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Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand’s ‘Tough Stance’ On The Exploitation Of Women


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I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. ...

That photo of these 'many' shoes cannot be nearly seen as evidence that you lived together with six woman but more or less as evidence that you nearly have no experience in living together with woman at all.

Because it don't take six women to have that long line of shoes, it looks like the average collection of shoes by just one woman.

As you may imagine I took many photos over a period of a couple of years. The shoe picture was the only one I could find that did not show the ladies faces. I would never post a photo of a woman who made her living as a prostitute on the INTERNET. Of the six women who lived with me, four are now married and that would make it even more inappropriate to post a photo.

I don't however think it is a badge of honor to live with a woman. I really have more respect for the man who can live alone in Thailand. I admit I have always liked the company of women and have not slept alone for the past 40 years.

Since my last GF left I am now trying to cope living by myself. It has advantages and disadvantages.

I guess I should mention that living with 6 women in Thailand was not a new experience for me. In the States I was married and had 4 daughters. That's five females in the same house. Not much different in Thailand. In both the States and Thailand the ladies stole my boxer shorts to wear around the house and didn't think I would notice if they shaved with my razor. And they all turned my white jockey shorts pink by not washing the whites separately.

In case you are wondering I got used to putting the toilet seat down years ago.

I see and now you are an expert on all the different styles and productions of porn movies related to Thailand and how to download them for free in the Internet.

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## Where dude?? What's the URL.

Behold the cries of desperation........have you got lotsa tissues ?

-Statistics show more than 72,000 sexually explicit sites on the web and an estimated 266 new porn sites being added each day. These sites alone generate a revenue of $1 billion dollars each year.

Harding Institute

-Approximately 70% of time on-line is spent in chat rooms or sending e-mail; of these interactions, the vast majority are romantic in nature.

Dr. Michael Adamse, PhD., co-author of "Affairs of the Net: The Cybershrinks' Guide to Online Relationships"


25% of total search engine requests are porn-related. (Top three searches: sex, mp3 and hotmail.)

8% of total emails are porn-related. Average daily pornographic emails are 4.5 per internet user

12% of total websites are pornographic

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Response to SergeiY,

You mean you couldn't find this guys videos online? My gosh SergeiY even the go go girls can find them.

Which is the crux of the argument. Apparently Tony told the ladies that the videos would not be viewable from Thailand. They were and they are today.

You don't have to be an expert to find them. I found them and I am not an INTERNET expert. The ladies found them too.

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Behold the cries of desperation........have you got lotsa tissues ?

Nah, seen most of this Tone's work years ago, The pirate bay is my second home but I'm more crazy about the UFC now and spend most of time on UFC sites. I have a Thai mate who is a porn fiend, however he may be burning discs to sell if I know his wife. His English is hopeless and อ่าวโจรสลัด makes no sense to him. He says what the F### do pirates have to do with porn <_<

I'd actually like to meet this guy, the first thing I'd tell him is he has perhaps the ugliest dick in porn and he should get a stunt dick in for the close ups because I've seen better looking hammer head sharks than his bellend :lol:

Nice face, shame about the bellend Tone.

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Response to SergeiY,

You mean you couldn't find this guys videos online? My gosh SergeiY even the go go girls can find them.

Which is the crux of the argument. Apparently Tony told the ladies that the videos would not be viewable from Thailand. They were and they are today.

You don't have to be an expert to find them. I found them and I am not an INTERNET expert. The ladies found them too.

No, i don't mean that i could not find this movies. my remark was just about that you have probably watch every piece of porn related to Thailand, because you are such an "expert" about women and also know all the different dudes who make these movies.

And you are doing it right, like everyone else you are using the internet to watch porn.

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Response to SergeiY,

You mean you couldn't find this guys videos online? My gosh SergeiY even the go go girls can find them.

Which is the crux of the argument. Apparently Tony told the ladies that the videos would not be viewable from Thailand. They were and they are today.

You don't have to be an expert to find them. I found them and I am not an INTERNET expert. The ladies found them too.

No, i don't mean that i could not find this movies. my remark was just about that you have probably watch every piece of porn related to Thailand, because you are such an "expert" about women and also know all the different dudes who make these movies.

