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Grace Hotel Bought By An Arab

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u said (I can't however remember any citizen of any Arabian country being prosecuted by his own government for carrying out torture) well our goverments are corupted and they have been in power because they have your support (your goverment mean)

u said (I do however remember seeing pictures of tortured soldiers proudly displayed by their arab captures)

well the pics that i posted they were proud about it and smiling and the captures were from the west( i hope u remember that)

>> The pics you posted were PIC's which were not proudly broadcast on state TV.


u said(We in the west do not beleive in forcibly mutilating our women,partial or complete removal of clitoris.)

we dont do that anymore people are getting more educated and realising

>> Granted the practise is becoming more & more limited to a few Islamic countries.

u said(We do not beleive in forcing marriage upon our women.)

your saying it as if it is spead all around arab world and that is not true

>> I did not state that it happened in every Islamic country though it is present in many rural societies.

u said(We do not beleive in selling our women.))

we dont sell our women 

>> It does happen , particularily in the rural societies in the poorer countries.

u said(We do not beleive in killing any women who have brought shame upon our family)

not women we kill men or women who bring shame to the family

>> YES , there indeed is a sign of how barbaric the arabic societies are.

      Killing or taking the life of someone for whatever reason is barbaric.

u said (We do not beleive that stoning women to death or cutting off limbs of criminals is an enjoyable pastime )

none of us beleive its enjoyable

>>There are large crowds outside the main mosque in Riyadh on every Friday when such an event takes place.

u said (We do not beleive that we will get everlasting happiness by blowing up ourself in order to kill some infidels)

we beleive that we will get everlasting happiness if we fight for freedom and we will do what ever it takes to reach that

dont u beleive that if u fight for your country and die u will go to hevean?

>> No whyever should I  ?? and I cetainly don't beleive that I will get 100 virgins !

>>Fighting for freedom , does that entail slitting the throats of woman & children ??

>>    This is also done in the name of Allah in Algeria for example.

>>Fighting for freedom ?? Freedom from whom ?? Until the 9/11 event there was no  Arabic country occupied by western military forces in the middle east.

Granted, there are countries in the ME which have western friendly regimes and regimes which have been supported rightly or wrongly by the USA (or the UK in some cases ) in order for them to ensure the continued supply of oil ,or in some cases in order to a strategic military presence during the cold war era.

But although influenced these regimes have not been controlled by the USA.

I put it to you that your real enemy is closer to home

You real enemy is your own government or Ruler.

(The pics you posted were PIC's which were not proudly broadcast on state TV)

No it wasn’t if one or two channels did it, it doesn’t mean we all were proud about it

(YES , there indeed is a sign of how barbaric the arabic societies are.

Killing or taking the life of someone for whatever reason is barbaric

Ok if that so it means we are all barbaric, isn’t u killing innocent people in Iraq?

U call that barbaric and we call the projects in the states a barbaric culture and every states has at least one project .I thing u know how life is there

i dont have to be like u to be normal and u dont have to me like me to be normal

(No whyever should I ?? and I cetainly don't beleive that I will get 100 virgins)

First of all not 100 less than that :o and I don’t expect u to believe it because your not Muslim just like so many things in your religion I don’t believe in

(There are large crowds outside the main mosque in Riyadh on every Friday when such an event takes place.)

They did that for a reason and it doesn’t mean they are enjoying it

Look at the crime rates in Saudi, UK and the states

(Fighting for freedom , does that entail slitting the throats of woman & children ??

>> This is also done in the name of Allah in Algeria for example.)

the KKK were killing blacks in the name of jeuses

That’s what im trying to say they are extreamests and use religion to justify what they do but it doesnt mean that its right and Islam didnt justify that

The kkk were extremists and used religion and it doesn’t mean its right and I don’t think Christianity justifies it

(I put it to you that your real enemy is closer to home

You real enemy is your own government or Ruler.)

i totally agree

From what I see, is that you have a lot of miss understanding of our culture and religion .specially in the woman’s right.

take a look it wont take u more than 10 min.


