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Gets A Little Bizarre Around Here From Time To Time


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QUOTE :"Gets a little bizarre around here from time to time!

I value what this forum can provide: some fun and games, and you can learn a lot about living in Chiang Mai. Lots of practical stuff. And a little bit of light on some serious problems from time to time, such as the big problem at the CMU Language Institute with the programs that were spawned there and finally closed down by the university. It is an "almost open" forum since the owners are always concerned, given their lawyers' advice (one HUGE sponsor, most certainly), about getting sued (Waste of time in Thailand about all, really!) if something nasty is said about anyone, but what the hell."

Thankyou Mapguy for introducing TV members to a rare taste of seriously considered, carefully composed, thought provoking sentiments. I'd just got interested in your quiet meditations and the few replies when the thread unaccountably disappeared.Strangely,this incident reminded me of the recent shocking news of the assasination of the Pakistani politician Salman Taseer who was slain for his outspoken criticsm of Muslim blasphemy laws and the assassin joyously celebrated by the bloodthirsty mob. No one dare raise a civilised voice against these evil forces of darkness and free speech and critical comment is dead.

I'm at a loss to know why I connected the two incidents.

Edited by Asmerom
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