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Thai Red Shirt Reformer Seeks To Empower Grass Roots

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I did remember the former premiere Tuxsin well.

He was in control of Thailand for almost eight years.

He had plenty of days and weeks and months and years, and several years....

to help the poor redshirt, the poor brothers and sisters of the Northeastern provinces THEN....

to attain wealth and equality....

DID THE FORMER PREMIERE TUXSIN accomplish anything at all during those years in power to help the poor redshirt followers?

Now that he is forever gone, he surely likes to return to power so he could help the poor to attain democracy, equality and wealth?

It is very unlikely that many serious minded voters would believe him.

THEN, he had all the time and all the power and resources at his disposal to do whatever he and his accomplices wanted....

THEN, they chose to enrich themselves and their own parties to the expense of Thailand and all her rural poor including redshirt poor.

His time is now gone and gone for good.

NOW, would you believe him? Even if he were your daddy that he would like to enrich the poor? :signthaivisa:

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Interesting comments in the other paper from Red Shirt Leader Sombat regarding his warning of a coup next month. Citing the dissolution case against the Democrats and pending revocation of Jatuporn's bail and endorsements of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission have all the makings of a coup according to him.

Yea Buch very interesting indeed.

He was coming accross as someone who could see through all the red bull dust.

Someone who really had ideas of how to help the poor.

Then he comes out with statements like that which tend to show what he is really after.

Suspect he can see Jataporn being locked up (where he should be) and is after his job and the payments from the big boss that go with it.

Choose me, choose me boss look I can come out with silly rumours just like he did.


It'd be nice if in one of these weekly 'it's not really entirely about Thaksin' speeches they laid out a public policy platform and told what specific non Thaksin related legislation they want passed.


To this current point in time, I've yet to hear a single specific (productive) policy platform put forward by that entire slice of Thai society (Red Shirts, UDD, former TRT, formerly serving in Thaksin administration, PTP etc).

Please Red Shirt brothers, correct my embarrassing ignorance. What is their beef, exactly?

Please use specifics, rather than the loose generalities bandied about by their (fading) idol.

Apparently my question was missed. I would like a response to it, if I may have one?

What do the Red Shirts want? Exactly?


What do the Red Shirts want? Exactly?

Various Red Shirt demands:

Thousands of Thai supporters of an ousted prime minister rallied again at the weekend to demand a royal pardon for their fugitive leader


Thai anti-government protesters refused on Monday to end a crippling two-month demonstration until the nation's deputy prime minister faces criminal charges over a clash with troops in April that killed 25 people.


anti-government "red shirts" demonstrated in the old Thai capital of Ayutthaya on Sunday to demand the release of their leaders


their leaders set other conditions, including ending a ban on satellite transmissions of the People's Channel, a television station used by the red shirts to mobilise supporters.


Thai protesters poured blood they had donated outside the front gate of the government headquarters Tuesday in a symbolic sacrifice to press their demands for new elections.

Red Shirt protesters converged Sunday on the Thai capital to demand that Abhisit agree to dissolve parliament by midday Monday


Leaders of the Red Shirts, very clear in their demands for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to return to the country and to the nation’s premiership




What do the Red Shirts want? Exactly?

Various Red Shirt demands:

Thousands of Thai supporters of an ousted prime minister rallied again at the weekend to demand a royal pardon for their fugitive leader


Thai anti-government protesters refused on Monday to end a crippling two-month demonstration until the nation's deputy prime minister faces criminal charges over a clash with troops in April that killed 25 people.


anti-government "red shirts" demonstrated in the old Thai capital of Ayutthaya on Sunday to demand the release of their leaders


their leaders set other conditions, including ending a ban on satellite transmissions of the People's Channel, a television station used by the red shirts to mobilise supporters.


Thai protesters poured blood they had donated outside the front gate of the government headquarters Tuesday in a symbolic sacrifice to press their demands for new elections.