This is a sight that talks about what exactly is the woman’s right in Islam

And it’s very important not to blame religion on what every person does even if he used the name of religion

it was nice talking to u and ill be here if u want to know anything about us or our religion

u dont have to beleive in it just to know what is the real culture and islam.because media damaged the view of islam and arab culture also the islamic extreamists .and now most people think what they do is from islam ,when its not

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Sorry , I don't beleive in any religion which condones killing in the name of any God.

Perhaps you should spend some time in Saudi Arabia, I've been there as well as the emirates & kuwait.All countries are different. In the emirates I know as a fact that the attitude towards women is different from that of Saudi.

You could also ask around to find out what the average thai working girl thinks of Arabs and why they object to going with them.

Interesting that you brought up the KKK , they are the only example of a christian inspired group in recent history which carried out terror attacks.

Their attacks where very limited in comparision to the terror attacks carried out by arab fundenamentalists.

I have not read the Koran nor do I intend to .

It is sufficient to know that like the Bible it can be interpreted in different ways.

Unfortunately there appear to be a large number of extremists who are using the Koran as an excuse for terror.

A fundamentalistic interpretation of both the Bible and the Koran is most easily acceptable ( I beleive ) by people who have a limited education and in the middle east there still exist large numbers of uneducated peoples.

I do not beleive in either the Koran or the Bible although I beleive that the bible teaches a somewhat more forgiving attitude.

It does not preach the eye for an eye philisophy as is presented ( as far as I remember ) in the Koran. Correct me if I am wrong.



It does not preach the eye for an eye philisophy as is presented ( as far as I remember ) in the Koran. Correct me if I am wrong.


Happy to correct you; 'an eye for an eye' is a direct quote from the Bible, not the Koran. You couldn't be more wrong.

Obviously you haven't read much of anything, but that verse is so often quoted that I can't believe anyone could think it comes from any religion other than the Bible followers one.

If you read on you get into really good stuff about how God wants the heads of his enemies children smashed against rocks.

You might consider a cabinet post in the Bush administration.

No Christian terrorists? Ever see those photos of grinning green berets showing off strings of Vietnamese ears they'd cut off the corpses? Ever hear about the disease-contaminated blankets gave to the American Indians? The cash bounty on scalps or the trail of tears?

Ever hear about how Bush took back the money intended for improvements to New Orleans' Levee, and gave it to his friends in the form of tax breaks for the rich? Or does that not count?

Sorry , I don't beleive in any religion which condones killing in the name of any God.

Perhaps you should spend some time in Saudi Arabia, I've been there as well as the emirates & kuwait.All countries are different. In the emirates I know as a fact that the attitude towards women is different from that of Saudi. 

You could also ask around to find out what the average thai working girl thinks of Arabs and why they object to going with them.

Interesting that you brought up the KKK , they are the only example of a christian inspired group in recent history which carried out terror attacks.

Their attacks where very limited in comparision to the terror attacks carried out by arab fundenamentalists.

I have not read the Koran nor do I intend to .

It is sufficient to know that like the Bible it can be interpreted in different ways.

Unfortunately there appear to be a large number of extremists who are using the Koran as an excuse for terror.

A  fundamentalistic interpretation of both the Bible and the Koran is most easily acceptable ( I beleive ) by people who have a limited education and in the middle east there still exist large numbers of uneducated peoples.

I do not beleive in either the Koran or the Bible although I beleive that the bible teaches a somewhat more forgiving attitude.

It does not preach the eye for an eye philisophy as is presented ( as far as I remember ) in the Koran. Correct me if I am wrong.

(Perhaps you should spend some time in Saudi Arabia, I've been there as well as the emirates & kuwait.All countries are different. In the emirates I know as a fact that the attitude towards women is different from that of Saudi. )

thank u very much.this prooves we are not the same and u cant say that all are

(You could also ask around to find out what the average thai working girl thinks of Arabs and why they object to going with them.)

if that man had respect for himself (arab or westner) he wouldnt go for a working girl .so i would expect anything from someone who pays for sex .that is so low

(Interesting that you brought up the KKK , they are the only example of a christian inspired group in recent history which carried out terror attacks.

