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How Does My Wife Get A Non 'O' Visa

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extra info: I'm British and my wife is Taiwanese.

We are currently living and working in Bangkok.

My wife currently has a student non 'ed' visa and is it possible to change that whilst it's still running?

(and without leaving and returning).

Many thanks in advance. :jap:

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Well, she has to make the application and you will need to be rpesent to show you have a year extension based on employement.

But since she is on an ED-visa, she might need to go abroad and get a non-O visa first. That will be up to immigration, so she can try but they can tell her to apply for a non-O abroad first.

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Mt original visa 6 ys ago was an ed visa...

I extended it 3 yr while I was a student and then when I was about to graduate, I switched reason for extension to be Thai Wife and then a few month later received my work permit on this extension without leaving the country.

I think that the two cases are similar...

The only additional information that was required was a letter from my university stating that I was still a student when I changed the reason for extension.

As per the immigration officer, they do not mind changing the reason for the extension, but the letter was needed to ensure that my extension for studying was still valid.

If I was no longer studyung then my extension for the reason of studying would have expired the day I was no longer a student and that would have meant that I was on an overstay as my previous extension would not be valid regardless of what my passport said.

So if you are going to go this route, be sure to do it before your wife stops studying or she will still need to leave the country and may even face a fine for overstay if she is no longer a student.

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Are you on extension of stay for 1 year based on employment.

If so, you can apply for extension of stay for her as dependant.

Can be made at immigrations in Thailand.

Change the visa to a visa based on dependant.

But you have to show you marriage certificate.

Thailand does not recognize unmarried couples as official status for visa applications.

Your current visa can be changed at the immigration office so she doesn’t have the country to get the new visa.

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