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I live in the USA and when I buy a new vehicle or recently used one, one of the most important things I want is reliability. I try to do my homework 1st on the internet and also get consumer reports. I own 1 Toyota suv (1997) in the USA and a Toyota small 2000 diesel truck in Thailand. Never any problems and bought both new. When I move to Thailand next year permanently, I will want a new RELIABLE vehicle and suspect Toyota or Honda will be the choice. However, since these are made different with diesel engines, and have many models, I have no clue which model, kind to buy. Consumer Reports only shows for cars built for USA and can not find and info on the internet what vehicles sold in Thailand are the best for reliability, less maintenance, etc.

Question is: is there info on the internet about all cars being sold there on comparisons of each brand?

Thank you for any help and no rec's for Isuzu-ugh-the worst for sure.


No reports/comparison's of the type you're looking for in the Thai market. All manufacturer's have auditors perform the normal follow-up surveys, but you rarely see any results published, and those that are are usually very selective..


Toyota seems to be reliable and is less costly to maintain since it is so popular and parts are easy to find and are reasonable inexpensive. I would stay away from honda arrogant sob brand except the crv is built to almost the same as in US.


Like in the States...you can't go wrong with a Toyota or Honda...have both a Toyota Sportrider SUV and Honda CRV, both about 8 years old, and never had a problem with either of them. Just perform recommended service intervals (basically oil changes and oil/air filter changes) and they will likely run forever :)

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