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Police Motorbike Checkpoints


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Every day I pass police checkpoints. Today between Jomtien and Pattaya there were about 20 motorbikes, all ridden by foreigners, pulled over by police.

What are they checking for, and why is this such a popular one for the police to spend their time on? Is there some rental document which is almost always incorrect and they know it?

Or is it the lack of a proper Thai motorbike licence which catches most (holidaying) foreigners out?

Anyone know?

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Beats me, perhaps they are looking for doughnuts..? :ph34r:

Lol could not think for a better answer to that question.

One can imagine how many bikes are stolen or are used for the transfer of illegal substances. That's reason enugh.

Wish however that the helmet law would be enforced properly. Know even many farangs who still think it is very cool to ride without a hard cap. Some even together with their wifes and children.

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While I agree that everybody riding a motorbike should wear a helmet, they only hurt themselves if they don't. I think the "scarce police resources" as they like to whine in the news articles, would be better used catching the homocidial buses, trucks and cars racing up and down Sukhumvit road with no regard for anybody else on the road, not stopping for red light. But it's probably too hard work doing something about that.

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I was stopped today on the highway 31 to rayong by this twa* that decided I was good for a ticket because I was on the outside lane passing some slow moving lorries, I thnk in the end he was sorry he stopped me, I gave him a pile of angry words and a few <deleted> mixed in, he just gave up when he saw I wasn't going to roll over and pay up, getting rather tired of this nonesence, I'm not going tp play anymore unless I know I'm in the wrong

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While I agree that everybody riding a motorbike should wear a helmet, they only hurt themselves if they don't. I think the "scarce police resources" as they like to whine in the news articles, would be better used catching the homocidial buses, trucks and cars racing up and down Sukhumvit road with no regard for anybody else on the road, not stopping for red light. But it's probably too hard work doing something about that.

Why are they all gay Phil?:o


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In my experience.

I think you are mistaken that ALL or even most motorbikes pulled over are driven by foreigners.

They are checking for helmets, driving licenses, tax, proof of ownership, drugs, guns, etc etc.

I wasn't mistaken that at this checkpoint today they had stopped ALL foreigners, no Thais, but usually they stop both, and especially helmetless Thais. Today seemed to be a document check.

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In my experience.

I think you are mistaken that ALL or even most motorbikes pulled over are driven by foreigners.

They are checking for helmets, driving licenses, tax, proof of ownership, drugs, guns, etc etc.

I wasn't mistaken that at this checkpoint today they had stopped ALL foreigners, no Thais, but usually they stop both, and especially helmetless Thais. Today seemed to be a document check.

So we may take it that Thais all have the correct documents then.:bah:

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I think it's called enforcing traffic laws...you know, basic stuff like checking that moto-drivers are of legal driving age and have a driving license...also that ferengs have Thai or international MOTO licenses...helmets being worn...not more than two people riding on the bikes...maybe talking while driving...also that the bike is not stolen...that the bike's lights were on during use.

Good work by the BIB.

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I think it's called enforcing traffic laws...you know, basic stuff like checking that moto-drivers are of legal driving age and have a driving license...also that ferengs have Thai or international MOTO licenses...helmets being worn...not more than two people riding on the bikes...maybe talking while driving...also that the bike is not stolen...that the bike's lights were on during use.

Good work by the BIB.

Don't make me laugh. Enforcing traffic laws... That is only done when they need extra cash..Police won't stop under-age riders in case they make a run for it, get hurt and the police get the blame..,.... Driving licences..if they don't have one, yes a fine and on their way.24 hrs to get one...I was never asked to show an international licence an OS licence has always done me just fine, Helmets not being worn, again for cash, have you ever seen anyone stopped for not wearing a helmet when there wasn't check point with many police pulling lots of bikes up.. police never worry if a Thai has more than 2 people on the bike.. I see under-age kids leaving the school over the road every day usually 3 up, no helmets and the police not only there, but waving them on..Talking while riding.. saw a policeman on his mobile phone today riding along chatting..6 years riding in Thailand over 140000km, never been checked for a stolen bike, lights don't have to be on during the day.. By my observations here looks like they don't need to be on at night either..I asked a policeman why they don't have a crackdown 555 on bikes with no tail lights, he said we don't worry about that..By the way, I know we were talking about Thailand, but when riding in Cambodia 2 years ago, I was booked $5 for having my lights ON during the day..

