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Looking For Custom Bike Repair


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I recently bought a mountain bike that I'd like to have modified. The handle bars are simply too low for me to ride comfortably. The bars are set at the highest position -- can't raise them any higher.

So, I'm looking for someone who can do custom bike work. I need to have the handlebars reshaped or rebuilt. I like the bike, but I don't ride it much. I'm forced to lean too far forward which makes my back uncomfortable.

Anyone know someone who can do custom bike work in CM?


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Up in the N/E corner, inside moat road, there is a bike shop where I've seen a variety of bike accessories and they may be able to help. Possibly a little longer "goose neck" mount to raise up more or different bars altogether?


Edited by ThaiWx
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Up in the N/E corner, inside moat road, there is a bike shop where I've seen a variety of bike accessories and they may be able to help. Possibly a little longer "goose neck" mount to raise up more or different bars altogether?

Great. Thanks for the map link. :)

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You need someone to do a FIT for you.

You might want to go on one of the sunday morning rides and make a friend with a experienced rider.

There are a lot of formula's and techniques to fine tune a cyclists biomechanics.

I would approach the problem as a experiment. Make a change and feel the differences it has on your power, spin, saddle comfort etc.

You might just need a few headset spacers to raise up your stem in the short term. This assumes your fork steerer tube was not cut down too far.

If you want to PM me I could give you a quick read. I worked at a shop way back and have been riding semi competitively for about 30 years.

Lots of good websites also that can be googled.

The bike fit is never really ever finished because saddles and shoes are changed. A riders flexibility and pedaling technique evolves which requires slight changes over time.

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CSNT, got a link for beginners on this?

Hey SoloFlyer

I just ran across this page with links to many different fitting systems. A lot of these sites have interactive formula's for bike fit. The user is asked to make various measurements and input them.

I have used Wrench Science in the past but looking forward to playing with a few of these.

Wrench Science Fit system


Bike Fitting systems

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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