Their attacks where very limited in comparision to the terror attacks carried out by arab fundenamentalists.)

-Oklahoma Bombing ,Timothy James McVeigh .Michigan Militia, a right-wing paramilitary organization( killed 168)

-the irish rebals

-the french group i cant remember what they were called ,who had bombs in buldings and undergrounds in 1996 and killed 194 inocent people.

-bush the father

-bush the son after the son though now i think bush the father was an angle

Some terrorist attacks are carried out by these groups in all corners of the world. Yet there is an important point to be remembered here. The fact that the perpetrators of various terrorist acts carry Christian, Muslim or Jewish identities cause some people to develop some erroneous ideas and put forward some claims which do not concur with divine religions. The fact remains however, that even if the terrorists have Muslim identities, the terror they perpetrated cannot be labeled "Islamic terror". In the same way, it would not be called "Jewish terror" if the perpetrators were Jews or "Christian terror" if they were Christians. That is because, murdering innocent people in the name of religion is unacceptable. We need to keep in mind that, among those who were killed in Washington or New York, there were people who loved Jesus (Christians), Prophet Moses (Jews) and Muslims. murdering innocent people is a great sin that brings torment in h_e_l_l. Thus, a religious person who has fear of God can never commit such an act.

Religion commands love, mercy and peace. Terror, on the other hand, is the opposite of religion; it is cruel, merciless and it demands bloodshed and misery. This being the case, while looking for the perpetrators of a terrorist act, its origins should be sought in disbelief rather than in religion. People with a fascist, racist or materialist outlook on life should be suspected as potential perpetrators. The name or the identity of the terrorists is not important. If he can kill innocent people without blinking an eye, then he is a disbeliever, not a believer. He is a murderer with no fear of God, whose main ambition is to shed blood and to give harm. For this reason, "Islamic terror", "Jewish terror", "Christian terror" are quite erroneous concepts. That is because, neither the religion of Islam, nor other religions can by no means concur with terror. On the contrary, "terror" (i.e. murders committed against innocent people) in Islam is a great sin and Muslims are responsible for preventing these acts and bringing peace and justice to the world.

(I have not read the Koran nor do I intend to .)

then u shouldnt talk about a subject that u know nothing about and u cant judje something that u dont know

(It is sufficient to know that like the Bible it can be interpreted in different ways.

Unfortunately there appear to be a large number of extremists who are using the Koran as an excuse for terror.)

terror comes moslty from places who are uneducated or poor and has no freadom

and we have all that but that doesnt mean that islam suports it .

u wouldnt understand nor beleive because u did not read and u dont want to.

anyway i wish u all the best and hope that we all live in peace.


It does not preach the eye for an eye philisophy as is presented ( as far as I remember ) in the Koran. Correct me if I am wrong.


Happy to correct you; 'an eye for an eye' is a direct quote from the Bible, not the Koran. You couldn't be more wrong.

Obviously you haven't read much of anything, but that verse is so often quoted that I can't believe anyone could think it comes from any religion other than the Bible followers one.

If you read on you get into really good stuff about how God wants the heads of his enemies children smashed against rocks.

You might consider a cabinet post in the Bush administration.

No Christian terrorists? Ever see those photos of grinning green berets showing off strings of Vietnamese ears they'd cut off the corpses? Ever hear about the disease-contaminated blankets gave to the American Indians? The cash bounty on scalps or the trail of tears?

Ever hear about how Bush took back the money intended for improvements to New Orleans' Levee, and gave it to his friends in the form of tax breaks for the rich? Or does that not count?

thank u very much

Interesting that you brought up the KKK , they are the only example of a christian inspired group in recent history which carried out terror attacks.

You show the knowledge and attitude of a one year old lesser spotted newt.

IRA ring any bells ?


Interesting that you brought up the KKK , they are the only example of a christian inspired group in recent history which carried out terror attacks.

You show the knowledge and attitude of a one year old lesser spotted newt.

IRA ring any bells ?


Late at night and was just thinking about terror act's which were carried out against people of another race .You are right ofcourse .

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