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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl

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They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage.

I thought the age of Criminal liability in Thailand was 15. At some stage I actually thought there was a push to lower that age for serious crimes.

Of course by holding someone criminally liable at such a young age doesnt change anything in relation to the fact that they are still technically classed a child & subsequently put before the courts as a 'child' and if a custodial sentence was passed, naturally they would be held appropriately. None of that changes the fact that Criminal liability comes in well before someone reaches the legal age of being considered an adult.

Can anyone confirm what the age actually is?

Not sure if correct but quoted as 7 years old here : http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~haralds/FOREIGNJUVJUS.htm

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Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

Interesting that in recent days a few outrageous incidents have demonstrated that public opinion ie heavy press and tv news coverage has the power to shame the police / authorities into taking action. . The 12 year old murdered by drug dealers, this hi-so kid killing people on the road, thugs waving guns on the football pitch etc etc.

It would be nice to think that Thais connect the dots and realise the benefits of a free press in other areas too.......



Sounds like the van cut across the sedan and suffered a self-inflicted "pit" maneuver.

Indeed. Do we know that the "silly" girl was at fault? Can we presume that, because she couldn't be charged, she caused the accident? What about the presumption of innocence? They only thing I would presume is that, to have survived, she was probably wearing a seat belt.

Well let us use the familiar Thai logic here - if the girl had not been there driving the car illegally, then she could not have been involved in the accident......


Not sure if correct but quoted as 7 years old here : http://zimmer.csufre...REIGNJUVJUS.htm

Actually, I just read the same and was coming in here to post that as well. If thats the case, it only goes to add further arguement to what I said before. The age of being held responsible for breaking laws is NOT determined by those who have reached adulthood or not. At the age of 16 or 18 unless certain disabilities/circumstances exist, one is well capable of being held criminally liable. I would imagine that theres a heap of ground that can possible be covered on a civil level too, once all the facts are established of course.

What the article is indicating is Nonesense.

http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Quote from the OP: " They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage." By this logic anyone who is underage for a firearms licence can illegally get a gun and cause untold damage but not be fully responsible :blink:

Exactly where my comment was going to head. If she chise to drive, she should face any appropriate consequences...if she's proven to have been at fault.


Not sure if correct but quoted as 7 years old here : http://zimmer.csufre...REIGNJUVJUS.htm

Actually, I just read the same and was coming in here to post that as well. If thats the case, it only goes to add further arguement to what I said before. The age of being held responsible for breaking laws is NOT determined by those who have reached adulthood or not. At the age of 16 or 18 unless certain disabilities/circumstances exist, one is well capable of being held criminally liable. I would imagine that theres a heap of ground that can possible be covered on a civil level too, once all the facts are established of course.

What the article is indicating is Nonesense.

Nonsense indeed but, it may just be the seed being planted in order to ensure no, or at worst very minor charges are brought.....


QUOTE ...cause untold damage but not be fully responsible. UNQUOTE

Which almost brings us back to an incident a couple of years ago involving a bus, a Mercedes, its wing mirror, a dead bus passenger, several injured bus passengers and a Mercedes driver 'too ill' to be interviewed by police.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.


http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Are you insane woman???.....It's ok for her to to do a txt message while she is overtaking? Show them the beauty they possess inside?/... if this brainless bimbo was txting while she was overtaking she deserved everything she got!

Please! Pride has nothing to do with intelligence

2) the NGV tank weighs no more that a normal fuel tank and the 100 lts of fuel weigh less than petrol or diesel, obviously hi-so newspapers come out in defence of hi-so customers, this is Thailand, right! :bah:


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

I think whatever penalty, if any the Girl receives, she will live with that scene for the rest of her life,

killing 8 people is not easy to forget.


Another Moo Ham situation here. The girl is from a modestly 'big' family.


Where is Mooham now? Did he ever go to jail? (Probably a silly question sorry)


http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

The Van in question is a BMA van, thus registered with the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority. The modification at the back to have an NGV tank is not a talking point, if so then all the Government minivans are illegal as 90% of them have the same Modification. The red line on the Sedan would have come from the Minivan as if a BMA van it has a red stripe in the paintwork. If she was texting at the time then driving without due care and attention. Teach them responsibility, is what you need to do, think of others and not themselves.


Another Moo Ham situation here. The girl is from a modestly 'big' family.


Where is Mooham now? Did he ever go to jail? (Probably a silly question sorry)

He is at home, has already been released


http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Are you insane woman???.....It's ok for her to to do a txt message while she is overtaking? Show them the beauty they possess inside?/... if this brainless bimbo was txting while she was overtaking she deserved everything she got!

Please! Pride has nothing to do with intelligence

2) the NGV tank weighs no more that a normal fuel tank and the 100 lts of fuel weigh less than petrol or diesel, obviously hi-so newspapers come out in defence of hi-so customers, this is Thailand, right! :bah:

Who ever wrote the above message, regarding that poor Girl, you the writer need to be locked up and the key thrown away. You must be insane,

how can you possible protect a person like that, she is murderer and hopefully never ever forgets what she as done.


To Piengrudee - I also thought it was against the law to use a telephone whilst driving, this young lady seems to be sinking faster by the minute. Also to text most people have to look at the touch pad, thus her eyes were not on the road, and her concentration was distracted.



http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Piengrudee you wouldn't be the Mother of that stupid Girl? are you, since you are defending her like that.

And you think she is very smart to be texting while driving, go back to school.


http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking,

Your post, as always, is hilarious and quiet unbelievable


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

So the jury is back already " if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims" and "hopefully she will get done for something"

What sort of sicko can come up with such comments?

In many countries one can get a drivers licence at 15 and this has not resulted in a disproprtionate number of 15yo's being involved in RTA's fatal or otherwise.


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

I think whatever penalty, if any the Girl receives, she will live with that scene for the rest of her life,

killing 8 people is not easy to forget.

hahahahahahaha, what?

You are talking about a 16 year old thai hiso. If it has nothing to do with shoes or MTV, she won't even remember it happening in a week.


She's a hiso...a yellow t-shirt lol...

Please no monitor of the cabs speed...sometimes when am running late to the university i always tell the cab driver to speed faster lol...its saves me from missing class works and quizzes whistling.gif

And you're a, "RED T-SHIRT," I presume.


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

I think whatever penalty, if any the Girl receives, she will live with that scene for the rest of her life,

killing 8 people is not easy to forget.

hahahahahahaha, what?

You are talking about a 16 year old thai hiso. If it has nothing to do with shoes or MTV, she won't even remember it happening in a week.

I don't know about that. The Thai news presenters are giving her quite a mauling on air and many Thai blogs are full of hateful and vindictive comments. Most blunt so far is from dek-d:


ในข่าวบอกว่า เธอบาดเจ็บสาหัสมาก

อ่านต่อ : http://www.dek-d.com/board/view.php?id=2016378#ixzz19TLu4AqQ

I think that last comment about her being in a coma pretty much sums up Thai attitudes towards the wealthy and some stations are talking about 70-80 mil THB payments from the girls family.


And what did she "twitter" ?

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...


No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...


And what did she "twitter" ?

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...


No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...

Google Hisoboko.. She doesnt give a shit


What exactly did this girl do? Why are you all so willing to vilify her? I have no idea what really happened as I wasn't there, only that I saw elsewhere that the reason the crash happened was due to road rage of the van driver swerving in front of the sedan and braking hard. So where's the blame for the van driver?

Just love how people love to play judge jury and executioner on her without the facts or with only a cursory view of them.

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