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Attacked In The Street - And Advice?


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Honestly you're not expressing any opinions respectfully here, you're suggesting that he sleeps with bar girls and adding the bit about the gf/wife just to make your comment seem more palatable.

In his opening post he states I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked</SPAN>

Why not just take him on his word?

Just another apologist.

That is your opinion about me being respectful and also just silly of you to tell me why I wrote what i wrote. And just simply bizarre to disregard something I said because it showed respect and then say I didn't show respect.

I believe the poster when he said he didn't provoke the driver.

Certainly anything is possible BUT without the OP chiming in more and knowing he lives in this area, is retired, fairly new here and was looking for cheap Viagra I think it is more than reasonable to believe he is dating bar girls. And why would this be disrespectful if this was the case? I think more power to him for enjoying life in retirement.

And if he did upset a bar girl that paid to have him roughed up it certainly doesn't mean he did something wrong.

so disrespectful, so everyone in the world using viagra must be dating a bar girl???

Once again you just assume something, then criticise others for assuming he was attacked with no reason, stop trying to play detective, clearly you are no good at it, stop speculating about why he was attacked, stop speculating he is involved with bar girls, the fact is as far as I can tell is that he lives in that area, this means there is a good chance he was just walking home, maybe he had been for dinner, there is a chance he was not in that area for bar girls considering he lives in that area, or are you going to say that everyone that lives in that area lives there because it is close to bar girls???

I think you need to take time out during the day, log off, get of your ivory tower, read what is written and not to try and dissect everything to the point where you can make scurrilous accusations agaisnt a poster for no reason other than to try and make yourself feel better.

See, now I am assuming, no doubt you you have a go at me for assuming whilst totally ignoring the fact that this is what you do all the time.

Me thinks you need to pull the panties out of your crack that have got all bunched up. laugh.gif

I think you need to stop accusing people of committing crimes, firstly you accuse the OP of soliciting prostitutes, now you also accuse me of committing a crime, very libelous, this has been reported now to the moderators and hopefully they deal with this, it seems you think you can post with immunity so now we will see. A few weeks ago you questioned by career and tried to belittle that, I have seen you do this with many posters, well to use your phrase about 'needing', i think you need to get laid or at least get a life away from this forum.

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As for my advice, my advice throughout this thread has been for him to act within the law and to let the police deal with the matter, however as this is thailand he may have to pay the police to DO their job,

ie act within the law except when you feel you need to break the law whistling.gif

ITs quite normal to pay the police to do their job. My gf/wife did it when money was stolen from her and we had proof who did it. They just did not want to act without a donation. It is sad but true.

Don't worry, Nisa thinks she knows everything about everything whilst in reality she knows very little, I have reported her post for defamation, accusing me of a committing a crime is not on.

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I think you need to stop accusing people of committing crimes, firstly you accuse the OP of soliciting prostitutes, now you also accuse me of committing a crime, very libelous, this has been reported now to the moderators and hopefully they deal with this, it seems you think you can post with immunity so now we will see. A few weeks ago you questioned by career and tried to belittle that, I have seen you do this with many posters, well to use your phrase about 'needing', i think you need to get laid or at least get a life away from this forum.

You really need to have some thicker skin and not get yourself all worked up over forum postings of people expressing their thoughts and opinions. The outrage you show over your perceived disrespect of the OP is silly especially given the fact he didn't feel disrespected and understood my speculation and in fact thanked me in a later post. I also never accused the OP of soliciting a prostitution. I simply took what I believed were the facts at hand and expressed an opinion. And do you not see the laugh.gif after my post above? If you are going to post here you really need to have some thicker skin. And by the way in case you didn;t know ... It is illegal to pay the police "to do their job" as you describe. But again, if you weren't so emotional you might see I was making an obvious joke.

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thanks to everyone for the posts, for what it's worth:

1) I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks this visit and believe it or not, I haven't slept with anyone the whole time, though it'll be hard for most people to believe. The previous postings about cheap viagra would've been a long time ago. So, no chance of me upsetting a working girl.

2) I hadn't had a single drink - I'd gone to the pub to watch late-night football but they didn't have it on so I was walking back home.

3) It must have been at least a few punches - I've got cuts and a black eye one side, and a very bruised other side of head!

3) The (visa) lawyer I spoke to, plus at least one poster, seem to think that unless I can get my best witness (a man who paid for me to go to Thong Lor police station and gave me a piece of paper identifying the attacker) to put what he saw in writing, I've no chance of getting anywhere near a court. The lawyer said it might cost me thousands of baht to even try. The guy probably has no money, so no point chasing compo.