And you are doing it right, like everyone else you are using the internet to watch porn.

So, you would say that Tony Poer's porn is readily available in Thailand? That was my point with Mr. Drummond the author of the blog that this thread is based upon. I don't use the INTERNET to download porn. My connection is too slow (edge). I live in the jungle. I don't even watch utube stuff. I guess I would if I lived in a big sophisticated city like Bangkok. There are not even any go go bars where I live. Very primitive really. The Thai video stores here don't carry much American porn. Almost all Japanese. Thai people seem to much prefer Japanese porn. Has that been your experience?

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I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. I complained to her that the house she wanted and we moved into was too expensive. It had three bedrooms and there were only two of us. The next week one arrived. The week after that two. And then two more. They shared the rent. They were nice women. Clean, well mannered and took care of the house. Four of them worked at the same club. They wore different color outfits every day. I could tell what day it was by looking at the laundry drying on the line.

It was like having a small village of go go dancers. There were roses and big teddy bears all over the place new every day. I Have never had so many roses and teddy bears in my life. I know which clubs test the ladies monthly and which check them weekly. I know which clubs have women working there with HIV. The ladies talk a lot. I know where they go after work and what they do with their money.

They would introduce me to their boyfriends as father. I would speak Thai to the guys and they would look at me a bit funny. Some of the Falang BF's would bring me cigarettes and whiskey.

I have met a couple of other men who have done the same thing. Do I think I know more about bar girls than anyone else in Thailand. More than most probably. How many men have you met who lived with 6 bar-girls? Not as a customer or sponsor or boss. I was like an older brother to them. I bailed them out of jail. I took them to the hospital when their Thai boyfriends beat them up. I made sure they didn't do drugs. I made sure they had enough to eat and got their rest. I babysat their kids when they visited. I didn't have sex with them. If you lived with six women who had no secrets from you, you wouldn't have sex with them either. At one time or another 4 out of the 6 asked me if I knew anyone who made porn movies. I didn't, so none of them did any porn. But men would take pictures of them all the time. They charged more the bigger the camera. They charged the men to take photos and this happened at least once a month. It is not uncommon at all. To go from photos to videos is not a big leap.

Wow from this and many of your other posts seems like you've led an interesting life there Mark45Y, to say the least. Ever think of writing a book about it? I'd buy a copy.........

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I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. I complained to her that the house she wanted and we moved into was too expensive. It had three bedrooms and there were only two of us. The next week one arrived. The week after that two. And then two more. They shared the rent. They were nice women. Clean, well mannered and took care of the house. Four of them worked at the same club. They wore different color outfits every day. I could tell what day it was by looking at the laundry drying on the line.

It was like having a small village of go go dancers. There were roses and big teddy bears all over the place new every day. I Have never had so many roses and teddy bears in my life. I know which clubs test the ladies monthly and which check them weekly. I know which clubs have women working there with HIV. The ladies talk a lot. I know where they go after work and what they do with their money.

They would introduce me to their boyfriends as father. I would speak Thai to the guys and they would look at me a bit funny. Some of the Falang BF's would bring me cigarettes and whiskey.

I have met a couple of other men who have done the same thing. Do I think I know more about bar girls than anyone else in Thailand. More than most probably. How many men have you met who lived with 6 bar-girls? Not as a customer or sponsor or boss. I was like an older brother to them. I bailed them out of jail. I took them to the hospital when their Thai boyfriends beat them up. I made sure they didn't do drugs. I made sure they had enough to eat and got their rest. I babysat their kids when they visited. I didn't have sex with them. If you lived with six women who had no secrets from you, you wouldn't have sex with them either. At one time or another 4 out of the 6 asked me if I knew anyone who made porn movies. I didn't, so none of them did any porn. But men would take pictures of them all the time. They charged more the bigger the camera. They charged the men to take photos and this happened at least once a month. It is not uncommon at all. To go from photos to videos is not a big leap.

Wow from this and many of your other posts seems like you've led an interesting life there Mark45Y, to say the least. Ever think of writing a book about it? I'd buy a copy.........