Red Shirt protesters converged Sunday on the Thai capital to demand that Abhisit agree to dissolve parliament by midday Monday


Leaders of the Red Shirts, very clear in their demands for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to return to the country and to the nation’s premiership


Thank you, Buchholz.

In the absence of any other requests, we are forced to consider their rioting which resulted in the deaths of 92 people and thousands more injured (some severely) as well as $3,000,000,000 damage to the Thai economy that Abhisit wished to assign to alleviate the suffering of the poor and educate their children....to be conducted purely for Thaksin and the Red Shirt leadership.

We can scratch their demands for new elections as they were offered new elections when Abhisit offered to dissolve Parliament in November 2010 - and his offer was rejected. So they obviously don't want new elections. They just want criminals freed. And they don't mind violent crimes to achieve this goal. Interesting.

Can any Red Shirt-sympathisers contribute any corrections to the above? I know we have many here. Surely someone will defend their crimes as 'justified' for a non-despicable purpose?


Even if they should somehow manage to win the next election, it is truly doubtful that the general public would be able to forget their past destructive demonstrations and to accept them to run the country again...


Of course, that is the risk you run when you break the law and violently abrogate the rights of your fellow citizens. Of course, they believe they were only responding to the PAD's peaceful hijacking of the airports for one week, called off when the Constitutional Court did it's duty.

The PAD's peaceful yet unacceptable hijacking of Bangkok's airports is the oft-used "they started it" juvenile excuse used by Red sympathisers to justify their failed, violent attempt to overthrow the government. Yes, the hijacking of the airports was illegal. Yes, the organisers should be brought to justice. But, considering the fact there was no weapons, there was no violence, it lasted one week instead of eight...perhaps it can wait until after Thaksin returns to serve his prison sentence and defend himself against the evidence submitted by the government to the Criminal Court proving there was - at least - a prima facie case for Thaksin to explain - relating to the funding and organising of terrorism against Thailand?

But of course, that citizen of Montenegro won't return until he's granted amnesty for his crimes and receives back the Thai citizenship he forfeited when he accepted Cambodian and Nicaraguan government 'positions'. Until then, violence and terror will be his political strategy. Should his supporters win a general election, no doubt Prachatai editors will re-reverse their current 180 degree flip on their 2008 Editorial STAND - which, hilariously, was a plea for non-violence posted in an article heralding the "heroic" suicide of a tragically mentally ill man who was undoubtedly manipulated with malicious intent to sacrifice his life. No doubt they will decry any protests against giving the criminal blanket amnesty. Facepalm.

Little Uncle Nuamthong Praiwan had a heart bigger than the Democracy Monument. Despite his little knowledge of history, after the 19 September 2006 coup, he slammed his taxi into an army tank, driven by the sheer force of his fervent hopes for democracy. He did not die instantly. But his action has since then symbolized anti-coup sentiment.

No one cared or was interested enough to investigate what kind of structural violence was inflicted on him and triggered him to fight alone. Not a single NGO or professional organization came out to demand the coup makers relinquish their powers.

Soon afterwards, Uncle Praiwan decided to hang himself in front of the headquarters of Thai Rath, the best selling newspaper in Thailand. He sacrificed his life to declare his determination which has been entrenched in the flesh and blood of many ever since.

The Prachatai Editorial Board would like to reiterate that the root cause of the incumbent violence driven by massive uprisings stems from the unjustified and illegitimate call for a democratically elected PM to resign.

The demand for resignation of the PM and the call for an end to the violence seem to contradict each other. And those who make the demands seem to be ones who instigate the violence.

In light of the current situation, the Prachatai Editorial Board would like to make the following stand;

1. We condemn both leaders of the PAD and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) for creating pretexts leading to violence. They should be aware that their actions have led to chaos in which innocent lives have been sacrificed.

2. An impartial and transparent process should be set up and carried out to investigate the deaths and injuries and the state must provide remedies for the victims.

