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Facebook unveils new messaging system

2010-11-16 02:08:05 GMT+7 (ICT)

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (BNO NEWS) -- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday unveiled the new modern messaging system of the popular social networking site.

Zuckerberg said that the new system was planned as an informal alternative to the email. He recalled talking to high school students recently and knowing about the desire for a less formal way of communicating instead of the traditional email.

"This is not an email killer. This is a messaging experience that includes email as one part of it," Zuckerberg said. "It's all about making communication simpler. This is the way that the future should work."

The founder of Facebook added that the keys for a modern messaging system are seamless, informal, immediate, personal, simple, minimal and short. In order to achieve that, Facebook will provide seamless messaging, conversation history and a social inbox.

The new Facebook messaging will allow users to communicate no matter what format used: email, chat, SMS. The new system also keeps all messaging in a single social inbox and all the conversation history is kept too.

The system will merge four main things: SMS, IM, email and Facebook messages. Any user can also get facebook.com email address if desired. Zuckerberg added that 15 engineers worked in the project, the most ever worked on a single Facebook project.

In addition, the new messaging system will work on their mobile applications as well. An updated iPhone application is going to be launched shortly.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-11-16


How The New Facebook Messages & Email System Works

At one end of the spectrum, Facebook says it’s “simple” and “fun.” On the other end, some are saying it’s Facebook’s version of Google Wave. And just about everyone spent the weekend suggesting that it’s a “Gmail killer.”

“It” is Facebook’s new, Whatever-you-do-don’t-call-it-email-but-hey-here’s-a-Facebook-email-address-for-you email and messaging system. Facebook says it’s more like chat; and it’s definitely not an email killer.

Who’s right? We’ll all decide that collectively as the invites get sent out. Until then, here’s how Facebook’s new Messages system works, via a screenshot-filled PDF distributed at today’s news conference.

Full story, screen shots: http://searchengineland.com/how-facebook-messages-email-system-works-56004


So i seems that the war with Google has really started, and i would love that Google plays evil and get rid of facebook in its search engine...

And how many Facebook spams do we still need to receive before every single mail system disable the possibility for facebook to sneak into ours Emails to send invitations to people that we might have known once in our life or with whom we might have had some busines but with whom we don't want to connect ! ... (Thanks Gmail to launch the trend, and don't give up, facebook should die!)

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