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More Than 1,000 Arrested In Bangkok Drug Raids

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Great suggestion , to remoive those African dealers that hang around Soi 3 and the area between Soi 11 and Soi 13 on Sukhumvit - those guys are annoying punks

I live near there. While I don't particuarly like all of them down there every night, they are not annoying punks. I walk by them every day and none of them has ever offered to sell me anything and the only thing any of them has ever said to me was hello. They did have a big brawl one night but I walked right through the middle of it to get home and they didn't touch or say anything to me.

I don't know if this is their nature or an unspoken agreement they have with police (not to start shit with random people), though such a gathering of drug dealing black guys in basically any western city would not be nearly as safe to be around.

Anybody know what kind of drugs they are selling? And if they are not verbally offering stuff, do we know for sure they are dealing drugs? I haven't gone down these Soi's in a long time and don't recall seeing many Nigerians. I did see a bunch of them when I was at the Amphur office in Bang Rak. I had to see 100 of them walking in and out of the same building across the street while I was outside waiting. No idea if they were selling drugs but it did catch my attention because i just don't see all that many black farangs in BKK in large groups.

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Why is it in every arrest in Thailand everyone lines up behind the offenders to get thier photo's taken looking so smug and proud of themselves?

It'd amuse me greatly if the accused had the stones and sat there pointing at the stash and weapons on the table looking straight at the camera with a huge grin on their face giving it a big thumbs up.


Why is it in every arrest in Thailand everyone lines up behind the offenders to get thier photo's taken looking so smug and proud of themselves?

It'd amuse me greatly if the accused had the stones and sat there pointing at the stash and weapons on the table looking straight at the camera with a huge grin on their face giving it a big thumbs up.




Thanks for that Nisa but I was thinking more along the lines of some local geezer with 30000 tabs of Billy, 2 million baht in cash and a couple of Glocks with the serial numbers etched off rather than Ali G's understudy. :D


Thanks for that Nisa but I was thinking more along the lines of some local geezer with 30000 tabs of Billy, 2 million baht in cash and a couple of Glocks with the serial numbers etched off rather than Ali G's understudy. :D

LOL, I wasn't sure if you were actually referring to this guy in your post. I LMAO when I read and saw this story. Even the cops are smiling ... only a true stoner / pothead could have this kind of attitude while about to be locked up in a Thai jail.


Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Soon will be back on the streets :whistling:


Thanks for that Nisa but I was thinking more along the lines of some local geezer with 30000 tabs of Billy, 2 million baht in cash and a couple of Glocks with the serial numbers etched off rather than Ali G's understudy. :D

LOL, I wasn't sure if you were actually referring to this guy in your post. I LMAO when I read and saw this story. Even the cops are smiling ... only a true stoner / pothead could have this kind of attitude while about to be locked up in a Thai jail.

:lol: I wonder if when the buzz wore off and he's locked in a cell with a couple of Nigerians informing him he's got a "pretty mouth" he'd still be willing to laugh it up.


"More Than 1,000 Arrested In Bangkok Drug Raids". Call themselves lucky. During Thaksin time, the headline could be "More Than 1,000 DIED In Bangkok Drug Raids". ;)


And how many police officers were arrested?

Around 30 shops in Ubon Thani have closed, especially those that have a sticker reading "T-G-TK" - a signal that they have the police in their pay.

Sorry, but why can't they even write down if its Ubon Ratchathani, or Udon Thani?


they should arrest the suppliers not the users!

It appears they did arrest a few dealers, unless 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin was for personal use.

Well it is Christmas and New Years just round the corner.

yes and the bib need there new years bonus!


Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Well I used to dabble in the uk and here until I got caught with meth iท my blood stream, not possession and got a 45 day sentence which IMO is ridiculous.

To the poster it won't effect the drugs on the streets as a girl we met yesterday is from nana and she knows someone high up in the police and gets all her drugs from him, ecstasy, yaba and Ice which you thought it was 4 kg of heroin. So. Bad news for the dealers and the users but the drugs get back on the street!

Also ice and heroin is the same price from the Nigerians who i've never had probs with! My close friend is going out with an Nigerian, the shit they put up with there I dont blame em for coming here dealing they do it a lot more clever than the Thais too.

