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Bodyguards In Thailand


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Firstly I would start my investigation via organizations/associations that people in the protection industry belong to, try google..then I would investigate them thoroughly as this industry is full of posers (like this message board :D )...now if you need a body guard in Thailand don't use Thais as they are the best posers in the world when it comes to being high speed, ex military, ex police, please better off going with ex mafia. Sounds more like you want to bust into the business over here then write an article :ph34r: ? If I ever needed a body guard this would be my prefered list of personal/country used, South African (mean and will f' up your day no discretion), American (f' up your day with a smile and some discretion), England (F'up your day with discretion, but don't allow them to smile at client due to bad teeth), Israelis (Excellent all the way around, however they are normally the target not the client), the rest of the world no way no how they may have training, but better at looking pretty, talking smack and apologizing to the world then protecting themselves or the client. :lol::D:rolleyes:

Try Google better info then old retirees in Thailand, unless you have ulterior motives?

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Well thanks for the mostly useless crap that is posted on here. Due to a couple of great posters I received what I needed by form of PM. Mod's feel free to close this topic, its completely pointless to leave it open I think. Thanks again to those who helped me, you know who you are :)

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If you need REAL protection, rather than the APPEARANCE of protection, I suggest you use an international firm who will hook you up with someone who speaks your language fluently and can respond appropriately to threats perceived or real. if you can't communicate well with your B/G I think their effectiveness is compromised.

At 5"6 he didn't look like much but my colleagues bodyguard mentioned that he was afraid of him, and he was 7"...

Yeah, what's the comparison here..............................Height or length?? :lol:

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I would suggest that since the OP doesn't know the topic at all, AND is asking on an English language internet forum, that all he will get from here are the stories from all of our former SAS/Delta Force/CIA etc members :)

If the OP both knows any relatively influential people in any field AND speaks Thai, he shouldn't have too many problems finding real people that employ real body guards. Otherwise, everything will be anecdotal and totally useless when it comes to writing any story based upon reality.

I ran in to a Saudi prince once who was very proud of his bodyguard retinue. All were ex-US Navy SEALs. He was lording them over the rest of us participants at the conference. I spoke later at a conference dinner with a retired US Army LTC who was also the head of a bodyguard retinue for another bigwig. He mentioned that the SEALs were all superb specimens of mayhem on the hoof, but they went into a situation thinking they could take care of anything which popped up. He, on the other hand. was no super-ninja-UFC-whatever, able to have bullets bounce off his chest, so he had to look ahead and avoid any situation where his principal might get hurt. He was constantly surveying and adjusting.

THat stuck with me. If I ever get into the situation where I need one (doubt I will), I won't pick the guy who thinks he is the biggest badass in the land, but rather someone who wants to avoid any confrontation.

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