Good work by the BIB r u kidding? You don't sound like you are being sarcastic, if you are my apologies

Edited by aussiebrian
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they are checking for valid tax discs

it happens at this time every year

anything else that comes out of it is a bonus

this month:

i have been stopped whilst driving my friends car as it was out of tax, they checked insurance, license etc as he was in the car, he was fined 400, given receipt and warning to tax it

i have been waived through courteously after slowing to let him see the tax on my own car

i have been stopped on a motorbike, checked for valid tax, showed copy passport, copy driving license, no problem , move along sir, thank you

my rule of thumb is if you have the correct papers they can't be arsed to look any deeper

they have no time nor inclination

they are losing money whilst dealing with a law abiding driver.

i assume you all know that officers get commission on fines they administer?

they are allowed to earn up to 10,000 during any calender month

so at the beginning of the month, they are keen to get fines on record to qualify

after they have reached the 10,000 ceiling and usually in the latter part of the month then they may continue to earn by accepting ''tea money ''

after all if they have already earned 10,000 in write ups why write more for no commission?

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I think it's called enforcing traffic laws...you know, basic stuff like checking that moto-drivers are of legal driving age and have a driving license...also that ferengs have Thai or international MOTO licenses...helmets being worn...not more than two people riding on the bikes...maybe talking while driving...also that the bike is not stolen...that the bike's lights were on during use.

Good work by the BIB.

Don't make me laugh. Enforcing traffic laws... That is only done when they need extra cash..Police won't stop under-age riders in case they make a run for it, get hurt and the police get the blame..,.... Driving licences..if they don't have one, yes a fine and on their way.24 hrs to get one...I was never asked to show an international licence an OS licence has always done me just fine, Helmets not being worn, again for cash, have you ever seen anyone stopped for not wearing a helmet when there wasn't check point with many police pulling lots of bikes up.. police never worry if a Thai has more than 2 people on the bike.. I see under-age kids leaving the school over the road every day usually 3 up, no helmets and the police not only there, but waving them on..Talking while riding.. saw a policeman on his mobile phone today riding along chatting..6 years riding in Thailand over 140000km, never been checked for a stolen bike, lights don't have to be on during the day.. By my observations here looks like they don't need to be on at night either..I asked a policeman why they don't have a crackdown 555 on bikes with no tail lights, he said we don't worry about that..By the way, I know we were talking about Thailand, but when riding in Cambodia 2 years ago, I was booked $5 for having my lights ON during the day..

Good work by the BIB r u kidding? You don't sound like you are being sarcastic, if you are my apologies

thumbsup.gif Spot on.

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they are checking for valid tax discs

it happens at this time every year

anything else that comes out of it is a bonus

this month:

i have been stopped whilst driving my friends car as it was out of tax, they checked insurance, license etc as he was in the car, he was fined 400, given receipt and warning to tax it

i have been waived through courteously after slowing to let him see the tax on my own car

i have been stopped on a motorbike, checked for valid tax, showed copy passport, copy driving license, no problem , move along sir, thank you

my rule of thumb is if you have the correct papers they can't be arsed to look any deeper

they have no time nor inclination

they are losing money whilst dealing with a law abiding driver.

i assume you all know that officers get commission on fines they administer?

they are allowed to earn up to 10,000 during any calender month

so at the beginning of the month, they are keen to get fines on record to qualify

after they have reached the 10,000 ceiling and usually in the latter part of the month then they may continue to earn by accepting ''tea money ''

after all if they have already earned 10,000 in write ups why write more for no commission?