Well I have used. Basicly some of the higher police here are the real Thai Mafia. The recruits follow in there footsteps, thinking what 40,000 baht a month is going to get them, though they will drive nice German imported cars and kids get a great Education and for the dealers and users involved will be locked up for a long time, no learning inside no courses to help them get a job etc. When they get out and meet up with more dealers and users so they're dealing just goes on!!! I Feel very strongly about this.

"My close friend is going out with an Nigerian, the shit they put up with there I dont blame em for coming here dealing"

<deleted>!!! :realangry:


And how many police officers were arrested?

The police in Thailand is very successful arresting drug dealers - because any other time of the year, they're taking their money.

Now they arrest them all, some will get out, some will get locked up, and new ones will come in, and everything starts over. Spring cleaning!

The are good to arresting the small fry! How about the wales? Scared to find out who they are? :lol:

Well I am not English but never the less what a bunch of wanke_rs.

Operation in effect only one day and all ready putting it down.

One wanke_r wants to know if they are afraid to know who the wales are. I think he is afraid to give them a chance it should all be done in day one is pretty mindless thinking.

There was a lot of arrests made on day one because the work had all ready been done it was just a matter of going out and picking them up. The pace will slow down as the back log of information runs out.

For wales. I am quite sure that they are going to be positive in there arresting of them. They will want all there ducks in order for them. The small fry might slip through with out to serious of a consequence but the wales would have a huge difference if they slipped through.

wanke_rs wank on for the rest of us let us see in thirty day's might be a big bash on ineptitude or a big well done. January 25 we will know.For those unwilling to give them a chance. Well that is your prerogative.:(


Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Soon will be back on the streets :whistling:

Strongly disagree with that statement.

I won't take sides on weather it happens or not but I will use common sense. And it tells me that during this crackdown things are going to be handled a lot more openly. Maybe after it but during it any thing seized will be held for evidence.

When you stop to think about it if all the drugs seized were put back on the street how long before the real power behind drugs would decide to eliminate the competition.

Any body with real opinions. The reason I say real opinion is because a lot of people are to closed minded to have a opinion. There idea is a fact not a opinion. :unsure:


Ending the Drug War: 8 Top Stories of 2010


"A new study, published in November 2010 in the British Journal of Criminology, shows that Portugal's decriminalization of drugs in 2001 has led to reductions in student drug use, prison overcrowding, drug related deaths and HIV/AIDS. In July 2001, Portugal decriminalized the possession of up to ten days' supply of all types of illicit drugs. Before the law went into effect the pro-drug war zealots predicted that the sky would fall and chaos would reign if drug were decriminilazed. Nine years later, the sky hasn't fallen and having drug use addressed as a heath issue instead of a criminal issue has been proven to saves lives and money. Portugal shows us that drugs can be decriminalized in the real world, not only in theory."

Portugal has demonstrated how EASY this "problem" could be dealt with.

Here is a nice article about how Portugal tackled the drug problem:


Thank you for your post.

Yes I have read information about the accomplishments Portugal has attained. Revealing reading very informative.

That being said we are left with the fact that the west like the east is caught up in many customs and traditions and unwilling to change.

The idea of doing some thing to ease the problem is one of them. The choice is there but we have proof that it won't work and it is are tradition to pass law's to crack down and not alleviate the problem so we are going to keep on doing it. Please do not disturb us with facts. They are not traditional.

Now lets all have a drink it is traditional.

Don't listen to those people in the Emergency Rooms in the Hospitals who say the alcohol related cases are far more than other type drug cases are. It is traditional.:whistling:


And how many police officers were arrested?

The police in Thailand is very successful arresting drug dealers - because any other time of the year, they're taking their money.

Now they arrest them all, some will get out, some will get locked up, and new ones will come in, and everything starts over. Spring cleaning!

Yes it really is amazing how all these arrests were made so quickly anybody with half a brain would question it, ref the hemet crackdown the police were out in force every day for a week collecting thousands in fines in my town, now everything is back to normal, guess it was designed for a Christmas bonus.

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