I'm never drunk nowadays. Call this a battery or assault what you will, it would certainly count as ABH (actual bodily harm) in the UK or assault somewhere else. I now realize first-hand, however, that things are very different here.

It's easy for someone to suggest I pay to have this guy beaten up but his helpful colleague took me home - they all know where I live now so I don't fancy stirring this up more than it already is.

So thanks but right now I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to take action, cheers Alan

Thanks for clearing up these things Alan and hope you feel better soon. Do you have any opinion of why this might have happened such as mistaken identity, the guy was on drugs or somebody (likely a female who would hire a thug) )who might have perceived you did something wrong to them in the last few weeks? I'm not sure what you remember such as the guys demeanor when he first approached you but it sounds like you don't remember much after the first punch and if he actually said anything to you .... maybe the witness can enlighten you. I really hope you do have somebody talk to this guy (or move) and find out what happened. It has got to be driving you nuts cause it has me perplexed but also has me concerned the incident may not be over especially if you are doing something that unknowingly upset this guy. As you know things are different here but I would not let this one incident put you off though it might be hard. In my comment about battery vs. assault I was simply trying to say punching somebody is not a very serious crime in many countries (except for the person being punched).

Let us know if you find out more or what you decide to do. Personally I would not be able to easily let it go without knowing why he did this or moving so you are not reminded of it every day you pass him on the corner.

Best of luck moving forward.

Nisa are you Thai by any chance? Your comments certainly show that responsibility for the actions of a motorcycle driver is not serious enough for the police to do their job, for which they get paid for by the way. Also it also seems that taking the law into your hands is an acceptable practice, something your friend has done often, which you claim. Without seeming to be harsh, I find this disgraceful and it is the attitude like this, that keeps the country in a perplexed, disgraceful, lawless country. I would disagree that punching someone is serious enough here and can get people put in prison. I could say that throwing a flip flop and showing the sole of your foot is harmless but as you know, it is considered different here.

The guy has been beaten up (in a cowardly way so often here) and people (some Thai and some not) try to pass it off as acceptable. I bet if the guy in question went over and beat the Thai taxi motorcycle driver the police and everyone else who feel they could make some money would be very interested. It ceratinly would be considered serious.

My advice to the OP is this. Go to the Police again with someone who can speak Thai and then hint he will be going to the embassy and foriegn press regarding the matter. Write down everyones name he speaks to in a friendly way. Be very polite and if that doesn't work call on Nisa's friend who will go and beat up the guy for you (that was a joke) Good luck but don't accept that you should just roll over and do nothing, there are far to many people who do that here and then complain when the airport gets taken over or bombs get thrown in tourist areas.

It is about time people stood up and said NO! This is not acceptable, the police should do their job or get out, the people should rally and get decent politicians in power and the 'common person' should take responsibility for the state this wonderful place could be.

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I think you need to stop accusing people of committing crimes, firstly you accuse the OP of soliciting prostitutes, now you also accuse me of committing a crime, very libelous, this has been reported now to the moderators and hopefully they deal with this, it seems you think you can post with immunity so now we will see. A few weeks ago you questioned by career and tried to belittle that, I have seen you do this with many posters, well to use your phrase about 'needing', i think you need to get laid or at least get a life away from this forum.

You really need to have some thicker skin and not get yourself all worked up over forum postings of people expressing their thoughts and opinions. The outrage you show over your perceived disrespect of the OP is silly especially given the fact he didn't feel disrespected and understood my speculation and in fact thanked me in a later post. I also never accused the OP of soliciting a prostitution. I simply took what I believed were the facts at hand and expressed an opinion. And do you not see the laugh.gif after my post above? If you are going to post here you really need to have some thicker skin. And by the way in case you didn;t know ... It is illegal to pay the police "to do their job" as you describe. But again, if you weren't so emotional you might see I was making an obvious joke.

So based on no evidence whatsoever you accuse the guy of going with bar girls and claim that could be why he was attacked, to back up this theory you then claim he posted before about cheap viagra, yeah real class act you are.

Also this is Thailand, it is very different from say the UK, where as a police officer you are not allowed a second income for fear of not doing your job correctly, here in Thailand that does not exist and gifts are part of the norm. Here it is not illegal to give a donation to aid the police to do their job, it is however illegal to bribe the police to no do their job.

