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Thai woman kills self during Internet broadcast in front of boyfriend, others

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So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

Death never solves anything. But in any event, may she rest in peace. A truly sad story in deed.

Unfortunately, some people see their lives as so bad that death actually solves everything.

No more misery of broken relationships, worrying about where your next meal is coming from, and lets not forget that many Thai ladies are skint, go to work in large cities for money for their families and end up in the sex trade - as a close female friend of mine told me this very weekend - when its a choice of 14 hours back breaking work in a rice field for food money, or nipping to the big city to make cash from foreign male visitors, the second distasteful choice is often their course and this obviously leads to low self esteem, hidden of course by a beautifull smile. I actually felt very guilty and sad this weekend that I could not give my friend more financial assistance. Sad world we live in.

Newbie thanks for posting. Your opinion is 100% hit the target. The world is not like the way you and I are growing up. It is a fast pace, dog eats dog, and anyone who fits will survive. May she rested in peace and my heart and soul go through her family and friends,. My take and opinion.

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No disrespect to you or the deceased. I feel terrible that this happened. I feel even worse that it is a result of several cultures intermixed. What did you do about it? Forgive me for asking the question that everyone would like to ask. I would not ask, were it not for your incessant replies to posts on the forum. If you truly knew everything that was going on, and knew about it for so long, why then did you do nothing? Before you jump on me, let me add that the ove of my life, killed herself last year. I did nothing. I assumed she was okay, and never thought for a second that she could or would take her own life. She did.

So, hide your secrets if you must. But the fact is that the for info, the more we can help the next person

Sadly, I knew this woman. There is more to the story than meets the eye. Unfortunately, I haven't been in touch with her for a while. I am deeply saddened by this. I saw the report in Thai before it came here. It is a tragic story.


Ouch! Thats pretty harsh isn't it? News can be interpreted in many different ways, the emergence of the internet as a communication medium, loneliness and depression forcing individuals to live their life through a webcam, the perils of online dating etc etc. Personally I think its extremely sad but she was probably going to do it anyway, webcam or not, botfriend or not, breakup or not. Suicide is the end game of severe depression and unless the underlying causes of that depression are identified and addressed the victim will normally find a way to carry it out. Still classifies as news however, simply for the "voyueristic" aspect.

It's very sad that TV and it's members can't differentiate between News and title-tattle.

THere may be issues involved - but the bland statement and circumstances is NOT news.

News is reporting analysis and interpretation of world events.none f that here.

This is the stuff of tabloids - which are not by any definition except superficially typeface and paper - newspapers.

No-one is airing any views here.

If they want to commiserate then that should be on a different thread - this one is meant to be news.

it is sad too but commonplace that many people cannot differentiate between REAL news and stories like this which masquerade as such.


In Thai language class we/the students assume roles from the mainstream book in Thai. Recently one of us read a question

Q; If you found your boyfriend with another woman what would you do?

A; I would commit suicide

Much of mainstream society sees this as a normal answer, although my circle of Thai friends disagrees as well as calling the violent soap operas worthless trash suitable for retards.


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

I've bitten also! 'Worth dying for' is one thing - however, worth killing yourself over?


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"I am a one in ten even though I don't exist" sang UB40.

My own kid brother took his own life and after a lot of therapy it turns out that we as a family found solace in the fact that he was only 'really happy' for the first time when the decision was made. This story runs much deeper than we think as smileplur's comment said.

My only advice is to look at your siblings, your family, your friends, and try to really find out how they feel about somethings, excessive time alone is not good. If they are lonely or estranged, try to get closer before it is too late, and you have to live the rest of your life wondering!

This isn't an internet thing, it's a International problem!


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

That is a very subjective evaluation but I am sure, given enough time, you could find someone and a situation that you too reach this position in...


It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

That is a very subjective evaluation but I am sure, given enough time, you could find someone and a situation that you too reach this position in...

Right, so you don't have an actual answer to back up your statement?


