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Tourist Visa Denied In Vientiane. Laos


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Just wish to thank you vacationman for such a detailed description, which im sure is beneficial information for many.

I also wish you and your wife the best in obtaining a visa that allows you to live in the place you feel is home.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

yes thanks to the OP and PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC and not discuss global tourist visa issueing and if that is a good policy in your opinion, in fact nobody is interested in an opinion but in facts on how to deal with this serious situation!

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I was given some friendly advise to re-read my posts, which I just did, and I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be using some sort of random caps lock program. Although it does offer some emphasis in places that may need it, some were just plain wrong (ANY LAWS, TABLE?). Anyway, you might like to know that forum nettiquette determines that using all capitals is considered as shouting, so maybe you could bear that in mind in future posts. Espescially on a Sunday.

You just can't stop your snide digs at the OP or the Mods, can you?

Nothing you have posted has been of any relevencs to the OP, or to the topic in general. If ever there was a candidate for LaraC's lament () you are surely it!

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A torrid tale indeed, glad I have a retirement visa

Though ,of course I wish I was younger and could not get one :rolleyes:


Poor old thaipauly, its a oneway road your on, old chap & their aint no form of dodgy paperwork or anyway to grease the wheels to reverse the aging process :lol: . Of course, none of the above applies to me :whistling:

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All the visa categories have widespread abuse.

I have lost track of how many so called retired people are here buying and selling real estate. Hiding rental income. evading taxes. Sham marriages. Businesses being run in a friend or spouses name. Money laundering and creative accounting Non Imm B operations.

Just because a person is not using a tourist visa it doesn't mean they aren't abusing the spirit of the law and being a parasite. Trouble is the Thai's are setting the loose rules and practices.

If a person is here and working and taking away opportunities from Thai's without a work permit etc then that is definitely what they want to discourage and violates the intent of the law.

On any visa if a person is here just spending money then just take what they give in the way of visa's. No need to feel any guilt about propping up their economy.

You can always upgrade to a Non Imm later and pretend your poop doesn't stink.

No offense to straight shooters who are in total compliance with their Non Imm visa's... There are plenty of those people but lots and lots abusing the Non Imm categories....

Nothing to add, very well said. thumbsup.gif

I'm left in the awkward position of agreeing with Uptheos. But I agree with uptheos!

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catmac, that was a bad edit/quote function you did.

It wasn't vacationman who said what you quoted, it was thinkinofstayin.

No big deal, just thought you should be aware.

Sorry about that Mcgriffith, you are of course quite right and I thank you for giving me the chance to make amends. One day my paws will actually master the art of "quotes".

My apologies to Vacationman, but I'm sure he, along with others who are following this thread, realised that my rant was aimed at Thinkofstaying - I only wish that he would think of going instead!

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