You have defamed me, you have accused me of a crime, I do not see it as a joke, hopefully the moderators will deal with it and hopefully a little suspension should go someway to showing you the error of your ways, it has nothing to do with thick skin, many years as a police officer gave me thick skin, but i do object to some 'know it all' on a forum defaming me.

Hope that is clear.

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thanks to everyone for the posts, for what it's worth:

1) I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks this visit and believe it or not, I haven't slept with anyone the whole time, though it'll be hard for most people to believe. The previous postings about cheap viagra would've been a long time ago. So, no chance of me upsetting a working girl.

2) I hadn't had a single drink - I'd gone to the pub to watch late-night football but they didn't have it on so I was walking back home.

3) It must have been at least a few punches - I've got cuts and a black eye one side, and a very bruised other side of head!

3) The (visa) lawyer I spoke to, plus at least one poster, seem to think that unless I can get my best witness (a man who paid for me to go to Thong Lor police station and gave me a piece of paper identifying the attacker) to put what he saw in writing, I've no chance of getting anywhere near a court. The lawyer said it might cost me thousands of baht to even try. The guy probably has no money, so no point chasing compo.

I'm never drunk nowadays. Call this a battery or assault what you will, it would certainly count as ABH (actual bodily harm) in the UK or assault somewhere else. I now realize first-hand, however, that things are very different here.

It's easy for someone to suggest I pay to have this guy beaten up but his helpful colleague took me home - they all know where I live now so I don't fancy stirring this up more than it already is.

So thanks but right now I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to take action, cheers Alan

Thanks for clearing up these things Alan and hope you feel better soon. Do you have any opinion of why this might have happened such as mistaken identity, the guy was on drugs or somebody (likely a female who would hire a thug) )who might have perceived you did something wrong to them in the last few weeks? I'm not sure what you remember such as the guys demeanor when he first approached you but it sounds like you don't remember much after the first punch and if he actually said anything to you .... maybe the witness can enlighten you. I really hope you do have somebody talk to this guy (or move) and find out what happened. It has got to be driving you nuts cause it has me perplexed but also has me concerned the incident may not be over especially if you are doing something that unknowingly upset this guy. As you know things are different here but I would not let this one incident put you off though it might be hard. In my comment about battery vs. assault I was simply trying to say punching somebody is not a very serious crime in many countries (except for the person being punched).

Let us know if you find out more or what you decide to do. Personally I would not be able to easily let it go without knowing why he did this or moving so you are not reminded of it every day you pass him on the corner.

Best of luck moving forward.

Nisa are you Thai by any chance? Your comments certainly show that responsibility for the actions of a motorcycle driver is not serious enough for the police to do their job, for which they get paid for by the way. Also it also seems that taking the law into your hands is an acceptable practice, something your friend has done often, which you claim. Without seeming to be harsh, I find this disgraceful and it is the attitude like this, that keeps the country in a perplexed, disgraceful, lawless country. I would disagree that punching someone is serious enough here and can get people put in prison. I could say that throwing a flip flop and showing the sole of your foot is harmless but as you know, it is considered different here.

The guy has been beaten up (in a cowardly way so often here) and people (some Thai and some not) try to pass it off as acceptable. I bet if the guy in question went over and beat the Thai taxi motorcycle driver the police and everyone else who feel they could make some money would be very interested. It ceratinly would be considered serious.

My advice to the OP is this. Go to the Police again with someone who can speak Thai and then hint he will be going to the embassy and foriegn press regarding the matter. Write down everyones name he speaks to in a friendly way. Be very polite and if that doesn't work call on Nisa's friend who will go and beat up the guy for you (that was a joke) Good luck but don't accept that you should just roll over and do nothing, there are far to many people who do that here and then complain when the airport gets taken over or bombs get thrown in tourist areas.

It is about time people stood up and said NO! This is not acceptable, the police should do their job or get out, the people should rally and get decent politicians in power and the 'common person' should take responsibility for the state this wonderful place could be.

I never said anything remotely close to saying this guy should take the law into his own hands. As for what people I know and am friendly with in my complex certainly have nothing to do with my own believes. I am friends with many people from bar girls to ladyboys and i am neither. But more importantly I related a story of somebody who lives in my condo ... I believed I used the word "I know a girl" and didn't say she was a "friend" as you claim or in anyway shape form condone her actions or in any way shape form say her behavior dictates mine. So, it doesn't at all seem to be a rational conclusion you are jumping to.