I worked a lot for the past three years. Sometimes seven days a week sometimes 14 hours a day. Three months ago I quit my job. Bought a new computer, new operating system, new word processor, told the GF to go home. I am now alone and writing. I try to write a couple of thousand words a day. Most of the time I think my writing sucks. I get a few pages a month that I like. I keep trying.

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"Credit where credit is due. Stickmanbangkok (wrote this) a month Before Andrew".

and "I would think Andrew got the idea for the story reading Stickmanbangkok.



Thanks for that.No dispute, but I did not get the story for Stickman. I was, however, provided with the Stickman link by the original informant. I have provided a link to Stickman at the end of my story. Stickman and I operate in different worlds. I think he is fairly solid. But I am a journalist and I generally do not write stories, exposes or whatever without naming people as the Thai press do. I try to take the story to its natural conclusion if possible.

Funnily enough when I was once charged with libel in court here I was asked by the judge: "Why did you name these people?".

That is the cultural difference. Normally one would argue how can you warn the public unless you name the people you are warning them about. The appeal court, thankfully agreed.

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"Credit where credit is due. Stickmanbangkok (wrote this) a month Before Andrew".

and "I would think Andrew got the idea for the story reading Stickmanbangkok.



Thanks for that.No dispute, but I did not get the story for Stickman. I was, however, provided with the Stickman link by the original informant. I have provided a link to Stickman at the end of my story. Stickman and I operate in different worlds. I think he is fairly solid. But I am a journalist and I generally do not write stories, exposes or whatever without naming people as the Thai press do. I try to take the story to its natural conclusion if possible.

Funnily enough when I was once charged with libel in court here I was asked by the judge: "Why did you name these people?".

That is the cultural difference. Normally one would argue how can you warn the public unless you name the people you are warning them about. The appeal court, thankfully agreed.

Whast was the libel case about ?

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I mean, if you, andrew drummond or stickman want to really get into hot water, they'll write that story about child trafficking and forced prostitution, but that story doesn't sell very well.

It's obvious that there are and have been millions of foreigners involved in the economic exploitation of women, but there are undoubtedly more men and women in the countries where the girls are working....selling their children into prostitution or "mamasans" introducing young, impressionable girls into the business. For a good account of this, check out the new book "Half the Sky" by Nicholas Kristof of the NY Times. When you start reading about acid throwing and genital mutilation and multiple gang rapes, then it kind of puts the overall world scene of women's rights into sharper perspective.

I still think there's a HUGE distinction between the girls in Pattaya working willingly and making 20-100,000 baht per month or even a girl on a webcam making less but not being forced to have sex...heck, you could write a story about how the average university professor/teacher in Thailand makes 20-30,000 baht with a Master's or PhD whereas the majority of Thai bargirls are undoubtedly making much more.

Let's face it, for every Tony Poer or Nigel, there will be 100 foreigners who replace them, as long as it's profitable...and with the internet proliferation and increased video speeds, the margins will be even tigher as sites continue to fight against the typical trial membership or one-month members who download exclusive content and then share it for free. Hard to stop, just like the music and mainstream movie industries have learned, ever since the advent of Napster.

For the majority of those girls in Isaan, it's the best option available because access to an education can be very limited...it's not easy to get student loans for low income students like it is in the US, and the return on investment of getting a BA or BS degree simply isn't there in NE Thailand for a university graduate. Everyone around the world is drawn to shortcuts to get money....to get their "dream house," and it usually involves some type of exchange of money from older men going towards younger, pretty girls....whether they are prosititutes or not, girlfriends, fiances, or wives.

I do think the most interesting stories are when you follow a specific girl or set of girls over a long period of time....it tends to humanize the story. How many of the 18-20 year old bargirls when they are 40 or 50 years old would have felt their decision to get involved in sex for money was the right one? How many live to see age 50? How many end up having long-term, stable relationships...families, husbands, etc.? How many actually save money from their work and think long-term instead of spending/wasting it all in the short term? What percentage of the marriages of bar girls and foreigners actually work out and last 10+ years? How many relationships when there's a 15+ age difference end in success? You always read stories of the women ending up with palatial mansions or having 3-5 "suckers" sending money through Western Union or xoom.com when they secretly have a Thai b/f or husband...or the stories where the women ends up killed, the victim of DV at the hands of a foreigner, etc. But what about the ones who are "average" who don't end up i the news, aren't pretty or young enough to be porn stars, what is the result or outcome for them?

