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Hypothetical Scenario


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Well I read a post on another thread that got me thinking. The thread was about having a heart attack and the poster said you shouldn't drive if you suspect you are having one as you could put others in danger if you were to pass out.. I thought to myself so what should you do if there is no reasonable chance for getting help otherwise? Given the situation here with medical response services and possible misunderstandings in such a situation would you just lay down and die a potential hero and nobody knowing so? Personally I think not, I think I'd have to try to save myself I have a family to consider as well so the risk has to be taken..

Now here's the scenario: Let's for the sake of argument put aside religious beliefs or thoughts about the afterlife and whether or not it exists that's for another thread.. Let your closed minds open up and consider that in this thread it exists and it's everything that's been predicted and we have awareness, consciousness, thoughts, and feelings though not quite the same as we have here, obviously difficult to define but as has been discussed about the afterlife and this occurs..

You're driving along with your family and suddenly you get a sharp pain in your chest associated with other common symptoms but you don't pass out or double over etc. and you suspect a heart attack in process or about to happen. You know of a hospital close by and your family is with you, you would likely die if you had to pull over and try to get some help while waiting but have a realistic chance of getting there and living.

You decide to drive to the hospital but the worst case happens and you crash and perish in the accident, once you've gone over you realize your family is there too so they too have perished due to your decision, but now you're all together in a new dimension and life strand. Do you feel guilty and sad for them not being back in this world having cut their life short by not pulling over and then killing them too or do you feel relief and a sense of joy for having them with you on the other side?? I don't have an answer but it's been on my mind which is why I posted this thread to get other peoples thinking on it..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Well, if you meet your family in the afterlife, then what does it matter? You'd all be in heaven since kids don't go to hell, they being innocent and all that stuff. Right?

On the other hand, chances are you won't meet anyone and you'll just be dead. No heaven, no hell, and most likely in little severed bits and pieces with your brains gushing out if you had a car crash. You wouldn't know it, but you would have just killed your family and most likely a few innocent people along the way. Not the best legacy to leave.

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Not with the chaps, but that's another thread too.. All those who gave this serious consideration thanks for you responses... I didn't see any real answers about the actual question though? Mostly dodging. How would you feel about your decision if it unfortunately involved your family in the end?

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I can't believe that there wouldn't be a taxi available somewhere if you are feeling like your life is in imminent danger from a heart attack.

Having spent most of my life in places where there was no source of medical help in an emergency, I don't worry about what MIGHT happen in the future, other than to take more precautions in risky areas. If I worried too much I'd never ride a motorcycle in Asian traffic.

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Ian??................. Taxi??.................. While your having a heart attack?? Are you serious????

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Obviously the answer of someone who lives in the city too :whistling::lol: .. Besides the fact that the scenario says you're already driving....

Proper preparation for any emergency can make the difference between life and death.. I guess a parent with family responsibilities thinks about these things more :) ..

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Ian??................. Taxi??.................. While your having a heart attack?? Are you serious????

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Obviously the answer of someone who lives in the city too :whistling::lol: .. Besides the fact that the scenario says you're already driving....

Proper preparation for any emergency can make the difference between life and death.. I guess a parent with family responsibilities thinks about these things more :) ..

If you are driving alone when the first pain hits then you take it one step at a time. A massive coronary siezure is self determining... You don't do anything but die. If there are others in the car with you then pull over and let them decide your fate. If none of your passengers can drive then a taxi that arrives within minutes is much better than an ambulance that might take half an hour to get on the scene. Of course, I am talking about a city situation. In the wilderness where I spend a lot of my time you either die or survive on your own. I HAVE carried or taken people out of the wilderness who've had minor heart attacks or bad injuries.

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the worst case happens and you crash and perish in the accident, once you've gone over you realize your family is there too so they too have perished due to your decision, but now you're all together in a new dimension and life strand. Do you feel guilty and sad for them not being back in this world having cut their life short by not pulling over and then killing them too or do you feel relief and a sense of joy for having them with you on the other side?? I don't have an answer but it's been on my mind which is why I posted this thread to get other peoples thinking on it..

Wow. Get a life. Or maybe get an afterlife. And stop wasting the few years you have here on pointless wonderings.

There is no God. There is no afterlife. You are born. You live. You die. The end (for you, and anyone else who happens to go at the same time).

You want a worthwhile question to ponder over? "Why do some apparently sensible and coherent people delude themselves with absurd beliefs that you are anything after you die, or that there is any mystical element at all to either life or death"?

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Get the wife or one of the kids to drive you.

If the car crashes it's not your fault.

then again who caused you to have a heart attack?

Was it your unhealthy life style?

Gods wrath?

Catch up from a previous life?

So many questions

So little timerolleyes.gif

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If I believed that there was an afterlife, I'd leave it all to me. :blink:

As for keeping an open mind, I prefer to keep my mind closed in case God takes a shit in it.<_<

Nice...... Maybe next time you should avoid threads that request you to keep an open mind then...

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Ian??................. Taxi??.................. While your having a heart attack?? Are you serious????

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Obviously the answer of someone who lives in the city too :whistling::lol: .. Besides the fact that the scenario says you're already driving....

