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Washing After The S Word


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Well, If I ever get some S...  I will let you know :D

But honestly, in my line of work sometimes I cant shower for a good 3-4 weeks, so yes I like to be lazy for a while and then get clean again. And I love being clean and tidy b4 as well........... :D

Where do you work Soilurker... the salt mines of Siberia? :o

Out in the bush........ some times siberia seems appealing :D

That is what this thread is asking!

Do you shower after being out in the bush? :D

Is there an award for best reply of the month??

This one had me snorting tea out of my nose. :D:D:D

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I never jumped out of the bed and went straight to take a shower after the activities. My current partner took a shower before AND right after the activity. A cuddle might come after if I was lucky. :o

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Okay, for a bit of fun as Boo suggested, here's one.....

A n aquaintance of mine has been married to a Thai for some years and one day recently I mentioned the fact that after S the Thais, Muslim or otherwise, rush to wash in the bathroom. My aquaintance said "oh really....I thought there was something wrong with me all this time..." Instead of languishing in bed afterwards and smoking a cig or whatever, most Thai's in my experience shower after S.

If I remember, one day took 10 showers. One of my better days, but 3, and 4 are not uncommon............DJM

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i must admit, being english and on average showering twice a week (in england) I think thats about right, this idea of having to shower 3 times a day, ye gods, i must admit if i arrive back at 2 oclcok in the morning after my 15 bottles ogf heinekin, showering aint on my list!, next we will be told we can't fart in bed!

you can fart in bed, as long as you are by yourslef :D:D

Your English sound so smelly, but the ones I know shower every day

although not at 2am after a few beers, too dangerous!! :o

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