Personally, I could never trust a girl who sold herself....and I have great sympathy sometimes, because drunk/fat/old/drugged out/smell foreigners (the stereotype), well, it sucks if the girl has to pay a fine or penalty for refusing to go with a customer....that's one element that should be changed and would make it less onerous.

"Credit where credit is due. Stickmanbangkok (wrote this) a month Before Andrew".

and "I would think Andrew got the idea for the story reading Stickmanbangkok.



Thanks for that.No dispute, but I did not get the story for Stickman. I was, however, provided with the Stickman link by the original informant. I have provided a link to Stickman at the end of my story. Stickman and I operate in different worlds. I think he is fairly solid. But I am a journalist and I generally do not write stories, exposes or whatever without naming people as the Thai press do. I try to take the story to its natural conclusion if possible.

Funnily enough when I was once charged with libel in court here I was asked by the judge: "Why did you name these people?".

That is the cultural difference. Normally one would argue how can you warn the public unless you name the people you are warning them about. The appeal court, thankfully agreed.

Whast was the libel case about ?

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Did you enjoy your time living with those girls? From my experience, that situation always sounds better in print (having married a model, it sounds great, in theory, right?) than the reality or actuality of the situation.

It's really a bit like babysitting, unless the girls are mature enough to take care of themselves.

In the end, from two years living in Thailand, I found it's 100X more fun to meet women who are well educated, independent, trustworthy, ambitious (for their own careers and futures, not just to be taken care of or have the "easy life" at home doing nothing but watching tv, shopping or travelling)....have their own car, etc. Hard to find those girls in most places outside of BKK, where a lot of great girls work for multi-nationals and have far better salaries than I made. I also think it's a lot more challenging and interesting to date a girl with "white" skin....it seems to be a lot more respected in Thai society, rather than being with an Isaan/province girl.

I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. I complained to her that the house she wanted and we moved into was too expensive. It had three bedrooms and there were only two of us. The next week one arrived. The week after that two. And then two more. They shared the rent. They were nice women. Clean, well mannered and took care of the house. Four of them worked at the same club. They wore different color outfits every day. I could tell what day it was by looking at the laundry drying on the line.

It was like having a small village of go go dancers. There were roses and big teddy bears all over the place new every day. I Have never had so many roses and teddy bears in my life. I know which clubs test the ladies monthly and which check them weekly. I know which clubs have women working there with HIV. The ladies talk a lot. I know where they go after work and what they do with their money.

They would introduce me to their boyfriends as father. I would speak Thai to the guys and they would look at me a bit funny. Some of the Falang BF's would bring me cigarettes and whiskey.

I have met a couple of other men who have done the same thing. Do I think I know more about bar girls than anyone else in Thailand. More than most probably. How many men have you met who lived with 6 bar-girls? Not as a customer or sponsor or boss. I was like an older brother to them. I bailed them out of jail. I took them to the hospital when their Thai boyfriends beat them up. I made sure they didn't do drugs. I made sure they had enough to eat and got their rest. I babysat their kids when they visited. I didn't have sex with them. If you lived with six women who had no secrets from you, you wouldn't have sex with them either. At one time or another 4 out of the 6 asked me if I knew anyone who made porn movies. I didn't, so none of them did any porn. But men would take pictures of them all the time. They charged more the bigger the camera. They charged the men to take photos and this happened at least once a month. It is not uncommon at all. To go from photos to videos is not a big leap.

Wow from this and many of your other posts seems like you've led an interesting life there Mark45Y, to say the least. Ever think of writing a book about it? I'd buy a copy.........

I worked a lot for the past three years. Sometimes seven days a week sometimes 14 hours a day. Three months ago I quit my job. Bought a new computer, new operating system, new word processor, told the GF to go home. I am now alone and writing. I try to write a couple of thousand words a day. Most of the time I think my writing sucks. I get a few pages a month that I like. I keep trying.