Enlightened. Ta.jap.gif

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Very rarely will you see the BIB stopping anyone driving a high end to prestige car, as they cannot be sure who the driver is connected too.

What does my head in is that they spend their life chasing and stopping people on bikes, and when it comes to the Thais who are riding the bikes, in most cases, thats all they can afford and in a lot of cases cant afford.

So the logic or illogic is, the people who can least afford it, get fined 200 baht or more, then thats 200 baht they dont have to live on, so they then need to find alternative ways to generate money to live and in some cases, not all, they are forced to revert to crime. Like I said, in some cases, not all.

So crime goes up and the real criminals get away.

Now back to the high end and prestige car owners, they are the ones the seem to be the most arrogant on the roads, and quite often are the ones breaking most of the rules. I just love it when one of them comes racing down the motorway behind you flashing and trying to nudge you out of the the way.

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While I agree that everybody riding a motorbike should wear a helmet, they only hurt themselves if they don't. I think the "scarce police resources" as they like to whine in the news articles, would be better used catching the homocidial buses, trucks and cars racing up and down Sukhumvit road with no regard for anybody else on the road, not stopping for red light. But it's probably too hard work doing something about that.

everyday I see cars at night with no lights

they KNOW they have not put lights on

is it a Thai macho man thing

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Very rarely will you see the BIB stopping anyone driving a high end to prestige car, as they cannot be sure who the driver is connected too.

What does my head in is that they spend their life chasing and stopping people on bikes, and when it comes to the Thais who are riding the bikes, in most cases, thats all they can afford and in a lot of cases cant afford.

So the logic or illogic is, the people who can least afford it, get fined 200 baht or more, then thats 200 baht they dont have to live on, so they then need to find alternative ways to generate money to live and in some cases, not all, they are forced to revert to crime. Like I said, in some cases, not all.

So crime goes up and the real criminals get away.

Now back to the high end and prestige car owners, they are the ones the seem to be the most arrogant on the roads, and quite often are the ones breaking most of the rules. I just love it when one of them comes racing down the motorway behind you flashing and trying to nudge you out of the the way.

I think we should leave logic out of this.

True the prestige cars usually get away with stuff. Wealth and status comes with privileges in LOS. Accept it.

Also true that 200baht is a lot of money for many/most riders. But why are they prepared to risk 200baht for having their helmet hanging from the handle-bars or in the basket? Why wrong side of road? Why lights off? Why slip through on red light? Why chat on phone whilst riding with Ma Yai, wife, pregnant mia noii, two kids and the goat with a bottle of Leo between their legs....? The list goes on.

Farang will often be stopped because of who we are. Again I accept. Probably encourages them but I've passed a hundred when done nothing wrong a couple of times. Just easier. Bit apathetic but TIT.

I think the Thais only get nicked if they're doing something wrong. Insurance/rego etc might be expensive for them but the points I listed and so many more cost nothing and might save 200baht if not an injury or death. So I'd suggest that the problem is more one of disregard for the law than a question of "affording" the fine or not. I think that if 'some' turn to crime because of a fine for for a motorcycle offence their path was leading there anyway.

The traffic casualty/mortality rates in Thailand are unacceptable as the Kingdom attempts to enter the 1st world. Motorcycles contribute the vast bulk with tragic consequences. Surely tackling these statistics by using police resources to target the problem group makes sense? Oh oh - was gunna leave logic out of this.

As to the cars flying on the motorways - as soon as I see them in my mirrors I indicate and get to a lane that's out of their way. Even the local drivers know that.

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I think it's called enforcing traffic laws...you know, basic stuff like checking that moto-drivers are of legal driving age and have a driving license...also that ferengs have Thai or international MOTO licenses...helmets being worn...not more than two people riding on the bikes...maybe talking while driving...also that the bike is not stolen...that the bike's lights were on during use.

