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Adoption Letter


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First Admin if this is not the correct forum could you please move for me.

I'm looking for advice on adoption of my wife's daughter. She was born whilst her mother was married (Thai/Thai marriage) when they got divorced my wife took responsibility of her and the girl came to live with us/me in Qatar this was almost four years ago now.

I started her adoption summer this year (2010) and they gave us a list of the paperwork required to proceed with the adoption. One of the items is a letter from me that should contain itmes of family background etc... what exactly should I write?

Does anyone have an example letter that I could have a look at, or a list of things I should write about? Please PM me if you can help.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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Where are you starting the adoption? The girl is Thai, so it should be acocording to Thai law I guess. But in your case it is also an international adoption, if you do it by Thai law only you will not have adopted the child by the rules of your own country. meaning that if you want to settle in your own country, the child will not be considered as your, can aquire your nationality etc. if you want that, you need to start an international adoption and meet the rules for adoption of both countries.

As to your question: I guess they want you to write a kind of CV abou you and your family: Who are your parents and what do they do, are they divorced or not, how many siblings do you have, your education, when did you leave home, contact with your parents and sibblings, that kind of stuff.

But as said, if you want a more pricise answer form a member, you need to tell acoording to which rules the adoption will take place. The rules vary per country.

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Thanks Mario I will be contacting the UK embassy today.

Ha that was not very productive, they (UK embassy) could not tell me anything regarding the International adopting requirements. I imagine many people (expats) have gone through the process, lets hope someone can give me advise.

Question if I go through the Thai adoption route first will that facilitate and assist the Uk adoption?

Difficult working outside of the UK.

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Thai adoption will assist for foreign adoptions.

You married under the Thai law, because that is needed to adopt the child under the Thai law.

Second who is the contact with the father of the child is he willing to cooperate.


Hi NFS we met up with them back in July and they were very nice, we told them about living in Qatar and they seen this as no problem. We are married offically in Thailand, her father has no problem with me adopting her we have discussed it with him face to face several times.

I imagine once I submit all teh paperwork that I've collated then they will tell me what is missing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Thai adoption will assist for foreign adoptions.

You married under the Thai law, because that is needed to adopt the child under the Thai law.

Second who is the contact with the father of the child is he willing to cooperate.


I have to add that this information was from few years ago as my GF and me adopted a boy in Thailand, the child you want to adopt is your wifes child so maybe this information isn't correct.

Sorry for that didn't pay attention on that.


Edited by needforspeed
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Thai adoption will assist for foreign adoptions.

You married under the Thai law, because that is needed to adopt the child under the Thai law.

Second who is the contact with the father of the child is he willing to cooperate.


Hi NFS we met up with them back in July and they were very nice, we told them about living in Qatar and they seen this as no problem. We are married offically in Thailand, her father has no problem with me adopting her we have discussed it with him face to face several times.

I imagine once I submit all teh paperwork that I've collated then they will tell me what is missing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



If you are really serious about adopting the young girl into your life, perhaps the first and foremost attempt on your part should be changing your personal choice of your personal representation on yourself to something else.


Any adoption agency, Thai or Foreign, should have access to this personal representation of yourself by chance or otherwise, would surely question your suitability as the father!

Other than that, I do wish you success and in a speedy manner too.

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Thai adoption will assist for foreign adoptions.

You married under the Thai law, because that is needed to adopt the child under the Thai law.

Second who is the contact with the father of the child is he willing to cooperate.


Hi NFS we met up with them back in July and they were very nice, we told them about living in Qatar and they seen this as no problem. We are married offically in Thailand, her father has no problem with me adopting her we have discussed it with him face to face several times.

I imagine once I submit all teh paperwork that I've collated then they will tell me what is missing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



If you are really serious about adopting the young girl into your life, perhaps the first and foremost attempt on your part should be changing your personal choice of your personal representation on yourself to something else.


Any adoption agency, Thai or Foreign, should have access to this personal representation of yourself by chance or otherwise, would surely question your suitability as the father!

Other than that, I do wish you success and in a speedy manner too.

Noted, but please do not read anything into an avator it does not mean a great deal.

You mention really serious, my daughter (yes I call her my daughter already) has lived with me and her mother for almost five outside of Thailand. What about my other children? I would not ask for advice just for the sake of it.

You do have a point and I will change the image (just for you and anyone else who reads too much into it)

Maybe your right.

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Dave, you say "they" gave you a list of paperwork to provide - who was this? Perhaps they are the best ones to ask about possible examples. I understand the paperwork is slightly different if you are adopting a child of a relative, rather than a child that is allocated to you through the Dept of Social Development & Welfare (DSDW).

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Just a though but you and your wife lived together for some years...I understand you had not registered the marriage but many countries recognise long term...more than 2 years defacto marriages in the same way as a registered one. I do not know whether this will help you in your situation.

Edited by harrry
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The adoptions has to go through an adoption agency in the UK, who will work together with the Thai authorities and make sure that the adoption is done according both UK and Thai law.

Thai law does not recognize a defacto marriage, only a fully legal marriage.

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The adoptions has to go through an adoption agency in the UK, who will work together with the Thai authorities and make sure that the adoption is done according both UK and Thai law.

Thai law does not recognize a defacto marriage, only a fully legal marriage.

Just a note our marriage was done officially, though I have not registered a marriage certificate in the UK. I'm told the UK recognises a Thai marriage when done through the correct channels.

All paperwork is now collated and we are waiting on the Thai embassy (Qatar) to stamp everything

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Correct, a Thai marriage registered at the amphur is recognized by other countries and certainly the UK. No need to register it in the UK, but you might want to have it certified by the Thai foreign office and the British embassy as confirmation of the marriage. (Not sure if that is needed for the adoption process).

My comment regarding de-facto marriages was a reply to the post form Harry.

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I think a lawyer is not needed (at least at this stage) and will only cost more money and suspect the adoption process will be costly even without a lawyer.

The adoption agency in the UK will guide the OP through the process and suspect there is a lot of information to be found about the process on the internet.

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