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Learning Burmese In Thailand (Bkk, Cm Or Pty). Possible ?


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I am considering to start learning Burmese.

Is there any language school in Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Pattaya which offers that a a reasonable rate ?

I could go to Burma too for a while, but there will probably be an issue to get a longstay Visa for 2-3 months or so.

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My guess would be that the answer to your question is "no". Generally speaking, Thai's look down on the Burmese at best, and hate them at worst, because Burma invaded Thailand 350 yrs. ago.

So, ask at the Burmese embassy on Sathorn Road in Bangkok.

Or, if you just want to take a shot in the dark, go to Chiang Mai. I doubt there is a language school offering Burmese there, but there is a sizeable Burmese exile community there, that may be able to provide you a free-lance teacher.

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It is even difficult to find an English-Burmese or Thai-Burmese dictionary - last time I looked in Bangkok, lots of English-Italian dics, but only a small tourist dictionary for Burmese. Why don't you consult an NGO that assists Burmese migrant labourers?

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I no longer have contact ifo. for the few Burmese that I used to know. But, I MAY be able to put you in touch with some foreigners who work with NGO's serving Burma. If you wish, send me a Private Mail, once you have decided on a city preference and some tentative dates. At one time, I had contacts in this field in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

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I'd recommend Burmese for Beginners by Gene Mesher. It's in the same series as Benjawan Poonsam Becker's "Thai for Beginners", and it has a similar format, teaching you the Burmese script gradually.

I tried looking for a Burmese school in Bangkok a few months ago but I didn't find anything. I'm now studying with a friend's Burmese housekeeper at home, if you ask around I'm sure you can find a Burmese lady who can speak English and is happy to teach you.

There's also a Burmese restaurant called Mary's Kitchen on Sukhumvit 71 (between Soi 15 and 17 I think) that's run by a Burmese Christian lady and her family. She's very friendly and speaks good English and fluent Thai - I'm sure she'd be able to recommend a good teacher for you.

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  • 1 year later...

It is even difficult to find an English-Burmese or Thai-Burmese dictionary - last time I looked in Bangkok, lots of English-Italian dics, but only a small tourist dictionary for Burmese. Why don't you consult an NGO that assists Burmese migrant labourers?

While I have not used this I do have their written & software versions of their Thai Dictionaries

If the Burmese one is anything like their Thai one it should be quite good.


I see like their Thai one it is a 3-way dictionary

which is very helpful

They also sell the Burmese for Beginners by Gene Mesher that Thewayup mentioned


Edited by mania
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Ramkamhaeng university I've been told offers individual units of Burmese which are part of their foreign language programme. Well regarded and I've been thinking about doing a few subjects given my work takes me there more and more.

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