Proper preparation for any emergency can make the difference between life and death.. I guess a parent with family responsibilities thinks about these things more :) ..

If you are driving alone when the first pain hits then you take it one step at a time. A massive coronary siezure is self determining... You don't do anything but die. If there are others in the car with you then pull over and let them decide your fate. If none of your passengers can drive then a taxi that arrives within minutes is much better than an ambulance that might take half an hour to get on the scene. Of course, I am talking about a city situation. In the wilderness where I spend a lot of my time you either die or survive on your own. I HAVE carried or taken people out of the wilderness who've had minor heart attacks or bad injuries.

Sorry can't see that at all letting my panicking wife who relies on me to make most of those tough decisions as do my children making such a life changing decision on everyones behalf at least I can live or die with my making the decision.. Anyway still not an answer to the actual scenario posed..

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the worst case happens and you crash and perish in the accident, once you've gone over you realize your family is there too so they too have perished due to your decision, but now you're all together in a new dimension and life strand. Do you feel guilty and sad for them not being back in this world having cut their life short by not pulling over and then killing them too or do you feel relief and a sense of joy for having them with you on the other side?? I don't have an answer but it's been on my mind which is why I posted this thread to get other peoples thinking on it..

Wow. Get a life. Or maybe get an afterlife. And stop wasting the few years you have here on pointless wonderings.

There is no God. There is no afterlife. You are born. You live. You die. The end (for you, and anyone else who happens to go at the same time).

You want a worthwhile question to ponder over? "Why do some apparently sensible and coherent people delude themselves with absurd beliefs that you are anything after you die, or that there is any mystical element at all to either life or death"?

Wow! Crap in someone elses thread I asked for an open mind and clearly you aren't capable of such a task it must be above you..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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My ex-husband had been complaining about difficulties in breathing and a pain in the chest for two days. I told him to see a doctor, but he refused and as we were both working (and it wasn't too serious) I let him get away with it.

The second day was a Saturday morning, so I insisted we go to our doctor. He came out, said everything was fine and drove us home. ONLY when we got home did he admit his doctor had told him to let me drive him straight to a hospital! (He didn't trust my driving, and to be honest I don't blame him).

Fortunately, the hospital was round the corner, so we walked there. He'd had a minor heart-attack and was building up for the big one.

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Get the wife or one of the kids to drive you.

If the car crashes it's not your fault.

then again who caused you to have a heart attack?

Was it your unhealthy life style?

Gods wrath?

Catch up from a previous life?

So many questions

So little timerolleyes.gif

I see, there has to be some underlying reason for a heart attack and someone has to be to blame?? Not part of the scenario but thanks for playing :blink: .................Not...................

Good God! Or who ever! Is there not one single person with a modicum of intellect that can give a sincere answer on this topic??

With the exception of just a few posters who've given it some thought most are just witless trolls... I don't mind a few jokes and razzes I expect that as it's kind of deep for most to digest and a tough topic people wouldn't really want to confront since it forces you think about death, family and responsibility but the others are just mindless...

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First off, I would kick my wife out of the car and drive like a mad git. There is no reason to risk her life as well as the other road users.

In the scenario you raised I would be pretty upset with myself. I would equate my actions as murder or at least manslaughter. There is also the issue that we have been married for 25 years. After that length of time, a change in the next life may be welcome. But oh, no, she has to follow me there too!! :lol: Is it possible to feel guilty and pis*ed off at the same time?

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My ex-husband had been complaining about difficulties in breathing and a pain in the chest for two days. I told him to see a doctor, but he refused and as we were both working (and it wasn't too serious) I let him get away with it.

The second day was a Saturday morning, so I insisted we go to our doctor. He came out, said everything was fine and drove us home. ONLY when we got home did he admit his doctor had told him to let me drive him straight to a hospital! (He didn't trust my driving, and to be honest I don't blame him).

Fortunately, the hospital was round the corner, so we walked there. He'd had a minor heart-attack and was building up for the big one.

Thank you for your honest response F1.. In my case my wife can't drive a go kart in spite of many attempts in teaching her so her driving is out of the question in a case like that if may say so I think your husband was foolish and selfish not to trust your driving and keeping you and the family safe as well as not going to the doctor earlier, bad choices all around and he is one lucky guy for it to have worked out, I think he used a few lives up in that one...

Still struggling for an answer to the scenario posed though and your story is good example to comment on.. Now if your husband had let you drive and the worst case happened how do you think you would feel if you realized your family was on the other side with you? The life there is better and you're all together again but they were deprived of this life and it was your's and your husbands decision that caused it...

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First off, I would kick my wife out of the car and drive like a mad git. There is no reason to risk her life as well as the other road users.

In the scenario you raised I would be pretty upset with myself. I would equate my actions as murder or at least manslaughter. There is also the issue that we have been married for 25 years. After that length of time, a change in the next life may be welcome. But oh, no, she has to follow me there too!! :lol: Is it possible to feel guilty and pis*ed off at the same time?

Excellent Garry!! Real thinking and some real humor, what a refreshing thing.. Not sure about saving anyone else though if you're driving like a mad git, maybe the wife is safe but..................

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