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

That is a very subjective evaluation but I am sure, given enough time, you could find someone and a situation that you too reach this position in...

And by the way, I didn't say that I can't imagine a situation in which I might find feeling that I need to go to this extreme, nor did I state that there haven't been (or won't be) people in my life who make me feel like I need to take my own life. I said that no one is worth killing yourself over.


Suicide is a very dark and disturbing thing to have to deal with for immediate family & friends

My heart truly goes out to all her family, friends and lovers.

My cousin 10 months ago found it in himself to tie a rope around his neck and the other end to a lamppost

After sitting in his car to SMS his last goodbyes to his father - I love You i'm sorry.

He then floored the accelerator and took his head completely off...

Not only did this affect passers by with horror on finding the body

It was in a busy car park, and really cut up everyone, myself being his immediate family and finding news that a decapitated body had been found.

No one could ever contemplate anything this gruesome from such a lovely, friendly, happy go lucky, never a bad word about anyone guy.

The fact is that some people really do carry the weight of the world so heavily - we just cannot see it, until its too late.

We like to cover things up in a joke, in ignorance, in distractions, anything but face what we may find harder to deal with than the easy life.

Whilst we knew he was not happy and having problems - we were not completely aware just how much or how many.

Perhaps nowdays people are too cut of from each other to discuss emotional problems, they think its not manly or they are inadequate if they do so.

This is certainly true of western males - as well as Thai's as a society.

For immediate family - feelings of guilt, could i have stopped it? could it be my fault too? why didn't we see it coming?

They will haunt myself and the rest of my family forever more.

But life does go on... And things do get eaiser after the initial shock/horror.

With regards to Thai women being fiery - and in cases of committing suicide for Vengeance.

I guess some may do this to get back at their lovers as more of a motive than because of deep depression.

To be honest i don't see too many depressed Thai women - i always see angry and hysterical ones - but reserved and depressed - Not really. Of course this would be stereotyping - and i'm sure that isn't true and they do exist, but don't show it so easily.

Certainly some of the Hysterical Trash on Thai TV cannot be helping society.

If you sit and watch for just 30 minutes - you a guaranteed, screaming, tears, slapping, childish behavior, jealousy, rage, selfishness.

And ALL in the name of entertainment/influence/education.

Knowing how Thais are so easily influenced by TV and have little 'outside of the box' critical thinking capacity..

I find this quite disturbing and a complete contradiction on the Buddhism and the 'keep your emotions in tow' mentality.

Just what is this disease that causes such contradiction here?

But back to a more constructive way of prevention of these sad events.

My cousin was lovely happy go lucky guy who lost his way, and felt he couldn't ever find anyone who understood him or could help him.

So he called it quits in a manner that we just cant fathom. But the pain and suffering was obviously so great that some of us may never truly understand.

I urge anyone who knows of friends, family, GF's or BF's who you know are 'not quite right' or prone to depression.

Especially when we are all living alone here in Thailand - far from family - and stuck in a world of craziness and <deleted>!

Please show you do care about them, and they always have options, and that friends, family, and the human race all have a deep investment in one another.

Its a lonely cellular world these days - and everyone is far too busy trampling over each other to see whats right and wrong anymore.

That sixth sense which most of us have as children but lose as we become tainted by societies unnatural ways and our desires to have, want, devour.

It can help guide us so much when we are not immune to it.

Only then when our life's values and morals come back to haunt us with tragedy do we contemplate change.

At which point - its already too late to turn back the hands of time.

One good deed a day - may not change the world - But could change our reason for existing.

My condolences and sympathy to her and her family.


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

Death never solves anything. But in any event, may she rest in peace. A truly sad story in deed.

Unfortunately, some people see their lives as so bad that death actually solves everything.

