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Thai Language Schools In Bkk, Cheap Rates


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hiho, im looking for cheap thai language schools around bkk area... onnut area prefered.

i've looked around near me home, but most of them r like 6K for 15hrs range... 300 baht per hour rate...

any good low cost school anyone could recommend? thanks...:annoyed:

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You could try UTL Thai language school (google it) on the 15th floor of the Times Sq building opposite Robinsons Suk soi 19, thinks its about 6,000 baht for 60 hours.

Another similair school is Piammitr school (again google it), it used to be on Suk soi 23 but has since moved to another nearby location, sorry dont know where.

You could do worse than head over to the Thai language forum where there is a pinned thread called something like whats the best Thai language school.

Another hope is that the esteemed poster know as tod daniel(s?) reads this and throws his two cents worth in, take particular note of what he says, he calls it as he sees it and is usually spot on with his observations and assesments regarding language schools, and most things related to the glorious land of the free.

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thanks,,, timesquare deals seems nice with 100thb an hour... but it;s quite far...

how about walen? do they have many sexi girls to teach me "thai"? hehehe

can i pick them up from like behind the mirror stuff...? so that each lesson i get to pick fresh ones....? :ph34r::o


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