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I also think it's a lot more challenging and interesting to date a girl with "white" skin....it seems to be a lot more respected in Thai society, rather than being with an Isaan/province girl.

Nice how you find it better to fall in line with the Thai bigots.

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Reply to caulfield2.

I met a woman here in Thailand in 1970. She was a bar girl at a place called Newland. Newland was the prostitution area for the US troops stationed at Utapao who serviced the B-52 bombers that bombed North Vietnam among other things. There were 50,000 GI's stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam war.

I see her about once a week today. She is fine. She is gainfully employed in a management position. She is a tender, sensitive woman.

I don't know but I think, perhaps she would consent to an interview by a real journalist. I think it would be a good thing. Might get rid of some the negative stereotypes about the bar industry. I wouldn't introduce her to a reporter unless he spoke fluent Thai.

I don't see how a person can write a realistic story without speaking the language of the person being interviewed. Too many translator mistakes. I could interpret but I would miss a lot of the nuances of the language.

You will also find more ex bar girls working at Kilo Sip just outside of Sattahip who were in the trade in the 1960's. There is one lady that speaks English with a strong NY accent.

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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

he is just supplying the market . :rolleyes:

giving a choice , the attractive thai ladies ,

would rather boomboom ,and hopefully net a farang ,

than be working in the rice fields all day .

like their ugly sisters . have to do.

beauty is a good buisness / life plan in LOShgs. :jap:

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I don't have the energy to fight against all of Asia.

Yes, I could date an exotic dark-skinned girl, but if you were to live long-term in Thailand, you get a lot more respect if you are with an educated, fair-skinned girl.

Now of course, that's not fair. It's not the way it should be it. I guess it is what it is.

I also think it's a lot more challenging and interesting to date a girl with "white" skin....it seems to be a lot more respected in Thai society, rather than being with an Isaan/province girl.

Nice how you find it better to fall in line with the Thai bigots.

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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

he is just supplying the market . :rolleyes:

giving a choice , the attractive thai ladies ,

would rather boomboom ,and hopefully net a farang ,

than be working in the rice fields all day .

like their ugly sisters . have to do.

beauty is a good buisness / life plan in LOShgs. :jap:

He talks to the ladies on camera with sound and asks them how old they are and if they want to to do certain sexual acts in front of the camera. At the end the ladies wave and smile at the camera.

Edited by mark45y
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I don't have the energy to fight against all of Asia.

Yes, I could date an exotic dark-skinned girl, but if you were to live long-term in Thailand, you get a lot more respect if you are with an educated, fair-skinned girl.

Now of course, that's not fair. It's not the way it should be it. I guess it is what it is.

Also nice to see you cow tail into line of what others expect and respect.....you seem to have no self respect.

I have lived here long term and have a rather nice golden skinned wife.

I came from a white skinned country.....that prefered suntanned skin.....I find someone that supposedly might come from an educated western background to think like you seem to do is shallow and perhaps insecure enough to need to date girls that others think are ok.

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I don't have the energy to fight against all of Asia.

Yes, I could date an exotic dark-skinned girl, but if you were to live long-term in Thailand, you get a lot more respect if you are with an educated, fair-skinned girl.

Now of course, that's not fair. It's not the way it should be it. I guess it is what it is.

I also think it's a lot more challenging and interesting to date a girl with "white" skin....it seems to be a lot more respected in Thai society, rather than being with an Isaan/province girl.

I didn't like the priests nor most of the students at the Catholic prep school where my parents made me study and undergo attempted brainwashing for four years.

I didn't like my mother or father much because they lived in a house in suburb that was full of filthy rich people who were attempting to gain respect by living there.

Thailand is a country where respect is gained by silly shallow attempts at defining a culture with no knowledge of history.

60 years ago the white Chinese people were discriminated against in Thailand by a PM who was part Chinese himself. He involved his country in WW II on the Japanese side because he would not fight on the same side as the despised Chinese.

I have worked in Thailand for 3 years. I didn't date people to impress my boss. But I never did.

I am not rich and famous because I have always had a &lt;deleted&gt; attitude towards the pompous and sanctimonious.

I understand where you are coming from. I don't respect your position but I can understand it. You might be rich and famous. Not me. I could never do it.

