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Bad Thai Parenting


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To the OP... how dare you even question the great people of Thailand. You should know by now it is against the law in the eyes of some people to question anything a Thai person does becuase after all this is the greatest nation on earth with the greatest people on earth. You should always do it the Thai way there way is best so never question it. We are only human farangs and we are know where near are superhuman Thai hosts we should just smile and wish we where that great.. Well that is how alot of the ' thai wannabe ' Farangs here on TV think anyway.

Really to answer your question OP . It is becuase quite a alot ( No not all ) of Thais have children not so much becuase they want them but rather they have children for a future investment thinking the more children they have the more money they get sent to them when the children are of working age. Thats the very sad but ture answer.

This reason alone can make perents become very lazy and uncaring to what the child/children do.

This is not about all thai people or even half of Thai people with children. But this is common with quite a few Thai's and how they think..... Money.

This might have been true in the past but I think you will find that the Thai birth rate is about 1.65 children per woman where it has been for the past few years after dropping steadily. This goes across all social and class boundaries as the tendency is towards having a smaller family as the greater family unit as a whole becomes less important. More and more people are living on their own and putting off having children until later to further careers and study opposed to having children earlier and having more of them as they might have done in the past. Again this is a general trend. The days of people having loads of kids as some kind of insurance against old age are long gone. Look around you. Most Thai families will have one or two kids just like everywhere else.

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shop in an expensive grocery store and you dont see this. :whistling:

Kids are kids and they can throw a tantrum anywhere, what you do see in an expensive grocery store is the kid throwing a wobbly and the mum trying to say don't do that really politely or stop that really politely with ka or kap after every word when I'm thinking that kid needs a good smack ,and the parents need to stop thinking that the sun shines out of little Somchai's ass .

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I actually agree to some degree with the Op. It seems to me to be a newer trend to. I see young kids so fat they can hardly walk, being fed burgers in that Scotish restaurant hand over fist - boy moans and mum gets up buys a new shake - its like the kid rules the roost and the parents are his little lackie. Throws a minor tantrum and here comes another pineapple pie. I am sure this once happened with very wealthy familes - kids with their nannies etc - but its moved down the food chain and normal, lower midde calls families, seem to be adopting it. Common site now in western fast food places I have noted.

The problem is that bringing such things up here is often confused with the Thai-bashing threads - where really its not - Thailand needs to wake up unless it wants to inherit the west's out-of-control kid problem like it has their so called restaurants.

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I actually agree to some degree with the Op. It seems to me to be a newer trend to. I see young kids so fat they can hardly walk, being fed burgers in that Scotish restaurant hand over fist - boy moans and mum gets up buys a new shake - its like the kid rules the roost and the parents are his little lackie. Throws a minor tantrum and here comes another pineapple pie. I am sure this once happened with very wealthy familes - kids with their nannies etc - but its moved down the food chain and normal, lower midde calls families, seem to be adopting it. Common site now in western fast food places I have noted.

The problem is that bringing such things up here is often confused with the Thai-bashing threads - where really its not - Thailand needs to wake up unless it wants to inherit the west's out-of-control kid problem like it has their so called restaurants.

I see what you mean. You'd never see an obese kid in the west. How they grow up to be obese adults is beyond me.

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It is unfortunate that the OP took what could have been a good discussion on parenting and chose instead to make it an attack on Thai parents as a whole, and unreasonably tarred them all in his rant.

From the forum rules:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Any reasonable discussion of parenting is welcome in our Family and Children forum.


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