No more misery of broken relationships, worrying about where your next meal is coming from, and lets not forget that many Thai ladies are skint, go to work in large cities for money for their families and end up in the sex trade - as a close female friend of mine told me this very weekend - when its a choice of 14 hours back breaking work in a rice field for food money, or nipping to the big city to make cash from foreign male visitors, the second distasteful choice is often their course and this obviously leads to low self esteem, hidden of course by a beautifull smile. I actually felt very guilty and sad this weekend that I could not give my friend more financial assistance. Sad world we live in.

I make no comment on the sad case of the post. However, the rigours of rural life are somewhat exaggerated here. There aren't 14 hours of daylight in which to do the back breaking work and the work in the rice fields largely consists of two short bursts of a about two weeks each for planting and harvesting. Today the harvesting is increasingly mechanised and no longer requires much labour, if the rice has been well planted and weeds have been avoided, so that a mechanical harvester can be used. The problem is not the work but that the inefficient system of small holdings that was encouraged by the government in the 60s and 70s as a bullwark against communism makes farming not very profitable. Most farmers are now in their 50s and 60s and don't even want their kids to hang around in the village and become farmers, as there isn't enough for them do with the greater mechanisation. Even through rural schools are still much worse than urban ones, access to education has improved considerably and many farmers' sons and daughters have bachelors degrees and decent jobs in the cities. A handful of well educated and enterprising rural girls opt for a career in the oldest profession but most Thai hookers are girls who failed to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them and didn't want to do a hard unskilled job in the city (not in the countryside where they are not wanted). They have taken the line of least resistance and easy money which explains why they usually make poor wives for the foreigners imprudent enough to tie the knot with them. Meanwhile, Thailand has to import over a million unskilled labourers to do the jobs that Thai high school drop outs are unwilling to do.


It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

That is a very subjective evaluation but I am sure, given enough time, you could find someone and a situation that you too reach this position in...

And by the way, I didn't say that I can't imagine a situation in which I might find feeling that I need to go to this extreme, nor did I state that there haven't been (or won't be) people in my life who make me feel like I need to take my own life. I said that no one is worth killing yourself over.

Worth dying for:

Stopping a bullet for a Head of State as a paid loyal bodyguard.

Throwing one's self in front of an oncoming truck to push a child to safety.

Providing covering fire for retreating comrades when you are mortally wounded.

These are acts of 'good deeds' and/or loyalty to save others.

TAWP's refuting that no-one is worth killing yourself over... is beyond me but that does mean that I am wrong or insensitive - it could just be that I have never felt that emotion. Indeed, I hope that I never do because it it must be incredibly traumatic to all concerned.

Condolances to all that suffer as a result of this tragedy.


Worth dying for:

Stopping a bullet for a Head of State as a paid loyal bodyguard.

Throwing one's self in front of an oncoming truck to push a child to safety.

Providing covering fire for retreating comrades when you are mortally wounded.

These are acts of 'good deeds' and/or loyalty to save others.

TAWP's refuting that no-one is worth killing yourself over... is beyond me but that does mean that I am wrong or insensitive - it could just be that I have never felt that emotion. Indeed, I hope that I never do because it it must be incredibly traumatic to all concerned.

Condolances to all that suffer as a result of this tragedy.

Those may be noble acts, but I was referring to taking your own life through committing suicide. You listed situations/people "worth dying for." That is very different than "worth killing yourself over," or "worth committing suicide over." To me, those things you listed wouldn't be considered suicide.....you don't know for sure that you're going to die in all of those situations, and you probably don't choose/plan to do those things because of great despair in your own life. Are there people worth dying for? Sure, of course, and there are people in my life I would like to think that I would die for. But so far, I still can't think of anyone worth intentionally killing yourself over (via suicide).


It is sad, but I would refute that no-one is worth killing yourself over...

Ok, I'll bite......then who would you say IS worth committing suicide over?

That is a very subjective evaluation but I am sure, given enough time, you could find someone and a situation that you too reach this position in...

Right, so you don't have an actual answer to back up your statement?

I do have, but I doubt you would care or understand. Hence, my subjective opinion is no point in sharing on a public site [want me to name names?], just that any categorical denial that anyone might be worth killing yourself over isn't shared by a lot of people.