Good work by the BIB.


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I know everytime I get on the bike for a ride into central Bangkok or to the provinces, the BIB will try to stop me. It's a given. On a long trip, I can sometimes encounter 3 or 4 checkpoints.

My problem is that even though my bike is fully legit; green book, insurance, tax etc and I'm always kitted up, they could get me for a multitude of 'infractions'. If it's not riding on the right, using a flyover/ highway or speeding, they'll see the race pipes, position of the number plate or not showing the tax disc as it's under the seat.

So, unless they are physically blocking my path with no way past, I don't stop. Ever! Not for the uniformed-mafia.

Edited by RusticCharm
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i find 99% of time, if you are wearing a full face helmet you will not be stopped ... only time I was stopped on a scooter was when there was a big clampdown on Sukumvit

This one Farang 'volunteer' started quizzing me for details in English, i refused to talk to him and told him to deal with my wife in Thai, he had to call a Thai 'volunteer' over to speak to my wife.. anyway, I have a license and bike up to date with tax/insurance but not sure who these farang guys think they are asking for me for stuff at the side of the road ? christ ! get a life, Pattaya isn't that boring where you have to go out a play pretend cop :unsure:

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Very rarely will you see the BIB stopping anyone driving a high end to prestige car, as they cannot be sure who the driver is connected too.

What does my head in is that they spend their life chasing and stopping people on bikes, and when it comes to the Thais who are riding the bikes, in most cases, thats all they can afford and in a lot of cases cant afford.

So the logic or illogic is, the people who can least afford it, get fined 200 baht or more, then thats 200 baht they dont have to live on, so they then need to find alternative ways to generate money to live and in some cases, not all, they are forced to revert to crime. Like I said, in some cases, not all.

So crime goes up and the real criminals get away.

Now back to the high end and prestige car owners, they are the ones the seem to be the most arrogant on the roads, and quite often are the ones breaking most of the rules. I just love it when one of them comes racing down the motorway behind you flashing and trying to nudge you out of the the way.

I think we should leave logic out of this.

True the prestige cars usually get away with stuff. Wealth and status comes with privileges in LOS. Accept it.

Also true that 200baht is a lot of money for many/most riders. But why are they prepared to risk 200baht for having their helmet hanging from the handle-bars or in the basket? Why wrong side of road? Why lights off? Why slip through on red light? Why chat on phone whilst riding with Ma Yai, wife, pregnant mia noii, two kids and the goat with a bottle of Leo between their legs....? The list goes on.

Farang will often be stopped because of who we are. Again I accept. Probably encourages them but I've passed a hundred when done nothing wrong a couple of times. Just easier. Bit apathetic but TIT.

I think the Thais only get nicked if they're doing something wrong. Insurance/rego etc might be expensive for them but the points I listed and so many more cost nothing and might save 200baht if not an injury or death. So I'd suggest that the problem is more one of disregard for the law than a question of "affording" the fine or not. I think that if 'some' turn to crime because of a fine for for a motorcycle offence their path was leading there anyway.

The traffic casualty/mortality rates in Thailand are unacceptable as the Kingdom attempts to enter the 1st world. Motorcycles contribute the vast bulk with tragic consequences. Surely tackling these statistics by using police resources to target the problem group makes sense? Oh oh - was gunna leave logic out of this.

As to the cars flying on the motorways - as soon as I see them in my mirrors I indicate and get to a lane that's out of their way. Even the local drivers know that.

unless they are in a super car ie. lambo or ferrari or porche i change gear in my diesel hatchback and leave them for dead------------that loses face for sure !!

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Very rarely will you see the BIB stopping anyone driving a high end to prestige car, as they cannot be sure who the driver is connected too.

What does my head in is that they spend their life chasing and stopping people on bikes, and when it comes to the Thais who are riding the bikes, in most cases, thats all they can afford and in a lot of cases cant afford.

