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How Long To Finish Repaving The River Road ?!


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I live south of the city in the Nong Hoy/ Bpa Daed area and the river road is one of my key ways into the city, especially the east side of things, and I haven't been able to use it for.... what is it, 1.5 months now ??! Seriously how long is this drain installation n repaving gonna take ? Sure, TIT, but I'm starting to be impressed at the extra steps and time allotted for this. I tested out the partial repaving segments a few weeks ago, and clearly they're using real engineering standards, just not very timely ones.

(Dare I even start the 'Well, in "insert native country name" they do the roadwork at night so they can finish faster and the roads can be used during the daytime by commuters.') Again, I know, TIT.

On a side note, I've learned a few new short cuts into the city as a work-around besides just doing the Airport plaza U-turn n then cutting in at Chiang Mai Land. Always good to know how to get around city juggernauts. That's the only side benefit so far.

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anyone who had been in chiangmai long enough would recall the Bad Road condition in Thapae Road like forever . too like . maybe 5 years before there fix the problem .

so i say maybe this time . considering . maybe in 6 years time .

Good luck

time to find a new place if the road is bugging you . or find new route using GPS

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Mighty considerate of them to help you learn new routes.

Have you thanked them.

I have not seen the work you are talking about. If I had been there from the word go I would have looked at how far they have come and how far they have to go and judge accordingly.

I would then add a week.

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I must have blocked out the highway 5-year construction thing. At least then there was a defaulting contractor, a coup, and some serious engineering hurdles to overcome. This is new drains and repaving - minor stuff, relatively. I can see where a budget overrun might eff everything up again, but I'm hoping not.

For those who don't know.... yeah it's the road that runs parallel on the west side of the river from the Middle Ring Road and under Mahidol/ Om Muang, becoming the very end of Chang Klan as you re-renter the city passing Ta Reuah Restaurant and the Ratty Lanna Hotel.

With the river road all to' up, my only option really, is heading onto Mahidol towards Airport and then getting creative. It really sucks if I just want to go to Panthip... except for the new short cuts I've found, that is.

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why not you go down and take a photo .

you be surpise at how it look like 5 years down the road . :).

seriously . i don't understand the trend here of fixing good road and taking ages to finish and the road needed to be fix is leave to rot as is it .


but then again . i miss the old lousy road at the thapae gate . is a reminder to me that you cnanot expect too much here .

be thanksful is a road construction and not a sewage extension

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The problems to cross of course are the inner ring road and the River Ping. These ideas are for cars where distances are longer but fast roads mean an easy quick drive.

If you can reach the middle ring road (there is a small soi parallel to the road being fixed that accesses that junction) then you can go east and take the first left which goes north up the river on the other side. It's similar size to the road being fixed but much less busy. When you get to the inner ring road I think there is a slip road on the left just before the river that has an underpass past the police station that gives you access to the first left on the other side of the inner ring road which is a short cut into town towards the Sheraton hotel as I think it is currently called. If no underpass then I'm wrong, I've never needed it.

Or stay on the middle ring road under the S shaped underpass and take the slip road just before the next bridge, where you can turn left along the railway line for a relatively fast clear stretch taking you onto the inner ring road westbound for the Lamphun Road junction where you can turn right into town.

Neither ideal of course but they are less stressful roads north than the big Hang Dong road or even Lamphun road in my opinion.

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Can't you just take the sois parallel to the road along the river? I did that around New Years because I wanted to avoid the Hang Dong road. Almost just as easy as the road along the river.

As a matter of fact that is the detour route they have designated, parallel sois. It fine as long as you don't need to cross Mahidol (Airport) Hwy and continue into town. There you have to take the Hwy. all the way up to the airport intersection and turn toward town. To bad there isn't a pass through either under or over to cut across the hwy. in that area.

Edited by ThaiWx
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Can't you just take the sois parallel to the road along the river? I did that around New Years because I wanted to avoid the Hang Dong road. Almost just as easy as the road along the river.

As a matter of fact that is the detour route they have designated, parallel sois. It fine as long as you don't need to cross Mahidol (Airport) Hwy and continue into town. There you have to take the Hwy. all the way up to the airport intersection and turn toward town. To bad there isn't a pass through either under or over to cut across the hwy. in that area.

Oh I see.. Yes, I understand that now. ( Wasn't thinking of taking that road INTO town.. I almost always only take it when going back home, out of town. )

I guess an alternative is to cross the river on the Middle Ring road. That may be less of a detour depending on how far South on that road you live.

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Good post, realthaideal. I used to love that road and used it all the time. I still ride it occasionally, but going through when it's all broken up isn't much fun with all the dust. Hopefully it will be completed this year and maybe next year I can enjoy cruising beside the river on my bike. I'd certainly hate living along that road right now. I'm not sure what will happen during rainy season if we ever get a torrential downpour.

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