration to Euston by moving to Kings Cross....

Now having done that I can move on to London Bridge using the "Bipolar" ammendment .

totster :o

Edited by Totster
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Some interesting moves there, I've certainly learnt some new ideas.

Bull - Hm, it's definitely close to the line but if we charitably allow totster's appeal to the 'night time relief' manual to stand a little longer, then your move is acceptable.

Since we've had two moves to cockfosters and now stand with Goldhawk I have the right to instigate 'Gay and Lesbian (or LGBS)' edition rules (1994) which means straddling is now acceptable as are double penetrations. Therefore, I will follow the bypass and make use of my first penetration to :


(Apologies to the younger players who may be confused as to the specifics of the LGBS edition rules, it was only ever available for purchase to the over 18 market)

Well Oxford I had to take time out and read up on the LGBS rules.

As I understand them, under the straddling rule, I can make claim to all stations that have Ealing in their name.......4 in total.

Under the Double Penetrations rule I can also claim all stations with Acton in their name........6 in total.

This gives me effective control over a vast part of West London, so fellow players be aware of the consequences of encroachment! :D !

You have been warned......... :o

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Damnit, sorry to the others - neglected to initiate a George Foreman twist (so proud of it, he put his name on it) to avoid complications with those less-used LGBS rules. Too late, Dereklev has laid his claim.

Gonna have to think on this one.

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Well Oxford I had to take time out and read up on the LGBS rules.

As I understand them, under the straddling rule, I can make claim to all stations that have Ealing in their name.......4 in total.

Under the Double Penetrations rule I can also claim all stations with Acton in their name........6 in total.

This gives me effective control over a vast part of West London, so fellow players be aware of the consequences of encroachment! :D !

You have been warned......... :o

You should know that double penetrations sometimes have unexpected outcomes.. and I am afraid this has been your case now, mate

Finsbury Park!!

(nedless to say..I have another 28 parks in my account now...enjoy the tarmac!!)


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I think that if I move on over to Chiswick that effectively blocks your plans.... I'm not sure I like this Double penetration rule... but if the others are comfortable with it then I'm game...

totster  :D

Not so fast Mr Totster....... :o

I think you will find that Chiswick Park is green only. Whereas Acton Town is green and blue.

But to ensure you can make no further mischief I will trap you by nominating Turnham Green :D

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dereklev - clever move ...

but as Will has opted for Aldgate and the fact that you opted for Turnham Green, this automatically means I can move to Elephant & Castle..

I was very lucky Will made his move... I reckon I'd have been stuck otherwise

totster :o

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Yes totster you would have been stuck had young Oxford not made such shrewd move! :D !

With both Aldgate and Elephant and Castle now in play I am left without little option but to call on the ruling in the case of "The Master of Mornington Crescent versus Burke" - 1999 that states in extreme circumstances one may bring into play the Docklands Light Railway!

Thus I nominate Limehouse........ :o:D

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Sorry for the delayed move. I was thinking of moving to Kilburn all yesterday afternoon and discussed same with the lads down the pub. Unfortunately when I finally arrived home, I'd forgotten all about it. Now I find that you've all been buggering me up whilst I've been out and my Kilburn move is no longer valid. :o

I'm therefore going to reverse up (retrace my steps) and plump for White City in an effort to prevent any moves via Lancaster Gate.


(Emulating Napoleon's retreat from Moscow)

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