So the logic or illogic is, the people who can least afford it, get fined 200 baht or more, then thats 200 baht they dont have to live on, so they then need to find alternative ways to generate money to live and in some cases, not all, they are forced to revert to crime. Like I said, in some cases, not all.

So crime goes up and the real criminals get away.

Now back to the high end and prestige car owners, they are the ones the seem to be the most arrogant on the roads, and quite often are the ones breaking most of the rules. I just love it when one of them comes racing down the motorway behind you flashing and trying to nudge you out of the the way.

I think we should leave logic out of this.

True the prestige cars usually get away with stuff. Wealth and status comes with privileges in LOS. Accept it.

Also true that 200baht is a lot of money for many/most riders. But why are they prepared to risk 200baht for having their helmet hanging from the handle-bars or in the basket? Why wrong side of road? Why lights off? Why slip through on red light? Why chat on phone whilst riding with Ma Yai, wife, pregnant mia noii, two kids and the goat with a bottle of Leo between their legs....? The list goes on.

Farang will often be stopped because of who we are. Again I accept. Probably encourages them but I've passed a hundred when done nothing wrong a couple of times. Just easier. Bit apathetic but TIT.

I think the Thais only get nicked if they're doing something wrong. Insurance/rego etc might be expensive for them but the points I listed and so many more cost nothing and might save 200baht if not an injury or death. So I'd suggest that the problem is more one of disregard for the law than a question of "affording" the fine or not. I think that if 'some' turn to crime because of a fine for for a motorcycle offence their path was leading there anyway.

The traffic casualty/mortality rates in Thailand are unacceptable as the Kingdom attempts to enter the 1st world. Motorcycles contribute the vast bulk with tragic consequences. Surely tackling these statistics by using police resources to target the problem group makes sense? Oh oh - was gunna leave logic out of this.

As to the cars flying on the motorways - as soon as I see them in my mirrors I indicate and get to a lane that's out of their way. Even the local drivers know that.

unless they are in a super car ie. lambo or ferrari or porche i change gear in my diesel hatchback and leave them for dead------------that loses face for sure !!

That'll learn 'em...rolleyes.gif

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This one Farang 'volunteer' started quizzing me for details in English, i refused to talk to him and told him to deal with my wife in Thai, he had to call a Thai 'volunteer' over to speak to my wife.. anyway, I have a license and bike up to date with tax/insurance but not sure who these farang guys think they are asking for me for stuff at the side of the road ? christ ! get a life, Pattaya isn't that boring where you have to go out a play pretend cop :unsure:

Yeah, there're even 'farang' highway police volunteers down in Phuket on big bikes.

Basically, they can get a little sticker for their bikes so they won't get stopped.


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they are checking for valid tax discs

it happens at this time every year

anything else that comes out of it is a bonus

this month:

i have been stopped whilst driving my friends car as it was out of tax, they checked insurance, license etc as he was in the car, he was fined 400, given receipt and warning to tax it

i have been waived through courteously after slowing to let him see the tax on my own car

i have been stopped on a motorbike, checked for valid tax, showed copy passport, copy driving license, no problem , move along sir, thank you

my rule of thumb is if you have the correct papers they can't be arsed to look any deeper

they have no time nor inclination

they are losing money whilst dealing with a law abiding driver.

i assume you all know that officers get commission on fines they administer?

they are allowed to earn up to 10,000 during any calender month

so at the beginning of the month, they are keen to get fines on record to qualify

after they have reached the 10,000 ceiling and usually in the latter part of the month then they may continue to earn by accepting ''tea money ''

after all if they have already earned 10,000 in write ups why write more for no commission?

Enlightened. Ta.jap.gif

just as a footnote, do you know why they always do this tax check in January?

well i will tell you

its easy for the police

take this year for example

2553 was last year

2554 this year

in January they only have to check the last digit to see if you are valid

if you have no number 4 at the end you are nicked

easy for any illiterate police guys or farang volunteers to see..........

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