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Thai Smuggler Swallowed 1,200 Ecstasy Pills: Indonesia

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Thai smuggler swallowed 1,200 ecstasy pills: Indonesia

DENPASAR, December 20, 2010 (AFP) - A Thai woman swallowed more than 1,200 ecstasy pills wrapped in plastic and tried to smuggle them into the Indonesian resort island of Bali, officials said Monday.

Customs officials said the 24-year-old woman appeared nervous and was found to have a hard stomach during a body search at Bali's international airport as she arrived Thursday on a flight from Bangkok.

She was taken to hospital and 1,280 ecstasy pills were found in her stomach, Bali customs chief I Made Wijaya told a press conference.

"The pills were in a number of plastic wraps which she swallowed about 90 times," Wijaya said.

They weighed of 402 grams (0.9 pounds) and were worth about 448 million rupiah (50,000 dollars), he said.

The woman, who claimed to be a dancer in Bangkok, told investigators that an Israeli man had offered to pay her 656 dollars to deliver the pills to Bali, one of Asia's most popular destinations for Western tourists, Wijaya said.

If convicted she faces life imprisonment or death under Indonesia's tough anti-drug laws.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-12-20


"If convicted she faces life imprisonment or death under Indonesia's tough anti-drug laws."

Jesus, that's a bit harsh

Same as Thailand !

Was watching the Documentary "Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand" and they interviewed a "CAREER Criminal" who had been caught in Thailand with several thousand YaaBaa tablets. :(

He commented to the Interviewer that back in the UK he would have got 2 years, but in Thailand he faced the death sentence. In fact he got 50 years with no possibility of parole. He will die in a Thai Jail.


Someone dull or desperate enough to accept $600 from a filthy smuggler preying on simpletons to convert into mules for their illicit parcels...

Someone dull or desperate enough to swallow 1200 tablets for $600 and run the gauntlet for their life...

...definitely seems like someone we should execute really quickly. To teach them a lesson they won't forget in a hurry. And for the good of society, of course.


End Drug Prohibition and smuggling goes away. All the money currently spent on futile enforcement efforts can instead be spent on education and treatment. In the U.S., we ended prohibition on one drug, alcohol. I see no reason to stop there. End prohibition on all drugs, thereby bringing them under regulation and control.

But what do I know? I'm just a guy on the Internet. See what former drug warriors have to say about it at:

LEAP - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

  • 5 weeks later...

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