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I run Windows XP Pro that came installed with the computer when I bought it a year or so ago.

Like a good lad I have been doing automatic updates from Microsoft as well as having sent for and installed their SP2 upgrade.

Everything has been fine until recently when on the Microsoft update page appears the notice “To get updates you must first validate your windows software to ensure you are using authentic and fully licensed copy of Windows” :D

Well how do I know what I have got? As I said the computer came all set up. It seems from reading other posts I should have a copy CD of Windows and some sort of certificate sticker!

The shop where I bought the computer has since closed so cannot check with them.

If I click to validate what will happen? What will they ask for? If I unfortunately do have a non-genuine version installed will my computer self destruct in 30 seconds??? :D Is it better not to chance the validation?

Has anybody done this survived and can offer some advice? :o

Thanks :D


Well only thing to fear is it wont allow you to make updates apart from the security patches if you arent running a valid windows copy. There are work arounds so no worries.



Well only thing to fear is it wont allow you to make updates apart from the security patches if you arent running a valid windows copy. There are work arounds so no worries.

:D I'm in the same circumstance, as I have the pirate windows XP SP2 installed by the Thai company aleady and can't upgrade any longer from Bill Gates. So I am wondering what are the work arounds so no worries that you write about? Can you e-mail me please? I'm out in the Khmer wilderness in lower Isan without a computer friend for advise!

I used licenced OEM Windows so im not sure wether this will work, but I have heard if you goto the update screen where windows asks if you want critical or optional updates then enter this in the address bar and click go it will bypass it..

/Hack Removed by Moderator - Sorry we dont allow illegal activities here



One of my laptops got rejected... trying to update msn spyware tool - basically said u were running an invalid copy. Wouldnt let me download the spyware tool.... however I just went to my other laptop with a valid copy and downloaded what I needed and then placed it on the other laptop. Basically just prevents you from updating invalid copies apart from security updates.

This is the work around I use... but yes there are sketchy ways to circumvent microsoft as always. :o


You can still get the updates automatically (I think) and you can still search for them on the download site individually you just can't use windows update to do it.

Alternatively if you use Firefox you can go to http://windowsupdate.62nds.com/ and after you install a plugin install the updates from there. As far as I can see this method is perfectly safe it just means that the updates will appear on the site slightly later than they appear on windows update.

***(post edited) as stated above, this kind of info is not allowed here. We're all for a free flow of information, but passing around hacks, cracks, and giving instructions for pirating software can get us in trouble with the law and our sponsors. We have been very clear about this, but since this kind of thing was posted anyway, this topic is being closed.***

If your going to use pirate stuff do it right or live with the restrictions..


Most PC's that come with the OS installed (and no disk - thanks for allowing that Microsoft) will have the serial number on a small sticker on the bottom or back of the machine.

One of my machines failed validation as it had a hookie version of XP Pro on it. The machine had had an OEM version installed on the HDD which died (the HDD that is). As the vendor had gone tits up, had to install a hookie version or face re-buying the software. As I have a license, in theory, this is still legit. Unfortunatly, I could not use the OEM serial on the hookie version (even though they were both the same build - XP Pro with SP1) as OEM and Retail copies have different keys. So I used a keygen to validate it. No updates.

Microsoft validator checks the serial number from the machine (if you update Windows automatic Update to the latest version it does this too now!). If it fails, it just tells you and gives you a link to buy the legit version. There is no tracing etc, so don't worry (Microsoft state this themselves).

Microsoft are to blame here (in my case at least) as they started allowing vendors to send out built machines without disks. There is no way to reinstall on HDD failure without paying for service charge from the vendor (if its still operating) or to buy a new copy of the OS.

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