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International Weekend Retreat @ Ybat


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International Weekend Retreat @ YBAT


by Cittasamvaro, Little Bang

Announcing :

our annual International retreat at YBAT retreat facility,

Pathum Thanee January 2011

First International Retreat of the decade!

Friday January 7th – Sunday January 9th, 2011

YBAT International Vipassana Retreat

At the new purpose-built Retreat Centre

(not far from Don Muang Airport)

Vipassana (Insight) Meditation weekend Thai style, for International meditators, with clear instructions, and a systematic approach at YBAT – one of Thailand’s most active meditation organisations. If you have been thinking to rekindle your meditation practise, or just find out what meditation is all about, this is a sharp but gentle jumpstart to taking control of the stresses of the mind, and delving deeper into the mind than is practical in day to day life.


This January YBAT II, the beautiful new facility out past the old Don Muang Airport, will host an international retreat for English speakers, with British Bhikkhu of 14 years Phra Cittasamvaro. Meditation style will be Samatha/Vipassana. We will do some straightforward concentration meditation practise – a technique that is incredibly useful, and yet often overlooked in modern meditation schools. Following that will be Samatha-Vipassana, which is the way to blend both insight and concentration. Lastly will be pure mindfulness practise. Different characters suit different styles of meditation … so all these tools and methods are offered for you to take and use as your time/situation/character is able.

Both sitting and walking meditation will be developed in an easy going schedule. Lots of clear instruction will be given, making it suitable for beginners. More experienced meditators are free to practise in the style they are accustomed to during group meditation sitting and walking periods.


The retreat begins 8:30 am on Friday 7th, and finishes 3:30 pm on Sunday 9th.

All participants are asked to attend the whole retreat – in order not to disrupt the proceedings, so please be sure you can attend the whole period, without late arrivals or early departing.

Two meals are served: in the early morning, and at 11am (emphasis on vegetarian choice), with hot and cold drinks at various intervals. Retreatants are asked to follow the basic 8 precepts as a code of conduct while in the Centre, and to put aside the distractions of mobile phones and computers for the duration. Some light food can be served in the evening if specially requested, though everyone is encouraged to stick to the ‘morning hours only’ diet that is common in meditation centres (a bit of renunciation practise around food is always a good thing).

Further info:


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