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79 Killed In First Two Of Thailand's 'Seven Dangerous Days'


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Yesterday morning on the way to work in Phuket, a minivan full of people flew past me, I was doing 100 kph and it had just been raining lightly. Came up on this van a few minutes later upside down in the ditch, flattened and smoking. Very serious looking accident. Will these people never learn. It makes me question the intelligence of people here!

The perennial question on Thai Visa: did you stop to help? Why or why not? whistling.gif

If it's perennial than people need to improve their memories.

Such a scenario as the minivan is one I hope to see when these lunatics pass at maniacal speed. Often, and it is often, as such speeding lunatics are something we are all too familiar with, they fly past endangerting us and I wish them dead in the next ditch. No tears, no sympathy, no hoo-har. Just plain simple satisfaction that another one is off the road for good. Preferably smashed up and hanging out the windows. That way it makes photo composition easier.

As for attempting any life saving and therefore returning the looney to the wheel, forget it. Let them blead out. And for those of you who think that passengers are innocent, you are misguided. Anyone prepared to sit there and allow their life to be thus endangered deserves what they get. They condone the speeding and therefore deserve to die by the speeding or wrecklesness or whatever.

It will take such tough lessons in their tens of thousands to possible cause these idiots to understand that speed, drink driving, carelessness at the wheel actually kills.

And in my experience when you're dead you tend to stay dead for a rather long time.

Any photos at all?

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Road accidents in Thailand kill 234 in New Year's highway carnage


The Thai government has vowed to keep the road death toll during the seven deadly days of this New Year's season, which runs from December 29 to Tuesday, to less than 300, compared with 446 crash victims last year.


Pushing shit uphill to keep it under 300. They'll be lucky to keep it under 400.

Yeah, even with the daily average for last year running around 30, theres no way they will keep it under 300. If things continue to 'pace up' like they have in the second half of the last 4 days, they might even give 500 a seeing to.

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Road accidents in Thailand kill 234 in New Year's highway carnage


The Thai government has vowed to keep the road death toll during the seven deadly days of this New Year's season, which runs from December 29 to Tuesday, to less than 300, compared with 446 crash victims last year.


Pushing shit uphill to keep it under 300. They'll be lucky to keep it under 400.

Yeah, even with the daily average for last year running around 30, theres no way they will keep it under 300. If things continue to 'pace up' like they have in the second half of the last 4 days, they might even give 500 a seeing to.

Maybe TV could organise a sweepstake every New Year and Songkran for predictions as to the published death toll.

A free lifetimes minivan use to the 'lucky' winner.

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