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Company/Shop To Make A Rubber Signature Stamp


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I saw a pile of stamp handles awaiting their rubber stamp faces in the Tesco shop that does business cards. I suspect any shop that does business cards would be able to accomodate you, whether it be in house or sent out to be done. I used a signature stamp for a number of years in the US until some of my associates got together and authored a very damaging letter with my signature at the bottom. After my heart palpitations subsided, I detected it was my stamp that had been used, as I had a slight defect in the stamp that identified it to me only.

Subsequently I destroyed the signature stamp and reduced the size of my signature to a simple, easily jotted signature "logo" which was largely a representation of two of my initials and I have been signing all documents, letters etc with that "logo" "initials" ever since.

Your signature is anything you establish it to be, including an "X". I do know there are ways to create facsimile signatures on your computer as well. All the foregoing is good unless you want to have your signature created in your absence with all the dangers that entails.

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