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Traffic Offences

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As Denmark is in the E.U. why is your license that you aquired in the U.K. not valid there?

If I had driven car or motorcycle for at least 12 months from the date of issue I would be able to go and chance it = No problem but because it was issued (I think same month) as I got home to Denmark. The police department never bought it!

I have another question for you, how far do you think I would get in your country or most other countries come to that, driving a car or riding a motorbike without a valid i.e. not forged driving license?

You would get arrested.

(on a forged license) you would probably end up in Jail, forging a license, a passport or other ID's is very serios crimes and would not be looked lightly upon and you should try and bribe the polise and see what happens :-)

So if you ever want a chain saw driver i'm your man.

actually I could use some help cutting down some X-mas trees in Sweden :-)

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Guest IT Manager
I too have found that a Helmut or at least a Günther is almost mandatory for a Thai girl riding pillion in Pattaya LOL :o

In keeping with the high quality of the thread, I have encouraged my son to drive Hans On at all times.

Thai licences are a nuisance to get, easy to keep and for insurance purposes quite useful. Having one impressed the one policeman who pulled me over one day at a check point to point out that my rear wheel (in a rental), was missing 2 of the five stud nuts and wrote me a note to give to the rental agency, who I haven't used since.

My son translated the note, which in essence informed the agency that they were to fit the nuts and take the car to him personally at the local big station to ensure they were fitted.

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Thai licenses might well be a nuisance might to get but not as much a nuisance as they are to get in Europe.

There as you know would be drivers and riders have to satisfy testers that they can be let loose on the public highway with a reasonable chance they won't be mass killers.

I also think that it would be easier to plait sawdust than get any changes to the Thai way of driving and what is it with them?

Most of them when they are pedestrians are very reasonable,pleasant people, put them behind a wheel and they become maniacs who seem to think that the only way to drive is with the foot to the floor while holding a mobile telephone conversation, thankfully without the road rage you get in the west.

As to chopping the tree down, I will give a miss if it's all the same to you. Christmas in Europe? I would rather go to the dentist, but good luck any way.

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When my son was 18 I let him drive, first in closed carparks than on Bangkok's roads. Although I was sitting next to him, not quite legal. Once have been stopped by Bangkok's finest, nobody asked for a licence, they have been in charge for alcohol, only.

Sent him than to a 'driving school' and subsequently got his Thai-licence and his mother close to a heart attack. He was never confronted with the idea to use a standard shift going uphill. OK, he learned it.

First time in his life back 'home' he was told, the intern. permit issued in Thailand would be valid for six months, however, his Thai-licence for one year.

I advised him to take a few hours and a new test. Passed it. His instructor naturally was wondering why he took the lessons, and asked him how people drive in Thailand. That's when his instructor was close to a heart attack. :o

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As to chopping the tree down, I will give a miss if it's all the same to you. Christmas in Europe? I would rather go to the dentist, but good luck any way.

How about you and me swop places just during the winter time - I go live in Thailand - you go live in Sweden (-30 degrees) In earlier threths I say I am Danish so in order to avoid misunderstand I will clarify that i live in Sweden (today) as a DANE - and in January as usely it gets down to minus 20-30 degrees where I live... Then a motorbike is useless - most people have snow scooters up here!

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moses, how on earth did you get a visa by the Swedes??????

Ha ha well that was a long and difficult procedure... :D

If you have read all my post, I am sure you will get a little confused to weather I live in the UK, Denmark or Sweden. Because in one post I mention my "UK license" another that I am "living in Denmark" and then finally the"cutting of christmas trees in Sweden" :o

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Bribes: Funny it is....I guess most people in the board are complaining about corruption in other threads, but it is totally accepted handing the odd 100 or 200 Baht to the cops. Ain't that the same thing?

Ok, here my story: Been driving through the Eastern Seaboard by car for the past two years, police stopped me five times for various made-up traffic violations. All five incidents same stereoptype:

Officer: You drive to fast.

Me: How much was it? (handing him my Thai DL)

Officer: 113 (bullshit, I was going 140+)

Me: Do you have evidence?

Officer: (looking at the license showing an old Bangkok address) ohhh..you live in bkk, that is very far...if you have to pick up the license at Banglamung...but I can help you

Me: No problem, I am a traveling sales man and come here often, can I have the ticket now?

Officer: (looking slightly disappointed) Well...I think it was only a small offence, please drive carefully becasue next time you have to pay.

All five times I got the licence back, no bribe, no ticket.

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There was a question on how to obtain a Thai DL. Easy:

You need a paper from your embassy stating your Thai address (they fill in whatever you tell them - your rental agreement might be helpful), a dodctor's certificate (any clinic does that, it's just checking your blood pressure anyways) and you passport with a B or O visa. Not sure if a Tourist Visa works.

Spend one day at that authority, in the morning theory test (20 questions multiple choice, you need 15 correct to pass) and in the afternoon practice test, driving around a parcour of some 500 meters.

story on the side: My Thai gf just made the test a couple of weeks ago - and fails at the practice. She gets a paper stating that she failed and has to re-apply. She takes the paper and drives home - herself. Later - she is driving, I am on the other front seat - Highway police stops us for making a U-turn where it is not allowed. My gf first (in slight panic) tries to escape and almost runs over the cop, stops in the last moment and shows the cop - yes - the I-failed-the-driving-test-paper. The cop smiles, asks for her ID card and offers 100 Baht and we forget about it, whispering to her in Thai. I say loudly NO WAY, don't you have salary already (in Thai) and he stops smiling, issues a ticket of 400 Baht and that's it...

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