3. Double standards in social analysis as demonstrated by various professional organizations should be avoided.

4. Academics, media, professional organizations and political organizations should refrain from issuing statements such as "you have to be held responsible for the violence" in order to capitalize on the grave situation to serve their own vested interests. Responsibility should be held collectively by the parties involved.

5. We are opposed to violence and shall not lend support to any kind of violent action.

6. We stand opposed to any non-democratic politics, whether in the form of a coup d'état, or the proposed royally-appointed PM, or the PAD's "new politics" (which calls for more appointees in parliament than elected members), or the proposed "national interim government".

7. We hope that all parties shall discontinue mobilizing people for demonstrations in order to bring all the demonstrations to a halt and to restore public order.

8. The Thai state, including the military, and Thai society have to find ways to peacefully solve the occupation of Government House. It should be borne in mind that the restoration of law and order does not need to come from violence. Also, all PAD leaders facing arrest warrants of should abide by the law and agree to face justice.

9. In the aftermath of the restoration of law and order, in order to promote reconciliation and show responsibility for losses, the government shall decide to "resign" or return power to the people by dissolving the House of Representatives. This will make it possible for the people at large to make the major decisions by themselves and will prevent the PAD and their allied professional organizations from monopolizing power and make decisions for others.


And nauseating.

And if anyone feels Jiranut is a martyr (aside from Jiranut, who loves to claim that she is one - as she accepts endless overseas invitations to talk about the 'regime' that is oppressing her), perhaps they'd like to explain her reversal from this Stand publicly declared in 2008?


The very fact he insists on hanging onto the red shirts shows where his real loyalties lie. To make a difference he would have to admit the red shirts were wrong and that there leader (Thaksin) was only using them to achieve his own ends. He would do well to condemn Thaksin as a Criminal guilty of treason.

I really don't know but I had heard that the red shirts were teaching the uneducated people that Thailand did not have democracy. A change would be to teach people what real democracy is. Point out to them that no country in the world has it. Explain to them that is the ministers who elect the PM not the people. Show them how a minister can vote for who ever he wants to no matter what they want.

To bad the states didn't have democracy. If they did they would have had Gore for a president.


After so many many years, finally I got to meet another Gore supporter....

What a difference this world would have been, had Gore not been legally robbed....

GO GORE GO.... green go green....


If he had only won Tennessee the whole Florida thing would have been moot.And the world would likely be a much different place today.

Right on, Brother Animatic.

And if Bush's brother were not the governor of Florida at that fateful time.... Gore would have been hailed the Chief.

Uncanny schemes and wars of greed that followed around middle east and elsewhere.... would probably not happen....

Green and Peace as championed by Gore would prevail and most probably Americans would still remain idol of the world for another decade or more. :coffee1:

Well, why we're off the topic perhaps you could all just post further musings on the american political system under a joint avatar, mawkish, for example?


Well, why we're off the topic perhaps you could all just post further musings on the american political system under a joint avatar, mawkish, for example?

Pretty sure we were ON topic buddy, until you ignored the topic by going OT. Could I impose upon you, or jayboy, or Thai at Heart (only because I'll likely get an intelligent response from you), or LaoPo or bagwan or geriatrickid (only because you claim they have transcended Thaksin), or femi fan (perhaps ESPECIALLY you), or Siam Simon (only because I'll likely get an intelligent response from you), or cdnvic, or (insert Red sympathiser here) for a simple explanation of what the Red Shirts are fighting for, exactly? If it is for a republic, please do not attempt to frame their failure to state their motivations as the result of mere 'fear' of stating the Obvious. They are afraid of stating the Obvious (I concede that point), but I believe it's because they know perfectly well that their 'cause' is so clearly not (popularly) supported. I'll accept their republican positions as acceptable positions to hold, if they weren't so clearly unwilling to state the Truth due to the inevitable backlash if they did (a backlash from an outraged Thai public, not from the totalitarian regime they claim they are so 'oppressed' by).

I will never accept their opinion that violence is an acceptable line to take in a republican v monarchist debate. Another reason why they're so loathe to admit their violence is the result of that 'agenda'.

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