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Bee Farming . I Wanna Start One Here In Chiangmai In My House As Well As Sukothai


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i give supha a call and seem veyr helpful as the operator direct me and give me the ower phone and i talk to her .

she is very helpful and give me alot of info .

anyone who own a bee farm or done it before

on some tips of do and don't ?

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my house is about 1 Rai ++ so i got a huge garden . that is one reason why i am thinking to have a few hive in my house . or maybe the backyard .

there is like 10-1 rai or land behind my house that is full of plants and vegetation and flower and so on.

plus cos my have alot of herb in my house the idea is the bee will help with the growth . and so on


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Lots of cowboys out there, don't want to get stung by a scam, so don't try to wing it. But when properly researched you will find a hive of information. Bee careful!! But when conducted properly, this could bee a keeper of a hobby, and will keep you very bizzy. B)

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Supposedly Bee Keepers are the longest living profession. The live the longest compared to other jobs. Maybe its from eating the fresh products or that it's calming to work with them.. Perhaps also the stings are helpful for jumpstarting the immune system.

I have athlete friends who will purposely get a sting to tone up the immune response.

Sounds like a good idea

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I myself recently heard that the stings are good for arthritis ? But suspect that the longevity may be due to the calm peaceful approach, to both life & the hives, which the bees insist upon ! :rolleyes:

Whatever, I would definitely recommend it, as an interesting & inexpensive hobby, putting something back into the global-ecology upon which we all depend ! Also works up a thirst quite nicely. Anyone for mead ? ! B)

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In America bees are being destroyed by collapsed colony disorder and other things like mites. But at the veggie market a bit N of Thapae gate I was happily shocked to see about 40 bees madly working the flowers of of some herb for sale. They looked small as honey bees go. It is possible to "hunt" wild bee colonies by putting out sugar bait, and triangulating by moving the bait stations to find the wild hive and then capturing it. You can find info on that in the internet I'm sure.

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I know nothing about it, however there is a gigantic hive just outside my apartment / overhang area. Will post a picture

if it's of any use.

Don't mistake for tiger wasps; its a different animal, and to be given respect and wide berth .

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Supposedly Bee Keepers are the longest living profession. The live the longest compared to other jobs. Maybe its from eating the fresh products or that it's calming to work with them.. Perhaps also the stings are helpful for jumpstarting the immune system.

I have athlete friends who will purposely get a sting to tone up the immune response.

Sounds like a good idea

Maybe that's why my tree work/climbing career lasted over 30 years. especially if yellow-jackets count in sting benefits.

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i do know people having nature hive in their house . i got a thai friends who have a Hive in his house that is the size of a motorcycle .

one of the storeroom under the house had a hive in it .

he even show me when i visit them . that where i start thinking about having a hive in my house

so i had been garthering info .

i love honey :) sweet or stringy :)

no pain no gain


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