As for the crime not being serious enough for the cops to take action ... well we can only go by the Thai Police and Tourist Police lack of interest in pursuing as well as the actual laws that doesn't rate this in terms of seriousness as it would if the attacker had a weapons (the example I used).

As for this guy pushing the police to do something. I completely disagree as does the OP whose choice it is. It will gain him nothing and could result in more problems for him and WILL NOT result in the accused doing any jail time unless their are other factors involved such as the taxi driver being on probation. Lastly I believe I gave advice to the OP in terms of how to pursue this if he chose with the police.

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So based on no evidence whatsoever you accuse the guy of going with bar girls and claim that could be why he was attacked, to back up this theory you then claim he posted before about cheap viagra, yeah real class act you are.

No, I never accused the guy of going with bar girls and expressed an opinion and at the same time I expressed that opinion I said I could be wrong. As for bases of this opinion was the fact of where he said he was staying, his age, the time he has been in Thailand as well as the previous post (not claimed but factual) in his expressing interest in buying cheap Viagra. If you want to pretend the area he is staying is not overrun with working girls so be it. if you want to pretend retires don't come to Thailand in vast numbers for cheap sex with young girls so be it. If you want to believe the vast amounts of Viagra sold in BKK are not to the retired having sex with the younger girls so be it.

I also mentioned this could just be 1 of the possible reasons for what happened.

The OP says he has not had sex with any working girls (and added he knows it is hard to believe) and I believe him. So, was I wrong in my speculation about one of the reasons this might have happened .. certainly. Do I feel ashamed, embarrassed or silly for speculating such a thing ... absolutely not. I will be wrong again in the future (many times) especially when I speculate about things where few facts are known but it is still enjoyable to do when the negative consequences of such actions only seem to upset thin skinned overly emotional people.

Edited by Nisa
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stop editing my posts, it is agaisnt forum rules, as for the other issue I have reported the matter and the mods can deal with it. It is also against forum rules to flame other posters, I would suggest that accusing someone of sleeping with bar girls with no evidence whatsoever is flaming, it is not about being thin or thick skinned, it is about forum rules, and since you do not know the individual you have no idea whether he will be offended or not by your wrong comments and assumptions, that is why the forum has rules, the rules are not open to interpretation based on who is posting.

You make offensive comments, you have done this since you started, the fact you don't give a dam_n whether others are offended or not speaks volumes in my opinion, as I said, you have no idea whether the person will be offended or not so you are running a risk, and the forum rules are in place to avoid this, If i made a post about getting hit in the street and you jumped in saying it must be because I have upset a bar girl or some other such nonsense the I would be offended, firstly you don't know me, and secondly I would be offended that your stereotype of men here must be that they are all whoremongerers that upset bar girls and get beat up for it, I reiterate you made this assumption based on NO evidence whatsoever, you based this on the fact he was on a Soi on Sukhumvit road, now no doubt you can spout some nonsense (well you have already tried) to ry and justify this incorrect assumption, and now you can try and brush it off as saying the person you accuse was not offended, but the fact is you have no idea whether he would be or not, you still chose to cast aspersions based on nothing more that your small stereotypical mind.

I have nothing more to add, blubber on all you want with excuses, but the fact remains your posts have been reported and hopefully they will be dealt with.

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stop editing my posts, it is agaisnt forum rules

I have not edited your posts. Forum etiquette states you should only quote the relevant part of quotes. I don't mean this as a slight at all but you really need to calm down and try to not take things so seriously (sometimes we all do). This is an internet forum and you don't know me and I don't know you. We have no bearing on each others life and we have no idea if what people say here is true or not or who they are. For all we know the OP is a 13-year old kid in the UK having a laugh on all of us. I don't believe this to be the case but certainly wouldn't be shocked or let it upset me if it was the case.

What I expect from TV to happen is all these bickering off topic comments to be deleted ... and if I had thought better I would never have got sucked into this but I really want to offer you the advice of learning to not take things so seriously. It is just not a happy existence. We are here as a hobby (for lack of a better description) and it certainly is okay to disagree and debate but getting emotionally worked up is not healthy. It happens to all of us but at some point you need to be aware it is not healthy and this is simply a place for people to comment, share opinions and experiences and debate issues. It is also the internet and a person's tone cannot always be easily understood. So, often we have to give the poster the benefit of the doubt that their intention is not to offend or be disrespectful.

Edited by Nisa
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