It would be nice if there were an afterlife and god told me I was right and you were wrong. But that's not going to happen. The best I can hope for is to tell you here.

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Actually, I am dating a 1/8th Chinese (I would say she's definitely not fair-skinned, but not dark either) doctor/ER resident who attended Chula.

But when I am with her in Thailand, I hate the way some people assume she's a bargirl just because she's with a foreigner. Yes, I could stop all of those who give a wayward look (no, I'm not 20+ years older than her, lol) and say she's a doctor and makes more than you at her private hospital...but what's the point?

It's not about being insecure. I just don't like to see people treat her that way for being with a foreigner...and no, we don't live in Pattaya or BKK, we live in the heart of Chonburi.

I don't have the energy to fight against all of Asia.

Yes, I could date an exotic dark-skinned girl, but if you were to live long-term in Thailand, you get a lot more respect if you are with an educated, fair-skinned girl.

Now of course, that's not fair. It's not the way it should be it. I guess it is what it is.

Also nice to see you cow tail into line of what others expect and respect.....you seem to have no self respect.

I have lived here long term and have a rather nice golden skinned wife.

I came from a white skinned country.....that prefered suntanned skin.....I find someone that supposedly might come from an educated western background to think like you seem to do is shallow and perhaps insecure enough to need to date girls that others think are ok.

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But he would do exactly the same thing were he operating in the US....it's simply that the profit margins are obviously higher in Thailand (for the time being)....to describe a girl as "pure" or "innocent" or "virginal" if she's 18 but looks 15-16, it's just marketing. Let's say they are paying the girls 10,000 baht ($300-350 USD) for a shoot, how much would the same girl make in the US or Europe? You'd have to multiply it by a factor of 10 probably. It's what has happened in Europe....Hungary and the CZ Republic were the heart of the business but costs for the models got too high (spoiled a bit) and many other studios popped up in places like Holland, Germany and even Poland.

I mean, if he wrote "these girls just go through the motions, they've never had an orgasm in their lives when filming but are just faking it, they're scared to death to get an STD but nobody will watch porn where the men wear condoms...they're probably having sex with their 3rd or 4th partner in a 24 hour period by the time they get to the "set," etc....

Well, no guy would buy a subscription to a website that actually dared to tell the truth about the process. But let's say he was a Thai pornographer who went to the US and filmed movies....would anyone bat an eye or say he was subjecting those naive American girls to terrible humiliation? I would argue that the percentage differential between the pay for a porn performer (on film) in Thailand is a lot greater than the difference between a Valley-based girl compared to a "middle class" American worker's salary.

It's all relative, of course. I would have a hard time believing that more than 5% of those girls were terribly upset to find themselves on the Internet or street vendor's cart. The reason is simply....ever since the Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian trend started of the "stolen" sex tape on line, being marketed to millions online is the way to potentially become a star and make something of yourself. I bet all those "one name" actresses that are famous in Thailand and with Westerners like Lulu, Thainee, Tussinee, etc., are incredibly well-off if they've saved/invested their money intelligently and found an honest financial advisor. Twenty years ago, boys would be embarassed to walk into a book store and buy a Playboy or Penthouse. Now, everything under the sun and some things you've never dreamed of are out there on the Net (especially those twisted Japanese, who seem to have corned the economic market in only one area the last two decades) and it can accessed anonymously.

Those 3 "actresses" I name, their porn appearances actually enhanced their worldwide profiles. Now there's always a counterexample like Dana Plato, Elizabeth Berkeley or Chloe Sevigny who pretty much destroyed their careers by going hardcore (so to speak), but that's the exception to the rule. Think of it. There was a time that anyone would be ashamed to date a porn star. Now, everyone from Tiger Woods and Alex Rodriguez to Eliot Spitzer and everyone in between sees no stigma at all in doing so.

As noted, the only objections would be losing money from their b/f's or sponsors when they found out their honey was starring in porns, but I can't believe more than 1-2% of those guys would be too surprised....

Edited by cdnvic
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Everybody has forgotten about the Roscoe and the opium. These charges alone would have required a multi-million baht bribe.

