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Bush Wants More


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I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

Totally agree - Condi Rice for President! :D


I love how people have shortened her name....

in order to:

1) make it sound more homey and friendly and down-to-earth

2) it's takes too much intelligence and effort to correctly spell



As for the OP, there aren't enough troops left over after Afghanistan and Iraq to invade Iran... just yet.

There is always draft. Many people thought draft would be put into play with Iraq.

Don't need the draft - there's lots of Patriotic American (not to be confused with the coalition of the unwilling) boys ready to defend Freedom! :D

whoops!..... maybe not :D :

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army, hard pressed to attract new soldiers amid the Iraq war seems doomed to miss its recruiting target for the year, while the Army Reserve and National Guard fell short of their goals again.

The Iraq war marks the first test of the all-volunteer U.S. military during a protracted war, and Army officials have conceded that all three components of the Army likely will miss their recruiting goals for fiscal 2005, which ends Sept. 30.

and here's perhaps why:

The Army, aiming to get 80,000 recruits this year, stood 11 percent behind its year-to-date goal at the end of July, with just two months left to overcome a shortfall of more than 7,000. It has not missed an annual recruiting goal since 1999.

The Army provides the bulk of ground troops in the Iraq war, in which about 1,840 U.S. troops have been killed and another nearly 14,000 wounded.

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... The US is already stretched to the limits with Iraq. Getting into another problem with Iran seems a bit too much  ...
We have huge resources already deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be a cakewalk to roll thru Iran. Occupying it, oops, I mean stabilizing it is another matter.

That's why they so desperately want some kind of deterrent, be it nuclear or other.

It seems Bush is now concerned over Irans production of WMDs. I read the news this morning and found him talking about going to Americas allies and asking people to put pressure on Iran to stop nuclear development.




Allies?? Other than the UK in the West and the good ol' ozzies in the pacific, which allies can be called upon?? Those tried and trusted friends who never get off their idle bums called the French? The Germans won't get directly involved due to past history. Who else in Europe can apply pressure?

The UK is stretched too far beyond it's means already thanks to that lovely PM Blair! We can't even put a Navy ship out to sea for training purposes because it costs too much money!!

I think that the best option is to negotiate, provide them with Nuclear Power Stations on the agreement that the West/UN/IAA conduct the shipping and control of the nuclear material and therefore render the possibility of Iran making Nukes NEARLY impossible.

However, gut instinct tells me Iran will be the next to fall for the Bush/Blair administrations and that the real reason will undoubtly be for the oil!!

Like Hunter say's Let the crusade begin, and turn the whole Muslim population against us!!

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But it could also be that Israel is pushing for all this in the background - I mean they wouldnt want a potential nuclear aggressor on their doorstep ? I dont understand the world`s fierce obection to Iran and even North Korea having nuclear weapons and yet Israel is allowed with full permission from the West to be the MOST SECRETIVE NUCLEAR REGIME on this planet ? Just read about the former Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu to undestand more about this - see :- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/this_world/3758227.stm

I dont understand why the world should automatically trust Israel more than any other country ? The double standards over this issue is sickening


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Scary to think Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. They want it and WILL use it.

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were firecrackers compared to the technology available today.

Where is the UN? Preventing any Country form developing Nuclear Weapons and disarming everyone else should be a core issue.

Even more worrisome is having Dubya in charge.

Stay tuned for WW lll.

Edited by The Skipper
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What a pathetic thread!  34 postings and not an iota of relevance (or mention) of Thailand.  Why wasn't this thread closed and/or moved to the bearpit after the OP?


There's lots of potential for Thai workers and foreigners living in Thailand looking to relocate. Suggest to move thread to Jobs forum:

Britain’s daily the Guardian reported in May of last year that the US army was hiring mercenaries to replace its soldiers on security duty in Iraq to meet the severe recruitment shortage because of perilous Iraq.

It said that a Pentagon contractor has begun recruiting former Chilean commandos, other soldiers and seamen, paying them up to $4,000 a month to guard oil wells.

Peter Singer, author of “Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry,” has also revealed that mercenaries made the second largest occupation force in Iraq, outnumbering even the biggest US ally, Britain, with up to 15,000 personnel hired by the US from private military firms.

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What a pathetic thread!  34 postings and not an iota of relevance (or mention) of Thailand.  Why wasn't this thread closed and/or moved to the bearpit after the OP?


There's lots of potential for Thai workers and foreigners living in Thailand looking to relocate. Suggest to move thread to Jobs forum:

Britain’s daily the Guardian reported in May of last year that the US army was hiring mercenaries to replace its soldiers on security duty in Iraq to meet the severe recruitment shortage because of perilous Iraq.

It said that a Pentagon contractor has begun recruiting former Chilean commandos, other soldiers and seamen, paying them up to $4,000 a month to guard oil wells.

Peter Singer, author of “Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry,” has also revealed that mercenaries made the second largest occupation force in Iraq, outnumbering even the biggest US ally, Britain, with up to 15,000 personnel hired by the US from private military firms.

Tis true, one of the companies involved is called "Rubicon" who supply approx 1500 ex UK and US SF in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq. Shortly before being given a lucrative multi-million dollar contract a few years ago now, they elected former Tory Secretary of Defence Malcolm Rifkind as Chairman. Considering that he is very close friends with Bush Snr and Cheney is it any surprise!! The going rate at the moment according to a friend of mine currently in Basra is £600 per day tax free depending on previous armed experience!!

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I find the Rumsfelds' and the Bush Administrations statements that IRAN is supplying the resistance in IRAQ plausible but without any credibilty. They didn't site sources, they just said they IRAN was the one behind these sophisticated anti-tank/ roadside weapons. How can we trust the word of an administration that lied about WMDs and doctored the evidence. What about Syria, China or Saudia Arabia?

From Irans point of view, having the U.S. overthow Sadam was the best thing that ever happened. Not only did Iran get rid of their most fierce and sworn enemy "Sadam H." without having to fire a shot, they didn't have to sacrafice any lives in the process. We did that for them. And the Shites who are alligned with the IRANIANs politically and religously have become the majority power in Iraq. So now the country will very soon go from being a secular state to an oppressive <deleted> muslim nation. Is that what we call a Democracy?

So far we have pissed away the lives of 1800 service men and women. And for what? Permanent bases in IRAQ and lies about WMDs. When will Americans wake up and realize this guy has pulled a major screw job on the people and the constitution of our great nation.

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