Worth dying for:

Stopping a bullet for a Head of State as a paid loyal bodyguard.

Throwing one's self in front of an oncoming truck to push a child to safety.

Providing covering fire for retreating comrades when you are mortally wounded.

These are acts of 'good deeds' and/or loyalty to save others.

TAWP's refuting that no-one is worth killing yourself over... is beyond me but that does mean that I am wrong or insensitive - it could just be that I have never felt that emotion. Indeed, I hope that I never do because it it must be incredibly traumatic to all concerned.

Condolances to all that suffer as a result of this tragedy.

Those may be noble acts, but I was referring to taking your own life through committing suicide. You listed situations/people "worth dying for." That is very different than "worth killing yourself over," or "worth committing suicide over." To me, those things you listed wouldn't be considered suicide.....you don't know for sure that you're going to die in all of those situations, and you probably don't choose/plan to do those things because of great despair in your own life. Are there people worth dying for? Sure, of course, and there are people in my life I would like to think that I would die for. But so far, I still can't think of anyone worth intentionally killing yourself over (via suicide).

Alas, you are missing the point and thus preaching to the choir because my reply was ommitted from your quotes. Please see post number 39. (I've bitten also! 'Worth dying for' is one thing - however, worth killing yourself over?) If you read the post in full, I am sure that you will agree that we agree. Hopefully.


I do have, but I doubt you would care or understand. Hence, my subjective opinion is no point in sharing on a public site [want me to name names?], just that any categorical denial that anyone might be worth killing yourself over isn't shared by a lot of people.

No, I don't want you to name names, but it would be nice if you could provide some general examples. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I'm fine with that. But I haven't yet been able to come up with any examples myself. I genuinely want to know what type of people you have in mind, rather than just being told that you disagree with me.


Alas, you are missing the point and thus preaching to the choir because my reply was ommitted from your quotes. Please see post number 39. (I've bitten also! 'Worth dying for' is one thing - however, worth killing yourself over?) If you read the post in full, I am sure that you will agree that we agree. Hopefully.

Sorry if my reply to you was hastily written and poorly worded. I knew what you meant, and I was trying to further argue your point.


Alas, you are missing the point and thus preaching to the choir because my reply was ommitted from your quotes. Please see post number 39. (I've bitten also! 'Worth dying for' is one thing - however, worth killing yourself over?) If you read the post in full, I am sure that you will agree that we agree. Hopefully.

Sorry if my reply to you was hastily written and poorly worded. I knew what you meant, and I was trying to further argue your point.

Acknowledged. I don't believe that the omittance of my posted reply was of your making. So, no problem.


I do have, but I doubt you would care or understand. Hence, my subjective opinion is no point in sharing on a public site [want me to name names?], just that any categorical denial that anyone might be worth killing yourself over isn't shared by a lot of people.

No, I don't want you to name names, but it would be nice if you could provide some general examples. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I'm fine with that. But I haven't yet been able to come up with any examples myself. I genuinely want to know what type of people you have in mind, rather than just being told that you disagree with me.

I think that if you want a [for you] tangible example then you have positioned yourself in a state where you will never understand the point.

Just accept that not everyone agrees.


I think that if you want a [for you] tangible example then you have positioned yourself in a state where you will never understand the point.

Just accept that not everyone agrees.

I understand that not everyone agrees, and I don't mind a little healthy debate.

I also like to learn from others and adapt my opinions accordingly. That's how I learn and grow as a person - most of my opinions in life have been shaped by others in some way, whether it's from my parents, teachers, friends, the media, or even random people on an online forum. It's a shame that you are not willing or able to help me learn.


Suicide is common everywhere. I have personally seen my share of it, and it sits deep in you for the rest of your life if the person is a close one.

I agree on the "educate the girls"-matter. How many not-Thai women carries around the "broken heart" scars over their wrist? Met one in all my life at home. Here I will need more than hands and feet to count.

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