Why does everybody assume this guy is connected? More likely he dropped a shitload of cash to the right rozzers and they just let him go. It must of cost him at least 10 million.

Instead of getting all enraged about a bit of porn what about Sanoh Thiengthong having his case dropped because of the 20 year statute of limitations. This is text book Thai political corruption and causes real damage to Thai society.

The shameless pr##k used his power to steal a large chunk of land that was donated to a temple, he then turns it into a country club and golf course for his rich mates and fellow politicions, he then flogs it to Thaksin in a classic political sweetheart deal. Sanoh, Banharn and Chalerm would be the biggest crooks in the country by a long way.

He was so guilty and there was so much evidence against him the only way they could get him off was to let the case run past the 20 year limit. This Tony Poer guy just did what he had to do, what did people expect? What about the cops in Pattaya? Once a case goes public it costs much more to get it settled as more police know about it and they will all want a feed.

Moral indignity is usually 2% about morality, 48% indignity and 50% just plain jealousy! The cops moral rage dies down after a few million baht lands in their pocket.

Why doesn't Andrew do an investigation into who owns all the large massage parlours in Bangkok? All politicions or high ranking cops. They have exploited 1000 times more women than this guy who probably paid them quite well.

Even though he was acquitted on that charge because of seemingly the statue of limitation, but the court did not say nor rule that he was not guilty of the charges!

He would still face other criminal charges in different courts which might not be so sympathetic nor kind to this elderly gent who committed multiplicities of crimes under Thai laws.

The overhauling of the corrupted leaders in the govt, by the people through the election processes, would be the first step toward democracy in Thailand, imho of course.

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It's pretty funny stuff.

This guy has obviously been drinking his own Kool Aid too much, because he sounds like a faux celebrity from one of those so-called reality tv shows.

Obviously, he feels that Thailand is so lucky to be graced by his presence, and then there's the typical judgment passed on other farang tourists....“I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best." So everyone else is old (he forgot the age dig), fat, ugly, dumb/blue collar laborers and truckers and factory workers who are rubes who eat at McDonald's and Burger King. He probably considers Sizzler fine dining.

Wow...if you were so well-educated and sophisticated, maybe you could help solve the problems (economic) which you are preying upon instead of rationalizing your "work" there as somehow beneficial (as a whole) to the social fabric of the country. If he wasn't exploiting the women, maybe some of his intelligence could be applied to creating a program that puts the girls in opportunities to get college credit, work study, internships with legitimate businesses, etc.

This story continues here:

‘I am helping Thai tourism’, says US porn photographer Tony Poer:

Full story: http://www.thaivisa....ys-us-porn-man/

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I see the American Feminist are hard at work again. Using American tax dollars for payoffs outside America.

They won't stop until they have every male in Jail.

Same thing with the Pedophile preist....What about the Pedophile Nun's. They don't make any mention of them anywhere yet, I have seen how the nun's work

up close and personal. Once the Nuns have created a little gang of butches they let them rule the school. They will force other little girls into the gangs.

No, the nuns never get their hands dirty they use an outside teacher, usually a female Gym teacher to recrute and train little butches. We only pay

attention to men who create sexual sins, but most of us don't think how many lesbians go to thailand and film nor does the Feminist Groups go after

those Nuns who go unnoticed. The favorite thing for Nuns to do is to seperate the girls from the boys after Grade 1. Then they start enforcing a rule to cut the girls hair off for a punishment. This makes her look like a butch. If you look at pictures from the past on the walls, at some girls schools you will see where these little girls start looking like tough youg boys or butches and will maintain the hair style. While it is true that not all girls who have short hair are butches......My point is at some schools, "I won't name them". for fear they would come after me as they have already proved when I mentioned what I could see, they vandalized my car on a daily basis. Evan after I filed several complaints. The guy with a camera taking pictures of a concented sexual relation. Who gives a rats ass. The guy that pays for sex on the street in AMerica.....Who gives a rats ass.. go after the Pedophiles and leave adults alone.

If a Women doesn't want to be filmed having sex then make her take the responsilbility of having a non participation form.....they say Men are supposed to have the condoms.....so women can carry the legal documents......I mean we end up paying for it anyway....LOL

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